CPP Assignment 4

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In general always write your name and date of creation as comments in the files and
try to be “user friendly” when you write the code:
● Add comments on the code to remember yourself and the other what
the code does
● Manage the possible errors in the input given by the user
The 70% of this assignment is everything a part from point 6
Now we are going to simulate a very simple model of the solar system in which we ignore
the interactions among the planets and we assume the planets are just rotating on
circumferences around the sun.
1. Create a class Planet that has the data members of name (type string), mass and
coordinates on a planet(type double) in km. Create this in its own separate files (.cc
and .h) and define member setter and getter functions for each of the data members.
a. In your main program, read the file Planets_data.txt line by line and
instantiate a new object of your class for each planet. Test your setter and
getter functions to ensure they work as expected.
b. Store all your planets in a vector and try to add elements to the vector while
you read the file.
c. To check that the setter/getter functions work properly iterate on the vector
and print the information you stored on each planet
2. Create a class SolarPlanet (.cc and .h) that inherits from the previous one all the
functions, constructors and members but contains additional members: time, G
(constant), mass of the sun, radius from the sun, angular_speed.
a. Write the constructors and all the functions of this class making sure you use
as much as possible of the class previously defined.
3. Add a new function to the class, Evolve(double dt), which will change the coordinates
of your planets using the interval of time dt. To calculate the new coordinates just
consider that the trajectory of the planets depends only on the distance from the sun,
the sun mass (1.9890e+30) and G(6.673e-20).
4. Now you can evolve all your planets in main. For each planet evaluate the new x and
y coordinates of the planet after a fixed interval of time dt till a certain time total_t,
these two quantities need to be provided from the user as a command line arguments
5. The output should be a new file for each Planet (named after the planet) that
contains a line for each step in the evolution detailing the time from the beginning
and the x and y coordinates of the Planet. Check that your program works in
producing circular orbits for the planets (if you save the file as .csv you can use
6. Use your program to find the orbit times of all the planets and print the result on the
terminal for each planet.

  • CppAssignment4-zoxl0m.zip