ISCG6426 Assignment 1 Solved

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Learning outcomes covered in this assignment

  1. Applyobject-orienteddesignandimplementationtechniques.
  2. Interpret the trade-offs and issues involved in the design, implementation, and

    application of various data structures with respect to a given problem.

  3. Explain the purpose and answer questions about data structures and design

    patterns that illustrate strengths and weaknesses with respect to resource


  4. Assess the impact of data structures on algorithms.
  5. Analyse the scalability of data structures and algorithms in terms of both space

    and time complexity.

Assignment instructions:


  • You will work individually on this assignment.
  • Select a data structure or algorithm from the Appendix. Implement and create

    an interactive game or visualization which uses it in an educational manner. Once you’ve selected one, discuss it with your lecturer and get their approval.

    Assignment Submission:

  • Create a GitHub repository for the assignment and share the repository information with your lecturer. On the assignment due date the lecturer will clone this repository as your submission.
  • If you forget to push your most recent changes by the due date, then the lecturer will use whichever version available on GitHub when the deadline is reached for marking.

Page 1 of 5 pages Updated 19/08/2020

ISCG6426 Data Structures and Algorithms

2021 Semester 1

Task 1: Implement a data structure / algorithm [17 Marks]

Select a data structure or algorithm from the appendix and get the lecturer’s approval to work on it. Ask your lecturer for functionality you will be required to implement.

Correctly implement the chosen data structure. The implementation must use randomly generated data.

Task 2: Code an interactive visualization [15 Marks]

Choose an algorithm or data structure from the appendix and get the lecturer’s approval to work on it.
Using the SFML.NET library (NuGet package or https://www.sfml- ) or another approved library/framework, create an interactive game or visualization demonstrating how the chosen data structure or algorithm works.

Work closely with your lecturer during this phase to ensure that your implementation is accurate. Failing to do so may result in loss of marks.

Your implementation is required to accurately represent the chosen data structure/algorithm in an educational manner.

It should support both keypresses and mouse input. It must implement a draw() and update() method in the visualization.

Task 3: Analysis & Commentary [8 Marks]

Create a file named in your project directory. In this file, write the following:

  • –  A paragraph documenting issues you encountered in the design or implementation of your chosen data structure/algorithm.
  • –  Briefly explain the strengths and weaknesses of your data structure or algorithm with respect to resource consumption. Under what conditions does it perform the best or worst?
  • –  List a real-world application of your chosen data structure or algorithm.
  • –  A sentence or two on the asymptotic worst-case time and space complexity of your chosen data structure/algorithm.


ISCG6426 Data Structures and Algorithms

Marking Schedule
Task Marking Criteria Marks Given Comments


Correct DS/A implementation

Uses random data

15 2


Accurate visualization Handles mouse interaction

Handles keypress interaction

Has module documentation Implements draw() method

Implements update() method

7 2 2

2 1 1


Has implementation notes

Discusses strengths/weaknesses

Lists an application

Time/space complexity analysis

2 2

2 2

Total Marks 40

Late Submission of Assignments:

Assignments submitted after the due date and time without having received an extension through Affected Performance Consideration (APC) will be penalised according to the following:

➢ 10% of marks deducted if submitted within 24hrs of the deadline, 2021 Semester 1 Page 3 of 5 pages Updated 09/04/2021

ISCG6426 Data Structures and Algorithms

  • ➢  20% of marks deducted if submitted after 24hrs and up to 48hrs of the deadline,
  • ➢  30% of marks deducted if submitted after 48hrs and up to 72hrs of the deadline,
  • ➢  No grade will be given for an assignment that is submitted more than 72hrs after the


    Assistance to other Students:

    Students themselves can be an excellent resource to assist the learning of fellow students, but there are issues that arise in assessments that relate to the type and amount of assistance given by students to other students. It is important to recognise what types of assistance are beneficial to another’s learning and also what types of assistance are unacceptable in an assessment.

    Beneficial Assistance:

    ➢ Study Groups
    ➢ Discussion
    ➢ Sharing Reading Material
    ➢ Reading the available online and library resources

    Unacceptable Assistance:

  • ➢  Working together on one copy of the assessment and submitting it as own work .
  • ➢  Giving another student your work.
  • ➢  Copying someone else’s work, this includes work done by someone not on the


  • ➢  Changing or correcting another student’s work.
  • ➢  Copying from books, the Internet etc. and submitting it as own work; anything taken

    directly from another source must be acknowledged correctly; show the source

    alongside the quotation.

  • ➢  Don’t copy code from a website or video tutorial and pretend you made it or slightly

    change it. This will be an instant fail (0%).

    Appendix 1

    Choose one of the following to implement for your assignment.
    Contact your lecturer for approval. As this is an open-source assignment, each student needs to work on something different.

    1. Double-Ended Queue (deque)
    2. Priority Queue

    3. Sorting

    a. BubbleSort
    b. InsertionSort c. SelectionSort d. QuickSort
    e. MergeSort
    f. HeapSort

    4. Linked-List
    2021 Semester 1 Page 4 of 5 pages Updated 09/04/2021

ISCG6426 Data Structures and Algorithms

a. Singly b. Doubly c. Circular

  1. Searching
    a. Binarysearch

    b. Depth-first-search{Pre,In,Post}-order

    c. Breadth-firstsearch

  2. Trees
    1. Binarysearchtree
    2. AVL Tree
    3. Red-BlackTree
    4. B-tree
    5. Merkle-tree
    6. Trie
    7. Quadtree
  3. Heap
    1. Min
    2. Max
    3. Fibonacci
    4. Binary
  4. Hashing
    1. Chaining
    2. Openaddressing
    3. SHA256
  5. Graph shortest-path
    1. Dijkstra’s
    2. Bellman-Ford
    3. A* search
    4. Floyd-Warshall
  6. Network maximum flow a. Ford-Fulkerson b. Edmonds-Karp
  7. Graph cycle detection (Floyd’s)
  8. Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)
  9. Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)
  10. Minimum spanning tree (Boruvka’s, Prim’s, Kruskal’s)

If you choose to do something not on this list you need to get approval from your lecturer. Communicate with your lecturer during the course to ensure your application meets the required guidelines and marking schedule.
