Machine Learning – Naïve Bayes Lab Solved

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0. Work through the notebook 04-Naïve Bayes

1. A training set contains 10 examples describing weather conditions in terms of 5 categorical features. The classification task is to predict whether an individual will go swimming based on these conditions (i.e.
the class labels are either “Yes” or “No”).

Based on this training set, we are given the following contingency table of conditional and prior class probabilities.

Swimming Yes No
Rain Recently=light 1/4 3/6
Rain Recently=moderate 2/4 2/6
Rain Recently=heavy 1/4 1/6
Rain Today=light 1/4 3/6
Rain Today=moderate 2/4 2/6
Rain Today=heavy 1/4 1/6
Temp=Cold 1/4 5/6
Temp=Warm 3/4 1/6
Wind=Light 2/4 2/6
Wind=Moderate 1/4 2/6
Wind=Gale 1/4 2/6
Sunshine=Some 2/4 4/6
Sunshine=None 2/4 2/6
Class Probabilities 4/10 6/10

Using the contingency table above, classify the two new examples below using Naïve Bayes.

Rain Recently (RR) Rain Today (RT) Temp
(T) Wind (W) Sunshine
(S) Swimming
X1 Heavy Moderate Warm Light Some ???
X2 Light Moderate Warm Light Some ???

2. Consider the following dataset, which contains examples describing several cases of sunburn.
a) Construct the contingency table that would be used by Naïve Bayes to build a classifier for this dataset.
Name Hair Height Build Lotion Result
1 Sarah blonde average light no sunburned
2 Dana blonde tall average yes none
3 Alex brown short average yes none
4 Annie blonde short average no sunburned
5 Emily red average heavy no sunburned
6 Pete brown tall heavy no none
7 John brown average heavy no none
8 Katie brown short light yes none

b) Use Naïve Bayes to give the likelihood that the result for the given example X is “sunburned”. Then indicate what prediction Naïve Bayes would make.

Hair Height Build Lotion Result
X blonde average heavy yes ???

3. Consider the following dataset in a task that aims to predict the risk of a loan application based on 3 features describing each applicant: credit history, debt, and income. Applications are assigned to 3 different risk classes: {low, medium, high}.

Example Credit History Debt Income Risk
1 bad low 10,000 high
2 bad high 32,000 high
3 bad low 18,000 high
4 unknown high 46,000 high
5 unknown high 23,000 high
6 good high 27,500 high
7 bad low 28,000 medium
8 unknown low 55,000 medium
9 good high 57,500 medium
10 unknown low 65,000 medium
11 unknown low 75,000 low
12 good low 72,000 low
13 good high 90,000 low
14 good high 100,000 low
15 bad low 50,000 low

a) Construct a contingency table that would be used by Naïve Bayes to build a classifier using this training data, before smoothing. You can use equal-frequency binning with 3 bins for continuous features.

b) Based on the contingency table, predict the risk level for the new loan application X below.

Credit History Debt Income Risk
X bad low 55,000 ???

4. (a) Given the nature of the AthleteSelection data which would be the best of the Naive Bayes options in scikit-learn for that classification task?

(b) A ranking classifier is a classifier that can rank a test set in order of confidence for a given classification outcome. Naive Bayes is a ranking classifier because the ‘probability’ can be used as a confidence measure for ranking.

1. Train a Naive Bayes classifier from the AthleteSelection data. Load the test data from AthleteTest.csv and apply the classifier.
2. Use the predict_proba method to find the probability of being selected.
3. Rank the test set by probability of being selected.
3.1. Who is most likely to be selected?
3.2. Who is least likely?

Some code for this exercise is available in the notebook `04 Naive Bayes Lab`. You will also need to download the test data file
