QIC Lab 2 Solved

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Exercise 1: Checkpoints
Write a subroutine to be used as a checkpoint for debugging.

(a) Include a control on a logical variable (Debug=.true. or .false.) (b) Include an additional (optional) string to be printed

(c) Include additional (optional) variables to be printed

Exercise 2: Documentation
Rewrite Exercise 3 of Week 1 including:

(a) Documentation. (b) Comments.

(c) Pre- and post- conditions. (d) Error handling

(e) Checkpoints

Exercise 3: Derived Types
In Fortran90 write a MODULE which contains a double complex matrix derived TYPE that includes the components: Matrix elements, Matrix Dimensions, Matrix Trace, and Matrix Determinant.

(a) Define the correspondent TYPE.
(b) Define a function/subroutine that initializes this new TYPE

(c) Define the functions/subroutines Trace and Adjoint
(d) Define the correspondent Interfaces of the previous points.

(e) Define a subroutine that writes on file the Matrix TYPE in a readable form. (f) Include everything in a test program.

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