ENGR101 Mini Project 3 Solved

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Text-based User Interface:

When your program first runs, it will ask for an ID and password to login. Based on the entered user ID, different menus will be displayed (Admin menu or Student menu). In your code, at least the following admin and students should already be defined:

  • ●  Admin: ID: ‘admin’ password: ‘123’’
  • ●  Students: ID: “Ahmet” password: “1234” and ID: “Ayse” password: “4567”

    You may define additional admins/students if you like (Please use the most proper data structure to store ID / password information. See implementation notes).

    If the user enters an invalid id or password, the program should ask the user to try again and keep asking until valid credentials has been entered. The user successfully logs in when the provided credentials are valid. The following shows the interface for the initial login screen with a scenario where the user first enters incorrect ID/password, and then successfully logs in after the second trial.

    ****​Welcome to Library Management System​**** Please provide login information

    Id: admin
    Password: 4444
    Invalid id or password please try again Id: admin

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Password: 123 Successfully logged in!

Once the user enters valid credentials, your program should greet the user and provide admin menu if user is an admin or student menu if the user is a student. The menu displays available operations to the user and the user will be able to select an operation by entering the corresponding menu number. Each operation is discussed in detail below. If the user enters an invalid menu entry, the program should keep asking the user to provide a valid menu number.

Once an operation is done, the user should return back to the menu so that (s)he can perform another operation.

Admin menu

The following menu will be displayed to the admin:

Welcome Admin! What do you want to do?

1-List books
2-Create a book
3-Clean a book
4-Search for a book
5-Change number of copies of book by id 6-Show students borrowed a book by id 7-List Users by id

8-Create User 9-Delete User 10-Exit
Your choice:

When ​main menu item 1 ​is chosen, the list of available books with their corresponding id, name, and number of copies will be shown as follows.

Your choice: 1
*** List of Books ***

1. Book id: 001, Book Name: Biology, Book Authors: [‘Alice’, ‘Bob’], Number of Copies: 2 2. Book id: 002, Book Name: Chemistry, Book Authors: [‘Alice’], Number of Copies: 1

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When ​main menu item 2​ is chosen, the user will be asked to write the name of the book, the author, the id and the number of copies for that book he/she would like to add(ex: Physics), then the program will ask for the id for the added book(ex: 003),then the program will ask about the author(s) for the added book. Multiple authors will be inputted as a comma separated way and input may include white spaces before or after each comma (ex: Einstein, Newton) Lastly it will ask the number of the copies for the added book (ex:4). The program asks the user if he/she is sure about adding this book, input should be either Y/N, otherwise the program should ask for a valid input. Your program should properly save the books name along with its id, author, number of copies, should print the saved info.

id for each book should always be unique. If the admin enters an existing id while creating a book, your program should give an error message and ask for a valid id again.

Welcome Admin! What do you want to do?

1-List books
2-Create a book
3-Clean a book
4-Search for a book
5-Change number of copies of book by id 6-Show students borrowed a book by id 7-List Users by id

8-Create User 9-Delete User 10-ExitYour choice:

Your choice: 2

What is the name of the book that you want to add?: Physics What is the id that you want to give for Physics book?: 003 What is/are the author(s) of Physics book?: Einstein, Newton How many copies you have for Physics book?: 4

Are you sure?[Y/N] Y
The following book has been added to your collection:

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Book id: 003, Book Name: Physics, Book Authors: [‘Einstein’, ‘Newton’], Number of Copies: 4

When ​main menu item 3​ is chosen, the user will first be presented with the list of books in the library. Then, the program asks the user which book to delete by its id and print the book that has been deleted. (Note: the program should keep asking for a valid id if id does not exist in the system.)

Search by id should utilize the existing dictionary so that the operation is efficient. (see the implementation notes.) Do not traverse the list of all books to search for an id. Also once a book is removed, you should remove all entries referring to the book from all relevant dictionaries.

Your choice:3
*** List of Books ***

1. Book id: 001, Book Name: Biology, Book Authors: [‘Alice’, ‘Bob’], Number of Copies: 2 2. Book id: 002, Book Name: Chemistry, Book Authors: [‘Alice’], Number of Copies: 1

What is the id of the book that you want to delete,(Enter 0 to go to main menu)?:001 The following book has been deleted:
Book id: 001, Book Name: Biology, Book Authors: [‘Alice’, ‘Bob’], Number of Copies: 2

When ​main menu item 4​ is chosen, the admin will be able to search for a book based on its name or author name, and lists the corresponding book name, id, authors and number of copies; then program return to admin menu. (Note: if no book matches the query, the program should ask again for another query.)

Query by author should utilize the existing dictionary so that the operation is efficient. (see the implementation notes.) Do not traverse the list of all books to search for the author name.

Your choice:4
Enter book name or author name to search ,(Enter 0 to go to main menu)?:Chemistry

1. Book id: 002 , Book Name: Chemistry, Book Authors: [‘Alice’], Number of Copies: 1

When ​main menu item 5​ is chosen, the user will be able to choose a book by its id and update the number of copies for that book. ​Note​ that new value should be consistent with the number of people currently holding the book.

