INFS519 Research Paper/Presentation Solved

25.00 $



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1 ) Submit a formal Paper (PDF) discussing one of the topics listed below. The paper should be 6 to 7 pages (single space) including source code snippets, images, and tables. Your paper must be well written and formatted in a manner that upholds Graduate level scholarship.

Organizational format should be as follows:

  • Title
  • Abstract (one or two paragraphs)
  • Text
  • Bibliography (minimum 4 published sources, excluding Wikipedia)

Select a topic that demonstrates your research/understanding of Java Data Structures in one of the following areas:

o Red-black trees

o M-ary tree

o Aa-tre e

o Hash Table – Linear Probing

o Skew heap

o D-heap

o Dijkstra’s algorithm

o Splay tree o B+ tree

o Topological Sort

o Topic of your choice (I must approve)


2 ) You will give a ~ 1 0 minute technical talk/presentation to the class on April 30 which will include a slide presentation (PowerPoint or PDF) discussing your selected research topic.

  • Assgn4_rjadhav2-1-1nsyqn.pdf