OOAD Assignment 3 Part 1 -Contracts for trees and iterators Solved

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Part 1: Contracts for trees and iterators

Posted under Resources→Assignments is a zip file Tree_Contracts.zip. Unzip this file to obtain a directory Tree_Contractswhich can be imported into Eclipse by doing File→Import→ Existing Projects into Workspace. This project is configured so as to enable CoFoJa contracts in the Java source code. To run the program, you need write the missing codes and contracts, and also add -javaagent:lib/cofoja+asm-1.3.1-20170424.jar

in the VM arguments textbox under Run Configurations, as illustrated in Lecture 13, slide 25.

The project contains the familiar AbsTree-Tree-DupTree classes and also AbsTree_Iterator for iterating over trees and duptrees. Class AbsTree has been changed slightly (from earlier versions) by eliminating the use of abstract methods – a feature that appears to not work under CoFoJa.

Your task in this part of the assignment is to write CoFoJa contracts for the insert and delete methods of class AbsTree and also for the constructor, the next() and stack_left_spine() methods of class AbsTree_Iterator.

Note that the post-conditions for insert(n) and delete(n) need to ensure that the counts are appropriately updated for the object containing the value n. Hence, it is helpful to introduce in classes Tree and DupTree the methods insert and delete which delegate the actual task of insertion and deletion to their respective superclass methods, but add a small amount of code to support the enforcement of the post-conditions.

What to Do. The missing Java codes and CoFoJa contracts are indicated via comments and underlined blanks, and these are the places where you need to make changes. Do not modify other parts of the file. More specifically, in AbsTree, Tree, and DupTree you need to:

  1. Define the boolean method member(int n) in class AbsTree by filling in the blanks.
  2. Define @Requires for AbsTree.delete(int n) so that it applies to trees and duptrees.
  3. Define @Ensures for AbsTree.find(int n) by stating its output condition.
  4. Define @Ensures for Tree.delete(int n) by stating that n is no longer in the tree.
  5. Define @Ensures for DupTree.insert(int n) and DupTree.delete(int n) suitably.

In AbsTree_Iterator, you need to:

a. Define@Requiresand@Ensuresfortheconstructor. Theformershouldstatethattheinput tree is ordered and the latter should state that the stack-top has the minimum value in the tree.

  1. Define @Requires and @Ensures for next(). The former should state that there are more values in the tree/duptree, and the latter that the next value maintains the ascending order.
  2. Define @Ensures for stack_left_spine() by stating that the next smallest value in the tree/duptree is at the top of the stack.

Run Tree_Contracts.java augmented with your contracts and ensure that the program works correctly. (Run using Run Configurations, not Debug Configurations.)

  • A3_Part1-ganmm3.zip