SIT215 Assignment 2-Map Routing for Wheelchairs Solved

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Your Task

In   this  assignment,    you      will      implement      a          map     navigation      solution           for wheelchair     users.

Many   people use      a          navigation      program          like      Google Maps.  However,        no program          currently        supports         planning         a          route   specifically     for       wheelchair users.  While  Google Maps   provides         information    on        the       accessibility    of         certain locations,        it          does    not       consider         factors such    as        kerb    ramps, sidewalk width,  slope,  and      indoor lifts.

Objective:      The      objective         of         this      assignment     is         to         implement      the       A* algorithm        for       wheelchair     map     navigation.

Prepare a wheelchair-friendly map (P/C-level Task)

Create a          map     of         wheelchair-accessible           routes and      locations         in         your    local area,    for       example,         your    campus           or        your    local    shopping        centre. You      can use      tools    such    as        Google Maps   or        OpenStreetMap          to         mark   wheelchair-friendly           routes and      points  of         interest           such    as        accessible       restrooms,      car parks,  and      kerb    ramps. The      map     may     include            information    on        the       slope   of sidewalks,       the       presence         of         obstacles        or        barriers,         and      any      other relevant          accessibility    features.         You      may     conduct           an        onsite  inspection,      use your    own     experience     and      online  resources,       or        collaborate     with     local    disability organisations to         gather information    for       the       map.

You      should discuss            the       process           of         creating          it.

Implement map navigation (P/C-level Task)

Implement      the       A*        algorithm        for       wheelchair     map     navigation.      You      may create  a          simplified       environment, with     an        adjacency       matrix representing  the connections    between         locations         and      the       cost/speed     of         travel.  Justify the heuristic         you      choose.

Test     the       implementation         with     different         start    and      end      points. Verify  that     the path    returned         is         valid    and      optimal.

Compare heuristics (D-Level Task)

Try      different         heuristics.       Explain           the       pros     and      cons    of         each    heuristic.

Record and      compare         the       search efficiciency     of         different         heuristics.

Fine-tune the performance (HD-level Task)

Implement      another           algorithm,       such    as        Contraction     Hierarchies     or        Transit Node   Routing,          and      compare         its        performance  to         your    A*        implementation.

Characterise   the       conditions       under  which  the       alternative      algorithm        is         more efficient.

Graphical user interface (Optional Bonus Task)

Create a          graphical        user    interface         that     allows the       user    to         input   the       start and      end      points  of         the       path    and      to         visualise         the       path    on        the map.    The      user    interface         should also     display            additional       information    about  the path,    such    as        the       estimated       time     to         traverse          it          and      any      obstacles or        landmarks      that     may     be        encountered   along   the       way.
