SOLVED: FizzBuzz program part 1

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part 1
The program will then write the following output according to the following rules:
1. If the number is divisible by 3. The program will give the output “Number: # – Fizz”
Please enter a number, then press Enter key: 6
Output: Number: 6 – Fizz
2. If the number is divisible by 5. The program will give the output “Number: # – Buzz”
Please enter a number, then press Enter key: 10
Output: Number: 10 – Buzz
3. If the number is both divisible by 3 and 5. The program will give the output “Number: # – FizzBuzz”
Note. If the number is NOT divisible by either 3 or 5, the program will give the output “Please enter another number.”
Please enter a number, then press the Enter Key: 30
Output: Number: 30 – FizzBuzz
Expand the application to accept a comma separated list of numbers and print the output of each number according to the rules above.
Example: Please enter an array of number(s): 3,10,30
Output: Number: 3 – Fizz, Number: 10 – Buzz, Number: 30 – FizzBuzz
Note. Utilize pointers where appropriate.
