INFO0010 Project 2 Solved

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1 DNS Tunneling 1.1 DNS

DNS (Domain Name System) is a service that converts hostnames to IP addresses among others. It is an application layer protocol that allows users and servers to exchange messages. DNS provides another way to identify hosts than their IP address, as IP addresses can change over time and are difficult to remember.

Nowadays, DNS is deployed everywhere and many protocols rely on it for their own operation, making it one of the central pillars of the Internet.

1.2 Tunneling, as intended

Tunneling is a method for transporting data across a network using protocols that are not supported by that network. In the network layer, tunneling works by encapsulating IP packets (header + payload) inside (i.e., as payload of) other IP packets. This can


be used to carry IPv6 packets in a network that only supports IPv4 for example. Thus, tunneling is nothing else than an extra level of encapsulation. Therefore tunneling can in principle be used to encapsulate any protocol (of any layer) into any other protocol.

1.3 Tunneling, not as intended

Tunneling can also be used to “sneak through” a firewall, using a protocol that the firewall would normally block, encapsulated inside a protocol that the firewall does not block, such as DNS, ICMP, or HTTP. As this usage is most of the time not expected, the client and the server are often specifically configured to understand the encapsulation in place and use the encapsulated protocol afterwards.

1.4 Tunneling, in the project

For this project, you are going to implement a simple pair of client-server able to perform DNS tunneling. You already completed a client prototype in the project first part, now in the second part, you will implement a DNS server.

To use DNS tunneling, the DNS client forges a specific DNS query with a payload (here the question) encoded according to an encapsulated protocol agreed between the DNS client and the DNS server. The (adapted) DNS server is designed to understand this unusual query, react accordingly, and reply to the DNS client. An intermediate firewall will just see normal DNS exchanges and will likely allow them, thus allowing any kind of forbidden data exchanges.

2 DNS server

Your DNS server will listen to TCP connections on port 53 and be able to handle multiple connections at the same time (multi-threading!). When a connection is established, you will pass the newly created socket to a new thread and handle the following actions in this new thread:

  1. Wait for data until data arrives, connection is closed by the client, or more than 5 seconds have passed without activity (timeout).
  2. Try to read as many bytes as specified in the DNS TCP header (first 2 bytes). If there were not enough bytes sent, wait for 5 seconds without activity and close the connection.
  3. Consider the read bytes as a DNS query, parse it and check if all the variable length indicators are fully respected, if not, close the connection.
  4. Fully parse the DNS query. If there is a format error, reply with a valid DNS response without answer and with response code (RCODE) set to “Format Error”.


  1. Check that the DNS query contains only one question of type TXT with a name fol- lowing this pattern: <tunneled data encoded in base32>.<owned domain name>. If this requirement is not respected, reply with a valid DNS response without an- swer and with response code (RCODE) set to “Refused”.
  2. Decode the “tunneled data” from base32 into a valid URL (base32 padding will be omitted, you need to handle this case). If the URL is not valid, reply with a valid DNS response without answer and with response code (RCODE) set to “Name Error”.
  3. PerformanHTTPGETrequest( sent to the decoded URL. You should receive a valid HTTP response in text char- acters. Otherwise, reply with a valid DNS response without answer and with response code (RCODE) set to “Name Error”.
  4. Encode the HTTP response content in base64 to ensure that all transmitted char- acters are in ASCII format.
  5. Verify that the encoded content does not exceed 216 − 1 bytes. If it exceeds this size, reply with a valid DNS response, with a TXT answer containing the first 216 − 1 characters of the encoded HTTP response, and with the response code (RCODE) set to “Name Error”.
  6. Craft and send a valid DNS reply with an answer and the HTTP response content encapsulated in TXT RDATA of the payload.

For a simple URL with not too much content, try 3 Program Input/Output

3.1 Input

Your server can be launched using the following command: java Server <owned domain name>, where “owned domain name” is a valid domain name under the responsability of your server. Thus, the server will only successfully reply to queries addressing this domain and its subdomains. For example :

• java Server tnl.test 3.2 Output

The output of your program will follow a strict format written to stdout. It will print one line for each query received. This format is similar to the question printed in your client output, this is: Question (CL=<IP of the direct client>, NAME=<domain name to query>, TYPE=<question type>) => <reply code>,wherenamesbetween<…>must be replace accordingly. For example :


Question (CL=, NAME=nb2hi4dthixs6yjomjss6mjopbwwy.tnl.test, TYPE=TXT) => 0
Question (CL=,, TYPE=A) => 5

4 Guidelines 4.1 General

  • YouwillimplementtheprogramsusingJava1.8,withpackagesjava.lang,, java.nio, and java.util.
  • This second part of the project can be completed alone or as a group of 2 people.
  • Your server should run continuously until it receives an interruption signal (SIG- INT), when you hit Ctrl+C in the console for example.
  • You will not manipulate any file on the local file system.
  • At the root of the submitted archive, you’ll have a file report.pdf and a directory src/ containing all your Java code. Other files or directories can be present, but it should not be necessary.
  • You will ensure your main class is named Server, located in src/ from the root of the archive, and does not contain any package instruction.
  • You can cluster parts of your program (not Server) in packages or directories.
  • You will ensure that your program is fully operational (i.e. compilation and exe-

    cution) on the student’s machines in the lab (

    Submissions that do not observe these guidelines could be ignored during evaluation.

    Your commented source code will be delivered no later than 11th of December 2022 (Hard deadline) to the Montefiore Submission platform ( as a .zip package.

    4.2 Report

    Your program will be completed with a report called report.pdf (in the zip package) addressing the following points:

    Software architecture: How have you broken down the problem to come to the solu- tion? Name the major classes and methods responsible for requests processing.

    Length limit: In your program, you have a hard limit on the response size (216 − 1). Explain why and how would you do to overpass this limit.


DNS Tunneling in practice: In this project, you performed DNS tunneling in only one hop, initiating a direct connection between your controlled client and your controlled server. How could you perform DNS tunneling if your DNS client had to send its queries to an uncontrolled DNS server such as ? What is lacking to your server in order to handle this scenario ?

Limits & Possible Improvements: Describe the limits of your program, especially in terms of robustness, and what you could have done better.


4.3 Evaluation

Criteria used in the evaluation include: program robustness (e.g. handle errors without interruptions), code readability, coding style, and quality of the report.

Some penalties will be applied when the instructions are not strictly followed (e.g. program does not compile on ms800 machines, generates warnings, uses the wrong port number or forbidden libraries, etc.).

