IIIT-G Assignment 2 Solved

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Assignment -2

1. Consider any dataset. You can create own or use any publicly available dataset. Pretend the goal is to predict the target variable.

(a) Run ridge regression (RR) on the data.

  1. Find the λ value that minimizes the cross validated error/training error.
  2. Provideplotsforboththecrossvalidatederror/trainingerrorandthecoefficientsas functions of λ .

(b) Run lasso on the data.

  1. Find the λ value that minimizes the cross validated error/training error.
  2. Provideplotsforboththecrossvalidatederror/trainingerrorandthecoefficientsas functions of λ .

(c) Examine the model coefficients for the chosen λ. You can use either pair plot or bar

diagram to visualize the model coefficients.

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