ECE2220 Lab6-Decoders and Encoders Solved

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In this lab, you will start by building a “3-8 decoder”, a block diagram for which is shown in the figure below. The decoder has 3 inputs (in0, in1, in2) and 8 outputs (out0, out1, out2, out3, out4, out5, out6, out7). Based on the input values only one output will be set to 1 with the remaining outputs set to 0. For example, the first row in the truth table indicates that if the inputs to the decoder are in0=0, in1=0, and in2=0, then out0=1 and the remaining outputs are set to 0. If instead the inputs to the decoder are in0=0, in1=1, and in2=1, then the fourth row of the truth table indicates output out3=1 and the remaining outputs are set to 0.

  1. Complete the truth table below.



In2 in1 in0 out0 out1 out2 out3 out4 out5 out6 out7
0 0 0                
0 0 1                
0 1 0                
0 1 1                
1 0 0                
1 0 1                
1 1 0                
1 1 1                



  1. Implement the decoder behaviorally using Verilog, following the specifications in the truth table. Run a function simulation of the code.  Using 3 switches for the inputs and 8 LEDs to display the outputs, implement the code using only primitives (AND, OR, NOT etc.) or their symbols ($, |, ~ etc.) on the DE10 board. Rewrite the code using a “case” statement.




Show the completed table, Verilog code, simulation and              working hardware to the TA.  

                                                                                                               TA’s signature



Priority Encoders

A priority encoder is a “one-hot” encoder where each input has an associated priority level and the output identifies the input with the highest priority. The input with a high priority is asserted and the rest of the inputs are ignored.


  1. Design a 8-3 priority encoder where the 8 inputs are encoded in order such that in[7] has the highest priority and in[0] has the lowest priority. The data is only valid if another output, z=1. If no inputs are selected (In=0), z=0. Start by filling out the truth table below.


In[7] In[6] In[5] In[4] In[3] In[2] In[1] In[0] Out[2] Out[1] Out[0] z














  1. Implement this circuit in Verilog using the row by row technique that was demonstrated in class. Create a Boolean expression for each row in the truth table. Calculate the output,




Show the completed table, Verilog code, simulation and              working hardware to the TA.  

                                                                                                                     TA’s signature




  1. e) Now implement this circuit using a “casex”



Show the completed table, Verilog code, simulation and working hardware to the TA.  

                                                                                                            TA’s signature


