Computer Graphics Project #4: SkyBox Design Solved

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❖ Extend the project three to display SkyBox using single image

❖ Create a 3D model using cube WaveFront obj file and place it in the middle of the room
❖ Use proper malloc/realloc memory allocation
(Then you can load more models than just a cube)
❖ follow the steps
• Use “a w d s “ keys to rotate the model
• Use arrow keys to rotate skybox
• Use “j k i l “ to move camera left, right, top, bottom and “o” to reset
• Move right position using keys “1 2 3 4” and 0 to rest
• Use “ z x” to zoom in and out the scene
• Use “space bar” to rest the whole scene

Include your Name, ID, Class and Project Name at the top of the code. Please comment your code describing what each of your code line dose. Save the file as “projectXX.cpp”
