ISSA Homework 1-Interior lights application Solved

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Laboratory 1 – Interior lights application

Interior lights interface

Exercise 1: Open and close one “led” 0.5p

button must clear all the “leds” when is pressed. Complete the close_all_leds function in order to do this action.

button must open and close 1 LED when is pressed using set_interior_lights Complete the specific function to do this action.



Exercise 2: Sweep all leds 0.5p

button must give “One led at a time” effect when is pressed.

MyThread_sweep needs to be used to make the state machine, and sweep_leds function will be used in order to switch the states emitted by thread to change “leds” state.

HINT: Use set4leds in order to change colors for “leds”.

Exercise 3: Control led brightness

Percentage spin box
percentage. The progress bar
through all the values until his value is equal with led brightness percentage, on a real led it would give the fade effect.

Progress bar value is stored in a variable and in the valuechange function is checked if it is bigger or smaller than the spin box value.

If progress bar value is smaller than the spin box value you should fade out from the actual brightness (meaning the progress bar percentage) to the next brightness (meaning the spin box percentage).

Change “change_pb_down_value” function to make this action work.

If progress bar value is bigger than the spin box value you should fade in from the actual brightness (meaning the progress bar percentage) to the next brightness (meaning the spin box percentage).

Change “change_pb_up_value” function to make this action work. HINT: Use ENTER key after setting the value you want for the spin box.


is scaled between 0-100, this means the led brightness isalsoscaledbetween0-100andmustgo


Exercise 4: KL control 0.5p

Kl is the abbreviation from ‘klemme’, which is the German term for connector/connection.

no_KL – all the “leds” are closed
KL_S – l1, grey color (is the ignition switch position #1 – accessory) KL_15 – l2, green color (ignition switch position #2 – ON)
KL_50 – l3, red color (ignition switch position #3 – start, CRANKING) KL_75 – l4, blue color (ENGINE RUNNING)
*l1,l2,l3,l4 are set_bg_colors arguments

KL_list is a list that contain all the KL’s. Using and through all this list and set the following status for current KL:

Klemme Leds state

you have to go

Visual representation


all 4 leds closed


just KL_S led open



KL_s, KL_15 leds open


KL_s, KL_15, KL_50, KL_75 leds open


KL_s, KL_15, KL_50, KL_75 leds open

Complete KL_lights function to make this application work. Description of existing functions:
set_bg_colors – setting the color of each led.

prev_kl_function – when button is pressed it changes the current KL to the previous KL.

next_kl_function – when button is pressed it changes the current KL to the next KL. 4

set_enable – set button to disable when current KL is no_KL and set the “Next KL” button to disable when current KL is KL_75.

Exercise 5: Obstacle detection 0.5p

Let’s start talking about the widgets that we use to make this exercise running. On the left side of the “Left Door”/ ”Right door” buttons there is a spin box. This spin box is actually the obstacle. The spin box is scaled between 0-100 (meaning the distance in cm that a door can open). Setting a value between 0-100 we fix an obstacle at the given value.

There are also 2 sliders, those sliders are also scaled between 0-100.

The “Left Door”/ ”Right door” button are making all the magic, because after we set the obstacle we just press one of these buttons to simulate an open door.

open_door_left/open_door_right are the functions handler for above buttons. When they are pressed the function should make the slider go through all the values until the obstacle value is reached, not more.

valuechange_right_slider/valuechange_left_slider are the functions handler for the sliders, when the slider is moved these functions are called. This functions should stop the slider moving to values bigger than the spin box value (obstacle).

*value 0 in the spin box is considered “no obstacle present”.
Complete above specified functions to make the obstacle detection work.


Info! exercises 6,7,8,9,10 use setWarningLights to set the color of the LEDs
Exercise 6: Warning Lights 0.5p

When the button is pressed for the first time 4 LEDs will flash until the button is pressed again. If Right Signaling or Left Signaling are on, they must be switched off during the operation of the Warning Lights, after that it must resume their functionality.

Complete the specific functions to do this action.

Exercise 7: Left Signaling 0.5p

When the button is pressed for the first time 2 LEDs will flash until the button is pressed again.

If Warning Lights are on while Left Signaling is actioned, warning lights should stay on hold while left signaling is executed and after it is stopped, warning lights must continue the execution until it is stopped.

If Right Signaling is on while Left Signaling is actioned, it must be set to off and continue only with the left signaling action.

Complete the specific functions to do this action.

Exercise 8: Right Signaling 0.5p

When the button is pressed for the first time 2 LEDs will flash until the button is pressed again.

If Warning Lights are on while Right Signaling is actioned, warning lights should stay on hold while right signaling is executed and after it is stopped, warning lights must continue execution until it is stopped.


If Left Signaling is on while Right Signaling is actioned, it must be set to off and continue only with the left signaling action.

Complete the specific functions to do this action.

Useful for next exercises:

The button must turn on and off a led. Complete carLight function to do this. (as in set_interior_lights function)

*use setcarLight function to light the “led”
Exercise 9: 0.5p

When the button is pressed Warning Lights must flash for 2 times and the Car Light must be switched on if it is off. Car Light must be switched off after the care is successfully unlocked.

Exercise 10: 0.5p

When the buttons is pressed Warning Lights must flash 1 time and Car Light must be switched off if it is on.

