Web-Programming Assignment 2-JS-LA LA LAND Solved

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This assignment practices unobtrusive JavaScript events and the Document Object Model (DOM). You’ll develop a page with a “maze” to navigate with the mouse. You will only implement maze.js to implement the maze behavior.

The difficulty is in having the dexterity to move the mouse through
without touching any walls. When the mouse cursor touches a wall, all
walls turn red and a "You lost" message shows. Touching the Start
button with the mouse removes the red coloring from the walls.
The maze walls are 5 div elements. Our provided CSS puts the divs into
their proper places. Make it so that when the user clicks the mouse on
the Start square (a div with an id of start), the maze state will
reset. That is, if the maze boundary walls are red, they will all
return to their normal color, so that the user can try to get through
the maze again. Make the "You won" and "You lost" messages appear in
the page itself. The page has an (initially empty) h2 element on the
page with an id of status. Put the win/lose text into that div when
the user finishes the maze.
Add a scoring system. Users gain 5 points when they win and lose 10
when they lose. The restart button should restart the score also,
obviously. Finally, create a local login/signup system where you save
users in the local storage of the browser. Logged in users are able to
retrieve their saved scores.

Enjoy the process 😊

  • Web_Assignment_2-sxpwop.zip