ISSA Lab 2- Safety and Security Solved

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In this laboratory the main reason is to understand how RSA Algorithm works and the way it is used in automotive.

• Exercise 1
Complete with a function called encrypt that encrypts the hex number sent by the client, using public key, with the method described in the Documentation.

• Exercise 2
Complete with a function called decrypt that decrypts the hex number received by the server, using public key, with the method described in the Documentation.

• Exercise 3
Complete with a function called low_check that check if the low part of the hex number is 0x01 ( LOW = 0x01 ).

• Exercise 4
Complete with a function called number_check that check if HIGH = ~LOW, where LOW = 0x01.

*** In there are 2 global variables flag(number check flag) and flag_low(LOW = 0x01). These have to be used in ex. 7.

• Exercise 5
In complete the start_server function in order to create the server as described in the documentation. The server needs to listen to the messages from client. Generate the public and private key (using generate_keypair function from You can use 277,239 as argument for the function. Server needs to send the public key and private key to the client. The client needs to store the keys in order to complete the next exercises.
In complete the start_client function in order to create the client as described in documentation (using socket). Here you must read public and private key from the server.

• Exercise 6
In complete the function send_key_data, that is the action function for the key button, to encrypt the unlockCar variable, with the public key, and send it to the client.

• Exercise 7
In complete the function recv_messages_handler, this function is listening for the messages sent from the client, to decrypt the received messages and check if there is invalid low part (LOW!=0x01) or if the number doesn’t have the format HIGH = ~LOW. If one of the errors appears than send a message to the client. If there is no errors than send a message to the client to let it know that all the conditions are met.

• Exercise 8
In complete the function recv_handler, this function is listening for the messages sent from the client, to decrypt the received messages.
If the received message is the unlockCar variable than set airbag, corrupted_low and corrupted_high buttons enable.
If the received message is an error message than display in one of the labels (corrupted_low_label,corrupted_high_label) a text.
If the received message is with no errors, than display a text in airbag_on_label

• Exercise 9
In complete the function send_on_data, that is the action function for the Airbag on button, to encrypt the airbag_on variable, with the public key, and send it to the server.

• Exercise 10
In complete the function send_corrupted_low, that is the action function for the Corrupted low button, to encrypt the corrupted_low variable, with the public key, and send it to the server.

• Exercise 11
In complete the function send_corrupted_high, that is the action function for the Corrupted high button, to encrypt the corrupted_high variable, with the public key, and send it to the server.
