STAT210-410 Assessment2-Aphid-body Solved

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In each assignment you will be able to earn up to 5 marks based on your engagement on the moodle Discussion forums from the topics associated with the given assignment. See the Assignment assessment criteria document for more details.

Question 2

The net reproductive rate (R0) of an animal is defined as the total number of offspring that an individual can produce during its lifetime and can be calculated as follows:

R0 = X(lxmx)


where lx is the proportion of females surviving to each age and mx is the average number of offspring produced at each age. Hence, if you had data on two different time-periods or ages you would calculate (R0) as:

R0 = (l1m1) + (l2m2)

The aphid data-set contains records of the number of eggs produced on three different days by each of 20 aphids.

Variable Description
ID Individual aphid in the experiment
Day1 Number of eggs produced on Day 1
Day2 Number of eggs produced on Day 2
Day3 Number of eggs produced on Day 3

Note: NA indicates that the animal has died.

Using the aphid data-set:

  • Create a function to calculate R0 for the population.
  • Estimate a boot-strapped standard error and 95% confidence interval of R0 using 100,000 replicates.
  • Provide a brief summary of your result as well as fully annotated code in your R Script

Question 3

The Body dataset contains 21 body dimension measurements as well as age, weight, height, and gender on 507 individuals. The 247 men and 260 women were primarily individuals in their twenties and thirties that all reported to exercise on a regular basis.

Variable Description
BA_diam Biacromial diameter
PB Biliac diameter, or “pelvic breadth”
BI_diam Bitrochanteric diameter
Chest_dep Chest depth between spine and sternum at nipple level
Chest_diam Chest diameter at nipple level, mid-expiration
Elbow_diam Elbow diameter, sum of two elbows
Wrist_diam Wrist diameter, sum of two wrists
Knee_diam Knee diameter, sum of two knees
Ankle_diam Ankle diameter, sum of two ankles
Shoulder_g Shoulder girth over deltoid muscles
Chest_g Chest girth
Waist_g Waist girth, narrowest part of torso below the rib cage
Navel_g Navel (or “Abdominal”) girth at umbilicus and iliac crest
Hip_g Hip girth at level of bitrochanteric diameter
Thigh_g Thigh girth below gluteal fold
Bicep_g Bicep girth, flexed
Forearm_g Forearm girth, extended, palm up
Knee_g Knee girth over patella, slightly flexed position
Calf_g Calf maximum girth
Ankle_g Ankle minimum girth
Wrist_g Wrist minimum girth
Age Age (years)
Weight Weight (kg)
Height Height (cm)
Gender Gender (1 – male, 0 – female)
  • Produce some appropriate exploratory graphics of the Body Given the number of variables ensure that all graphics are easily readable and understandable. Provide a general summary of the trends seen in your graphics. Note: These graphics do not have to be exhaustive, just useful.
  • Split the Body data-set into 50:50 testing:training data-sets. Use the validation set approach to implement forward or backward selection to select an optimal subset of predictors of Weight. Provide a summary of your results which includes (but is not limited to) appropriate tables, metrics and commentary on the relative accuracy of your results.
  • Using the testing and training data-sets created in (b) use ridge or lasso regression to constrain or regularise the predictors of Weight. You should employ cross-validation to tune the value of λ during the training phase of your model. Provide a summary of your results which includes (but is not limited to) appropriate tables, metrics and commentary on the relative accuracy of your results.