STAT823 Homework 12-Poisson Regression Solved

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Using RMarkdown in RStudio, complete the following questions. Launch RStudio and open a new RMarkdown file or use the class RMarkdown template provided and save it on your working directory as a .Rmd file. At the end of the activity, save your pdf generated from RMarkdown+Knitr and submit your homework on the Blackboard.

Poison distribution can be utilized for analyzing data with counts as the outcome of interest (Yi = 0,1,2,···). The main assumption is that the mean and variance of the Poisson distribution are equall. That is, E{Y } = µ and σ2{Y } = µ.

  1. A study was conducted by Sir Richard Doll and colleagues (Breslow and Day, 1987) based on 1951 data where all British doctors were sent a brief questionnaire about whether they smoked tobacco. Since then information about their deaths has been collected. The data below shows the numbers of deaths from coronary heart disease among male doctors 10 years after the survey. It also shows the total number of person-years of observation at the time of the analysis. Note that this data can be loaded using data(doctors) after loading the R package dobson. However, you have to convert the strings variables into factors and numerical values where appropriate.

The data is shown on the Table below:

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Table 1: Deaths from coronary heart disease after 10 years among British male doctors by age and smoking status in 1951

age agesq agecat smoke deaths personyrs
1 1 35-44 smoker 32 52407
2 4 45-54 smoker 104 43248
3 9 55-64 smoker 206 28612
4 16 65-74 smoker 186 12663
5 25 75-84 smoker 102 5317
1 1 35-44 non-smoker 2 18790
2 4 45-54 non-smoker 12 10673
3 9 55-64 non-smoker 28 5710
4 16 65-74 non-smoker 28 2585
5 25 75-84 non-smoker 31 1462
  • Write an R-code to create this dataset or load it from the package dobson. Fit a Poisson regression model to the data with the response being the number of deaths as follows: Yi = β0 + β1Agei + β2Age2i + β3Smokei + β4Smokei × agei + i. Use an offset = log(personyrs) in your model. From this model, what is the value of the residual deviance? What is the value of the residual degrees of freedom? What is the pseudo R2 value for the model?
  • Obtain the deviance residuals and present them in an index plot (explore the function resid() after fitting your model). Are there any outlying cases?
docm1$null.deviance # NULL DEVIANCE docm1$deviance # DEVIANCE RESIDUALS

devresd <- round(resid(docm1, type = “deviance”), 3) sum(devresd^2) # Chi-square goodness-of-fit statistic stddevres <- rstandard(docm1) # standardized deviance residuals

# standardized Pearson’s residuals

stdpearsons <- rstandard(docm1, type = “pearson”) pearson.resid <- round(resid(docm1, type = “pearson”), 3) # Pearson residuals sum(pearson.resid^2) # Pearson goodness-of-fit statistic # expected <- fitted.values(docm1, type=’response’)

expected <- round(predict(docm1, type = “response”),



  • Create a table with the observed and expected number of deaths together with the age groups and smoking status. What is the value of the deviance residuals goodness-of-fit statistic (G2)? (Hint: sum the squares of the residual deviances) What is the value of the Pearson’s Chi-square goodness-of-fit statistic (χ2)? (Hint: sum the squares of the pearson’s residuals).

kable(cbind(dataDeaths[, c(1, 3, 4, 5)], expected, pearson.resid, devresd))

age agecat smoke deaths expected pearson.resid devresd
1 35-44 smoker 32 29.58 0.444 0.438
2 45-54 smoker 104 106.81 -0.272 -0.273
3 55-64 smoker 206 208.20 -0.152 -0.153
4 65-74 smoker 186 182.83 0.235 0.234
5 75-84 smoker 102 102.58 -0.057 -0.057
1 35-44 non-smoker 2 3.41 -0.766 -0.830
2 45-54 non-smoker 12 11.54 0.135 0.134
3 55-64 non-smoker 28 24.74 0.655 0.641
4 65-74 non-smoker 28 30.23 -0.405 -0.411
5 75-84 non-smoker 31 31.07 -0.013 -0.013
  • Perfom a test of the goodness of fit for this model. Are the Poisson’s distribution assumptions violated? Based on this model, what conclusions do you reach?