ITI1120 Lab7- programming with  lists Solved

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  • Open a    browser    and      log into   Brightspace
  • On the left hand   side     under  Labs    tab,   find     lab6     material    contained in   lab7-students.pdf     file
  • Download that     file to  the

Before   starting, always   make   sure you   are  running   Python    3

This      slide      is    applicable  to   all   labs,      exercises,   assignments     …    etc

ALWAYS    MAKE   SURE    FIRST    that      you are running       Python 3.4

(3.5/3.5 is fine       too)

That     is,   when    you click      on  IDLE      (or      start     python any other    way)     look      at   the first       line that      the Python      shell      displays.     It    should  say Python      3.4 or   3.5 or   3.6        (and      then      some    extra     digits)

If   you do  not know    how      to   do  this,      read      the material      provided     with      Lab 1.   It    explains      it    step      by      step

Task   (to  be  completed at   home)

I   strongly    encourage      you      to  complete    these   two     quizes at   home. Leave  the time    in   the lab for questions to  TAs      about  quiz    problems  whose solution    you      do  not    understand.

Go     to  coursera   webpage  and      log in.

1.Go  to  the following  link      to  and      complete    the Quiz    of   Week  4.   You     will find     the    quiz     at   the bottom     of   the page

2.Go  to  the following  link      to  and      complete    the Quiz    of   Week  5.   You     will find     the    quiz     at   the bottom     of   the page

In  Week  5    quiz     you      do  not need   to    answer      last      couple of   questions about    “files”  as  we did not cover   that     (yet).

  • You can do each    quiz     more   than    once.


Programming    Exercises       (the     most important lab)

The      following  exercises  are easily  the most important exercises  in   this      whole semester. Solving      these   problems  (by yourself preferably)     should greatly increase    your understanding     of   computational     problem solving      and      programming.

Do as  many   as  possible    (preferably     all) of      the following  13  programming exercises  from      your    3rd recommended      textbook   by      Perkovic. 11      of   13        are mandatory      for this      lab (your   choice which  11)       — see      the slides  to  come.

Introduction   to   Computing     Using  Python:      An Application    Development Focus,       2nd      Edition,     Ljubomir Perkovic

Sometimes     the author uses    a    word      “outputs”.            By  that     he  means “prints” First     recall   from    the next    4    slides, list (and      few      string) functions  and      methods   that      you      will need.

Introduction to Computing Using Python by Lj. Perkovic

                                                                                                              List                      operators                           and                      functions >>> lst = [1, 2, 3]

>>> lstB = [0, 4] >>> 4 in lst Like    strings, lists  can be  manipulated     with      False

operators                            and                        functions                           >>> 4True not in lst

>>> lst + lstB

[1, 2, 3, 0, 4]

>>> 2*lst

Usage Explanation
x in lst x is an    item        of    lst
x not in lst x is not  an    item        of    lst
lst + lstB Concatenation      of    lst and        lstB
lst*n, n*lst Concatenation      of    n copies        of    lst
lst[i] Item        at     index      i of        lst
len(lst) Number of    items      in     lst
min(lst) Minimum       item        in     lst
max(lst) Maximum      item        in     lst
sum(lst) Sum of    items      in     lst

[1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]

>>> lst[0]


>>> lst[1]


>>> lst[-1]


>>> len(lst)


>>> min(lst)


>>> max(lst)


>>> sum(lst)


>>> help(list …

Introduction to Computing Using Python by Lj. Perkovic

Lists   methods

Usage Explanation
lst.append(item) adds        item to       the  end of    lst
lst.count(item) returns   the  number  of    times        item occurs        in     lst
lst.index(item) Returns  index      of    (first        occurrence    of)

item in        lst

lst.pop() Removes        and returns   the  last  item        in     lst
lst.remove(item) Removes        (the first occurrence    of)        item from  lst
lst.reverse(item) Reverses the  order      of    items      in        lst
lst.sort(item) Sorts       the  items      of    lst in        increasing      order

>>> lst = [1, 2, 3]

>>> lst.append(7)

>>> lst.append(3)

>>> lst

[1, 2, 3, 7, 3]

>>> lst.count(3)


>>> lst.remove(2)

>>> lst

[1, 3, 7, 3]

>>> lst.reverse()

>>> lst

[3, 7, 3, 1]

>>> lst.index(3)


>>> lst.sort()

>>> lst

[1, 3, 3, 7]

>>> lst.remove(3)

Methods append(), remove()reverse(),      >>>[1, 3,  lst7] and  sort() do not return   any value;    they,  along    >>> lst.pop()

with                                   method                                   pop(),                                   modify                                       list                                      lst                    7>>> lst

[1, 3]

Introduction to Computing Using Python  by Lj Perkovic

Usage Explanation
in s is     a      substring        of    s
not in s is     not  a      substring        of        s
s + t Concatenation      of    s and        t
s * n, n * s Concatenation      of    n copies     of    s
s[i] Character       at     index      i of    s
len(s) (function)      Length    of        string      s

String   operators

To     view      all   operators,  use the help() tool

>> help(str)

Help on class str in module builtins:

class str(object)

|  str(string[, encoding[, errors]]) -> str …

Introduction to Computing Using Python by Lj. Perkovic

String   methods

Usage Explanation
s.capitalize() returns   a      copy        of    s with        first character       capitalized
s.count(target) returns   the  number  of    occurences        of    target in   s
s.find(target) returns   the  index      of    the  first        occurrence    of    target in   s
s.lower() returns   lowercase      copy        of    s
s.replace(old, new) returns   copy        of    s with   every        occurrence    of    old replaced        with new
s.split(sep) returns   list   of    substrings      of    s,        delimited       by    sep
s.strip() returns   copy        of    s without        leading   and trailing    whitespace
s.upper() returns   lowercase      copy        of    s

Strings    are immutable; none     of   the string  methods     modify string   


