EECS738 Lab 7 Midterm Solved

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Acme Telephonica (AT) is a mobile phone operator that  has customers across every state of the U.S.A.

AT struggles with customer churn prediction—customers  leaving AT for other mobile phone operators.

AT hired us to take a new approach to reducing customer  churn.

This case study is to develop a machine learning solution to this business  problem.

AT did not approach us with a well-specified machine learning problem. Instead, the company approached us with a business problem—reducing customer churn.Our first goal is to convert this business problem into a machine learning problem and develop a concrete solution.

To evaluate the available data, we have the data definitions.


Feature Description
BILLAMOUNTCHANGEPCT The percent by which the customer’s bill has changed from  last










month to thismonth

The percent by which the call minutes used by the customer has  changed from last month to this month

The average monthly bill amount

The average monthly recurring charge paid by the customer  The average number of customer calls dropped each month

The percent by which the customer’s peak calls to off-peak calls ratio has changed from last month to this month

The average number of calls received each month by the customer

The average number of call minutes used by the customer each month

The average number of out-of-bundle minutes used by the customer eachmonth

The average number of roamingcallsmade by the customer each month

The ratio between peak and off peak calls made by the customer  thismonth

NEWFREQUENTNUMBERS How many new numbers the customer is frequently calling   this month?


Feature Description
CUSTOMERCARECALLS The number of customer care calls made by the customer last














The number of times the customer has been called by the retentionteam

The number of retention offers the customer has accepted

The customer’sage

The customer’s credit rating

The customer’s incomelevel

The number of months the customer has been with AT

The customer’soccupation

The type of region the customer lives in

The price of the customer’s current handset

The age of the customer’s current handset

The number of handsets the customer has had in the past 3 years

Is the customer’s current handset a smart phone?

The targetfeature

Midterm analysis

  • Understand the data. Note any issues with missing or damaged data and how you handle it. Comment on whether normalization of features would be helpful. One paragraph.
  • Develop an analysis of the churn data using two different classifiers. First, justify why you chose each classifier. Provide a description of your classifiers. More than one paragraph.
  • Compare the performance of the classifiers. Determine which is preferable and justify your decision. More than one paragraph.
  • Extra credit. The company now tells you new information. Adjust your analysis for the case where giving service to a churner costs the company $700 and excluding a customer who is not a churner costs $100, while other cases are 0. Now optimize for the least cost. Describe how this changed your classifier performance.