ENCS313  Project 1 -Shell Scripting Project Solved

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Problem Overview:

In this project, the system will provide operations related to the student record system, like adding a new student semester record, changing course grade, statistics, etc. The student’s record must be saved in a text file. The structure of the file must be as shown below:


  • Year/semester represent the academic year and the current semester. For example: 2021-2022 represent the academic year, 1 represents the first semester (2 for the second semester, 3 for the summer semester).
  • The system works only for a year that includes three semesters; first semester, second semesters, and summer semester.
  • Courses with grades: lists of courses taken in the academic year/semester.
  • Grade could be mark between 60 to 99, or I (incomplete), or F (Fail and counted as 55), or FA

    (Fail Absent counted as 50).


  1. The program must ask user to enter the name of the file.
  2. The program must raise an error if the file doesn’t exist.
  3. Then the program must raise a message showing the available operations like the following


  1. Show or print student records (all semesters).
  2. Show or print student records for a specific semester.
  3. Show or print the overall average.
  4. Show or print the average for every semester.
  5. Show or print the total number of passed hours.
  6. Show or print the percentage of total passed hours in relation to total F and FA


  7. Show or print the total number of hours taken for every semester.
  8. Show or print the total number of courses taken.
  9. Show or print the total number of labs taken.
  10. Insert the new semester record.
  11. Change in course grade.


  • For operation 2, the program will ask user to enter the required semester.
  • For operations 3, 5, 6, 8, and 9, you need to handle repeated courses and I courses.
  • For operation 10, the program must validate the input data. For example, the course code should be

    either ENCS or ENEE, course number should be between 2000 to 5999, total number of taken hours is

    at least 12, course grade between 60 to 99 or F or FA or I.

  • For operation 11, the program will ask user to enter the course code and the new grade. Then it will

    display the course code, the old grade and new grade and ask the user to confirm the change before applying the change to the text file.

  • Bash-Project-svor3a.zip