Programming Paradigms Lab 5-Functional programming in Haskell. N-body simulation Solved

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  • ●  Higher-order functions and lists in Haskell recap
  • ●  User-defined types in Haskell recap
  • ●  Exercise: N-body simulation

N-body simulation: prerequisites

Exercise 5.1.

Define type Body to represent state of a given body: mass, 2D position, and velocity vector. Implement function renderBody to render a given body. Define some bodies (e.g., earth, moon, or sun).

Exercise 5.2.

Define type System to represent a system (collection) of bodies for simulation. Implement function renderSystem to render an entire system. Define a sample system (e.g., earth+moon or earth+sun).

N-body simulation: moving bodies

Exercise 5.3.

Define a function moveBody :: Double -> Body -> Body that updates body’s position based on its velocity and given time (in seconds).

Exercise 5.4.

Define a function updateSystem to update positions and velocities of all bodies in a given system over a given time (in seconds).

You can use the following snippet for more details:

N-body simulation: computing gravity effect

Exercise 5.5.

Define a function gravityAcc :: Body -> Body -> Vector that computes the acceleration that second body gets as the gravitational effect of the first body. Use the following formula:

Exercise 5.6.

Define a function applyGravity :: Double -> [Body] -> Body -> Body
that computes the combined gravity effect of a collection of bodies on a given body over given time (in seconds) and returns the new state of the body.

N-body simulation: putting things together

Exercise 5.7.

Define a function updateBody :: Double -> [Body] -> Body -> Body
that updates both position and velocity of a body. Use this function in updateSystem to make the entire simulation work with gravity.
