UE803- Data Science Project 2 Solved

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Exercise 1 – Corpus extraction
The goal of this exercise is to compile a parallel corpus from the

Wikipedia online encyclopedia. This corpus will be made of : (i) plain text sentences3,
(ii) key-value pairs corresponding to articles’ infobox (if any),

1 See https://www.wikipedia.org
2 See https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/


3 selected so as to have a roughly bal- anced corpus in terms of training data (each target category should be associated with the same number of sentences)

(iii) triples coming from articles’ corresponding wikidata page. We will focus on the following categories:

• Airports
• Artists
• Astronauts
• Building
• Astronomical_objects • City
• Comics_characters
• Companies

• Foods
• Transport
• Monuments_and_memorials
• Politicians
• Sports_teams
• Sportspeople
• Universities_and_colleges • Written_communication

Step 1 is related to lecture 6 of the course.

The following clause for instance retrieves 100 articles which belong to the Comedy_films category:

PREFIX dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>

PREFIX dbc: <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Category:>

SELECT ?film WHERE { ?film

      dbc:Comedy_films .



Step 2(a) is related to lecture 3 of the course.

The following code snippet for in- stance retrieves the wikipedia page content of a given article:

>>> import wptools
>>> page=wptools.page(‘Stephen Fry’,silent=True) >>> page.get_query()
>>> page.data[‘extract’]
‘<p><b>Stephen Fry</b>…’

Step 2(b) is related to lecture 3 of the course.

The following code snippet for in- stance retrieves the wikipedia infobox of a given article:

>>> import wptools
>>> page=wptools.page(‘Stephen Fry’,silent=True) >>> page.get_parse()
>>> page.data[‘infobox’]
{‘name’: ‘Stephen Fry’, ‘image’: ‘Stephen …’}

Step 2(c) is related to lecture 3 of the course.

The following code snippet for in- stance retrieves the wikidata statements of a given article:

>>> import wptools
>>> page=wptools.page(‘Stephen Fry’,silent=True) >>> page.get_wikidata()
>>> page.data[‘wikidata’]

  u'place of birth (P19)': u'Hampstead (Q25610)',
  u'religion (P140)': u'atheism (Q7066)',
  u'sex or gender (P21)': u'male (Q6581097)',

Concretely, you are required to implement a Python program which takes as a an input:

  • a number k of articles per category,
  • a number n of sentences per article (articles whose content is too

    short should be ignored).

    This extraction task can be realised through the following steps:

  1. For each category c from the list above, retrieve k wikipedia arti-

    cles belonging to c.
    Note that you can use DBpedia to find Wikipedia articles belong-

    ing to a given category.

  2. For each selected Wikipedia article, retrieve:

    (a) the corresponding Wikipedia page content,

(b) the corresponding infobox,

(c) the corresponding wikidata statements (triples).
At the end of this process, you will have in memory, for each article

you selected in step 1:
• the text of the corresponding Wikipedia page ;

• the infobox content ;
• the wikidata statements (triples).
Store these into a csv or a json file and save it on your hard drive. NB: Note there is some overlapping with lab session 1.

ue 803: data science 2

Exercise 2 – Pre-processing, Clustering and Classifying (20 points) Pre-processing (8 points)

Before applying machine learning algorithm to your data, you first need to process text. For each Wikipedia text collected, do the follow- ing:

  • tokenize the text
  • lowercase the tokens
  • remove punctuation and function words

    Do the same for the Wikidata description and store the results in a panda dataframe containing the following columns.

    • column 1: person
    • column 2: Wikipedia page text
    • column 3: Wikipedia page text after preprocessing • column 4: Wikidata description
    • column 5: Wikidata description after preprocessing

Note. To improve clustering and classification results, feel free to add further pre-processing steps (eg Named entity recognition, pos- tagging and extraction of e.g., nouns and verbs); or/and to also pre- process the wikidata statements and the infobox content (note that these are not standard text however).

Clustering (8 points)

The goal of this exercise is to use the collected data (text and wiki- data descriptions) to automatically cluster the Wikipedia documents first, using 16 clusters and second, experimenting with different num- bers of clusters.

Your code should include the following functions:

  • a function to train a clustering algorithm on some data using N clusters
  • a function to compute both intrinsic (Silhouette coefficient) and extrinsic (homogeneity, completeness, v-measure, adjusted Rand index) evaluation scores for clustering results.
  • a function to visualise those metrics values for values of N ranging from 2 to 16.

Here is an example query which re- trieves Barack Obama’s (Q76) descrip- tion from Wikidata:

PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/> PREFIX schema: <http://schema.org/>


wd:Q76 schema:description ?o. FILTER ( lang(?o) = “en” )



ue 803: data science 3

44th president of the United States, from 2009 to 2017

Classifying (4 points)

Since you know which category each document in your dataset be- longs to, you can also learn a classifier and check how well it can predict the category of each document in your dataset.

Your code should include:

  • a function which outputs accuracy, a confusion matrix, precision,

    recall and F1 for the results of your classifier

  • a function which outputs a visualisation of the accuracy of your

    classifier per category

Note. For both clustering and classifying, feel free to experiment outwith the given requirements e.g., providing additional informa- tion about the data through vizualisation techniques of your choice, using additional features (e.g., learning a topic model and using topic information as an additional feature), analysing and visualising your results (eg plotting the loss for dev and train against the quantity of data used for training), comparing results when using all text data vs. using only the wikidata description or only the Wikipedia text etc.

Expected documents, Presentations and grading

At the end of the session, please provide us (for each group) with a zipped directory (zip archive) containing :

  • your commented Python source code ;
  • a README file explaining how to install and run your code ;
  • a REQUIREMENT file listing the libraries used by your code and their version number ;
  • your extracted corpus ;
  • other optional useful information (e.g., figure representing the model of your database).

    Your zipped archive should be uploaded to Arche in the Group Project repository. Please name this zip archive using your logins at UL (example : dupont2_martin5_toussaint9.zip). Please also write down your first and last names within your code!

    Grading will take into account the following aspects:

ue 803: data science 4

  • Replicability (how easily your code can be run / adapted to other input data). Make sure we can run your code and inspect re- sults easily by giving us precise information about how to run the program, hardcoded file names (if any) and where to find input/output.
  • Code quality / readability (highly related to code comments).

    Make sure we can understand your code easily. Use meaningful variable and procedure names. Include clear comments.

  • Code efficiency: how much of the required functionalities does your code covered and how well ?
  • Corpus quality (expected content)
  • Bonus points (up to 2 points): we’ll reward code that goes beyond what is required and which either provides valuable additional in- formation about the collected data and the clustering/classification results or improve clustering/classification results by investigat- ing options not required by the project specification. If you want

    to claim bonus points, please provide a clear description of what you think justifies your claim (which part of the code goes beyond the project specification and what additional information does it provide).

    Each group will present their results in a 10 minute presentation (with slides) during the last session of the class (Monday 23 May, 9-12h15). Presentations should be divided so that each student in the group presents something. The grade for the presentation is individual, the grade for the code is the same for all members of the group.

    The project grade will be calculated as follows:

    • 90% for the code
    • 10% for the presentation

      Bonus points, if any, are added to this grade.

  • Project-2-khp4ai.zip