WEB306 Assignment #1- PHP Written Answers Solved

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Instructions: You will be writing an explanatory document in the form of a single PHP file, which answers the following questions:
1. What is PHP and what is it used for?
2. What are the $_SERVER, $_GET and $_POST superglobals and what are they used for?
3. What is a class and what is an object in PHP?
4. What are properties in PHP and in what way(s) do they differ from variables?
5. What are methods in PHP and in what way(s) do they differ from functions?
6. What are magic methods, what is the constructor method specifically, and how do they differ from normal methods?
7. Compare the differences between the public, private and protected keywords.
8. Identify and define the four principles of object-oriented programming and explain in what way(s), each is used in PHP.
9. What is SQL, what is MySQL/MariaDB and what are they used for?
10. What is PHPMyAdmin and what is it used for?

Your answers should be stored in an associative array which holds at least 10 items – 1 for each question and answer – with each item using appropriate strings as keys and values. The questions and answers from the associative array should be looped through, using an appropriate loop, of your choice, and echoed into the body of an HTML page.

Grading breakdown:
• Accuracy, clarity and completeness of written answers and comparisons (70%)
• Inclusion of and quality of sources used (10%)
• Use of PHP (10%)
• Use of HTML (10%)
Your files should contain only valid (as determined by the W3C validator) HTML code. You can use invalid code in the HTML but if you do, you must include a comment beside the invalid code explaining your decision. To properly validate your HTML in your PHP files, you MUST do a “view source” of the page in a web browser. The W3C validator does not understand PHP code. You will lose 2% per type of uncommented HTML validation error. You should not have any PHP errors. You will lose 2% per PHP error which could have been fixed.
Late Policy
All late assignments will be given a grade of zero.

  • web306-assignment1-php-written-answers-nick-cd-r38axo.zip