Your choice:5
*** List of Books ***

1. Book id : 001 ,Book Name: Biology ,Book Authors: [‘Alice’, ‘Bob’] ,Number of Copies:2

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2. Book id : 002 ,Book Name: Chemistry ,Book Authors: [‘Alice’] ,Number of Copies:1 What is the id of the book for the change ?(Enter 0 to go to main menu):001
Enter the new value for the no of copies:1
2 user(s) is/are holding the book, try a larger number!

Enter the new value for the no of copies:10

The following book has been updated:
Book id: 001, Book Name: Biology, Book Authors: [‘Alice’, ‘Bob’], Number of Copies: 10

When ​main menu item 6​ is chosen, the user should be asked to choose an existing book id to display students that borrowed that book.

Your choice:6
What is the id of the book that you want to show, (Enter 0 to go to main menu)?:001 Students that borrowed the book:

When ​main menu item 7 ​is chosen, the current list of students should be shown as follows,and return to main menu

*** Current Users ***



When ​main menu item 8 ​is chosen, the user will be asked to create a name and password for a new student as following:

What is the name of the user that you want to create? Ali What is the password for the new account? 3344

The following user has been added: Name: Ali, Password: 3344

The name of each student should be unique.

When ​main menu item 9​ is chosen, current students should be displayed, then the user should be asked which user the program should delete. (Note: the program should keep asking for a valid input)

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Current Users:
Which user do you want to delete: Ahmet Ahmet is deleted!

When ​main menu item 10, ​the program should go back to the Login page. Student menu

When a student logs in, the following menu will be displayed:

****Welcome to Library Management System**** Please provide login information


Password:1234 Successfully logged in!

Welcome Ahmet what do you want to do ? 1-Search for a book

2-Add a book to my books list 3-Delete a book from my books list 4-Show my borrowed books

Your choice:

When ​main menu item 1​ is chosen, the user should be asked to search for a book by its name or author name, and lists the corresponding books. (Note: the program should keep asking for a valid input)

Your choice:1
Enter book name or author name to search ,(Enter 0 to go to main menu)?:Chemistry

1. Book id: 002, Book Name: Chemistry, Book Authors: [‘Alice’], Number of Copies: 1

Welcome Ahmet what do you want to do ? 1-Search for a book

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2-Add a book to my books list 3-Delete a book from my books list 4-Show my borrowed books

Your choice:

When ​main menu item 2​ is selected, your program should print the available books, then asks the user which book he/she wants to add based on its id, then return to students menut

If the book is already taken by the user or there is no available copy, your program should tell so and ask the user to choose a different book.

Your choice:2
*** List of Books ***

1. Book id: 001, Book Name: Biology, Book Authors: [‘Alice’, ‘Bob’], Available Copies: 2

2. Book id: 002, Book Name: Chemistry, Book Authors: [‘Alice’], Available Copies: 1 What is the id of a book that you want to add (Enter 0 to go to main menu)?:002 The following book has been added to your profile:
Book id: 002, Book Name: Chemistry, Book Authors: [‘Alice’], Available Copies: 1

When ​main menu item 3,​ the program first will show books borrowed by the student and ask him/her which book to return.

Your choice:3
*** List of Books ***

1. Book id: 001, Book Name: Biology, Book Authors: [‘Alice’, ‘Bob’], Number of Copies:2 2. Book id: 002, Book Name: Chemistry, Book Authors: [‘Alice’], Number of Copies:1

What is the id of a book that you want to return (Enter 0 to go to main menu)?: 001

The following book has been selected:
Book id: 001, Book Name: Biology, Book Authors: [‘Alice’, ‘Bob’], Number of Copies: 2 Are you sure that you want to return this book ? [Y/N]Y
The book has been returned.

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When ​main menu item 4​ is selected​,​ books currently held by the user should be displayed. (previously returned books should not be shown)​.

Your choice: 4

Your Books:
1. Book id:001, Book Name: Biology, Book Authors: [‘Alice’, ‘Bob’], Number of Copies: 2 2. Book id:002, Book Name: Chemistry, Book Authors: [‘Alice’], Number of Copies: 1

When ​main menu item 5,​ the program should go back to Login page​. Implementation Notes

  • ●  Use a dictionary to store users where username is the key, and value is a password. Store admins similarly.
  • ●  You need to represent a book as a data structure. A list would be good choice. Note that the book, in our context, consists of an id, a name, a no_of_copies, a list of authors.
  • ●  A book can have multiple authors and one author can have multiple books.
  • ●  Use a dictionary to store books where book id is the key, and the value is the book (e.g., a list mentioned before). Whenever you need to access books by id, you need to use this dictionary

    for an efficient implementation.

  • ●  Use a dictionary that maps authors to books where author name is the key, and value is a list

    of books written by that author. Whenever you need to access books by author name, you

    need to use this dictionary for an efficient implementation.

  • ●  Use a dictionary to store which users borrowed which books where user is the key, and value

    is a list of books taken by that user. Whenever you need to access burrowed books by student, you need to use this dictionary for an efficient implementation.

  • ●  Useadictionarytostorebooksborrowedwherebookidisthekey,andvalueisalistofuser names that borrowed that particular book. Whenever you need to access students by id of the book they hold, you need to use this dictionary for an efficient implementation.

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Grading Criteria?​
Code Organization Functionality

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  • python-library-management-system-g03dig.zip