ITCS 2214-002  Program 2.1 – Binary Search Trees  Solved

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This assignment is the second and final portion of the Tree project for this course. The primary goal is to use Bridges to read a sequence of Earthquake Tweets from the USGS Earthquake Twitter feed, add some more traversal methods to those already implemented in Program 2.0, and then visualize the results.


The primary goals of this program are as follows:

  • Add a few more methods to the BST implementation from Program 2.0
  • Use the skeleton code to read a list of Tweets and store them in a BST

The Driver will create an instance of the BST class, read a sequence of Earthquake tweets (with attributes including magnitude, location, date) from Bridges and store them in the Tree with the earthquake magnitude as the search key, and allow user-specified commands to perform various operations on the tree.

Note: this assignment requires you to use a modified JAR file supporting the EarthquakeUSGS Tweet class. A link to the JAR will be provided on this assignment’s page on Moodle.


Copy your package from program 2.0 and download the new program2_1_Skeleton driver from Moodle

Add the new Bridges JAR file to the build path for this project. A link to the JAR will be provided on this assignment’s page on Moodle.

Documentation for Bridges classes can be found at the following link:

BridgesBST –

Modify your implementation from Program 2.0

When you instantiate your Tree, it will be parameterized to hold <Double, EarthquakeUSGS>; the key is the magnitude of the Earthquake, and the value is the EarthquakeUSGS object containing all attributes of each quake. These objects will be imported through Bridges. See the skeleton code for further details.

  • Add methods to find and highlight the min and max nodes
  • Add a method to reset all nodes in the tree to a particular color and/or opacity
  • Add a method to setLabels, traversing the entire tree and setting each node’s label to show location and date of the earthquake. Note that the value at each node contains EarthquakeUSGS objects, and each has getLocation and getDate methods.

 Add a method to findLocation, traversing the entire tree and highlighting all nodes whose locations contain a user-specified string location. For example, if a user enters ‘Alaska,’ then all nodes with ‘Alaska’ in the location string (ignore case) should be highlighted and all other nodes should be ignored. You can use opacity to make the highlighted nodes prominent.

 Add a method to highlightRange. Allow the user to specify the min and max magnitudes then highlight all nodes falling within that range of magnitudes.

Driver –

Download the skeleton driver from Moodle and familiarize yourself with any code it contains. The comments will provide a structure for you to follow.

  • Initialize the Bridges object with this assignment number, your username, and your API key. (See the Bridges template on Moodle for details)
  • Observe the method calls building a List of Earthquake Tweets from Bridges, write a small loop to test the results if you like
  • Create an instance of your Tree, and parameterize it to store EarthquakeUSGS objects (the same objects stored in the List from Bridges). Use the Earthquake’s magnitude as the Tree’s search key. You should also familiarize yourself with the methods each EarthquakeUSGS object contains
  • Read every EarthquakeUSGS object from the List into your Tree, then use setDataStructure to point Bridges to your data structure
  • Create a menu in the console allowing users to specify operations and arguments. Each option should correspond to one of the new Tree methods you’ve added, and should visualize the tree after performing its operation.

Deliverables –

Your program should generate a number of visualizations (one for each user-specified command). Each successive visualization will appear as a sub-assignment on the Bridges website.


Scoring Rubric


Driver:                                                                                                                                               40 points


  • Up to 5 points for appropriate documentation and comments
  • Up to 15 points for reading the USGS Earthquake Tweets into your BST
  • Up to 20 points for creating a simple menu allowing users to specify operations and arguments


BridgesBST:                                                                                                                                    45 points


  • Up to 5 points for appropriate documentation and comments
  • Up to 5 points for implementing the min and max methods
  • Up to 5 points for implementing the reset method
  • Up to 10 points for implementing the setLabel method
  • Up to 10 points for implementing the findLocation method
  • Up to 10 points for implementing the highlightRange method




Visualization:                                                                                                                                 15 points


  • Up to 15 points for visualizing the Tree after each operation. Min, max, reset, setLabels, findLocation, and highlightRange should all generate new visualizations.


