ROS Lab 4-Introduction Solved

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Task 1: Mouse Tracker


  1. a)  Clone the prepared ROS package, mouse tracker, in your catkin workspace, start roscore and run
    mouse position node from the cloned package. Which command did you use to run the node?
  2. b)  Once you started the node, go ahead and check which topics does it publish. Which command are you using for listing ROS topics?
  3. c)  As you could have noticed, mouse position node publishes only one topic, called /mouse position, on which it publishes the current position of your mouse. In the first text box, write the command which enables you to check the type of the message published on the /mouse position topic and in the second text box write the obtained message type.
  4. d)  To verify that the mouse position node runs as it should, print the published messages directly from the terminal. Write the command you have used for printing the messages.
  5. e)  Inspect the coordinates of the upper left and bottom right corner of your screen. What is your screen resolution?
  6. f)  Inside the mouse tracker package create a new folder called launch. Write a launch file, track mouse.launch which will run mouse position node and turtlesim node from the turtlesim package.

Exercise submission

Create a zip archive containing this pdf file with the filled out answers and the mouse tracker package. Upload the archive to Moodle.

Laboratory exercise 4, ROS: Introduction 1
