EE588 Project #3-Image Registration Solved

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Project #3 Image Registration

Matlab commands are specified in the text and in blue Courier font and python commands in parenthesis and in red Courier font; variables and filenames (or commands that are consistent between Matlab and python) are specified in black Courier font. In the following python syntax, I have used import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, import skimage.transform, and import os; additionally, you probably want to use %matplotlib inline to include figures inline in your jupyter notebook.

Your code should be well commented, and your submission should include enough narration to lead me through your solution. You should be briefly discussing your decisions, your approach to coding, and your results as you progress through the code. Generally this will mean, for each sub-instruction, a brief narrative, your commented code, and the requested output (printed or images displayed). If it is easier, you may upload a separate pdf document for each part (please name each file according to the part so that I can easily navigate—e.g., part_a.pdf). Please also include the last page of this assignment as a cover page to assist me in grading. You may fill that out and upload it as a separate document, or include it as the first page of your merged pdf.

(a) SIFT Keypoint Extraction.
In this problem, we will use the SIFT demo code provided by the original author Lowe. Download the demo code from and unzip. There are Matlab and c codes provided, but we will be using the binaries and learning how to call command line programs from Matlab (python). Carefully read the README file, with particular attention to the “Binaries for detecting SIFT features” section.
(i) This subpart will verify that the binaries provided in the SIFT demo are working on your system before

we dive into trying to call those binaries from Matlab (python). Using the syntax provided in the README file, from the siftDemoV4 directory, run the sift command ./sift -display <scene.pgm >result.pgm in a terminal on a Linux machine (this should also work for a Mac, I think) or siftWin32 -display <scene.pgm >result.pgm in a command window on a Windows machine. (For brevity, subsequent instructions will use just the Linux syntax). Take a screenshot of what is printed out in the terminal/command window. It should say something to the effect of

           Finding keypoints...
           1021 keypoints found.
           PGM file output.

In Matlab (python), read in the screenshot and display it (this is just an easy way for you to include your results for the terminal/command window stuff within publish (jupyter notebook)). Display the original image siftDemoV4/scene.pgm and the siftDemoV4/result.pgm file generated via the command line. These are grayscale images—please display them accordingly.

(ii) The following instructions assume that you are in the directory just above the siftDemoV4 directory so that we don’t clutter up the original download directory. Copy the siftDemoV4/scene.pgm file to the working directory. You can now access the command line directly from Matlab (python) and run the same command as in the previous part using system(‘siftDemoV4/sift -display <scene.pgm >result.pgm’) (os.system(‘siftDemoV4/sift -display <scene.pgm >result.pgm’)). The system (os.system) call will return a value of 0 if the command ran successfully. There should now be a result.pgm file in your working directory. Read in this image and display it. Note—if you are using Windows, you will want to use a backslash instead of a forwardslash, i.e., system(‘siftDemoV4\sift -display <scene.pgm >result.pgm’) (os.system(‘siftDemoV4\sift -display <scene.pgm >result.pgm’)). Usually Matlab and python are smart enough to handle this, but the system (os.system) command literally sends a string to the command window and Windows is not smart enough to handle it. Subsequent instructions will use the forward slash syntax—change it as needed if you are using a Windows machine.


(iii)Withoutthe-displayoption,thesiftcommandwilloutputthekeypointsinatextfile. Carefully read the README file regarding how to interpret the output text file. From Matlab (python) run the command system(‘siftDemoV4/sift <scene.pgm >result.key’) (os.system(‘siftDemoV4/sift <scene.pgm >result.key’)). Read in the first 9 lines of result.key and display them.

(iv) According to the README file, the number of keypoints can be controlled by changing the image resolution. For the scene.pgm image, determine the number of keypoints detected for the image decimated by factors res =1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32. In order to do this automatically, you will want to decimate the image using imresize(I,[M,N]/res) (skimage.transform.resize(I, (M,N)/res,order=3,anti_alising=True)), where M, N are the dimensions of the original image. Write out the decimated image to an image file. Now you want to point your system (os.system) command to the decimated image that you just wrote out. Plot the number of detected keypoints versus decimation factor. This code should utilize the text files output from the sift command to automatically read in the number of keypoints for each decimated image. What sort of relationship does the number of keypoints have to the image resolution (e.g., is it linear?)?

(v) (Extra Credit): Using the text file that the sift command outputs, write code to visualize the SIFT keypoints in a similar fashion to what the result.pgm file demonstrated. Display the scene.pgm image with the keypoints visualized on top.

(b) SIFT Keypoint Matching I
In this problem, we will use the SIFT keypoints returned by the SIFT code to match keypoints between an imageIandanaffinetransformedimageI_t. CarefullyreadthesiftDemoV4/READMEfile,with particular attention to the “ASCII file output for keypoints” section. For use in this part, there is a file cameraman.pgm file available on canvas (this is a standard image provided with the Matlab image processing toolbox which has been converted to .pgm format).
(i) Create a function [xyso,F]=create_feature_matrices(key_filename)

(xyso,F=create_feature_matrices(key_filename)). Inputkey_filenameisastring with the key filename (e.g., ‘result.key’ from part (a-iii) above). Output are two matrices: xyso is K×4 and F is K×128 , where K is the total number of keypoints detected by the SIFT algorithm (note that number of keypoints is the first entry on the first line of the key file). Columns of matrix xyso should be the x-location, y-location, scale, and gradient orientation of each keypoint. Columns of matrix F should be the 128 features for each keypoint.

(ii) Create a function D=pairwise_distance(F1,F2) to compute the Euclidean distance between each 128-D feature vector in feature matrix F1 with each 128-D feature vector in feature matrix F2. Inputs F1 and F2 are the K 1×128 and K 2×128 feature matrices returned by your create_feature_matricesfunction. OutputDisa K1×K2 matrix,where K1 isthe number of keypoints detected in I and K 2 is the number of keypoints detected in I_t. Thus, D(i,j) (D[i,j]) is the Euclidean distance between the i-th keypoint in I and the j-th keypoint in I_t.

(iii)CreateafunctionP=paired_keypoints(D,thresh)tocomputekeypointpairs. InputsareD, the pairwise distance matrix returned by your pairwise_distance function, and thresh which will control the ratio between the closest and second closest match (0.8 per the lowe2004.pdf paper or 0.6 per the siftDemoV4/README file). Output is a length- K vector P which contains the index to the keypoint match (or 0 if it does not satisfy the second nearest neighbor check), where K

is the number of keypoints in the reference image I. Follow the description in Section 7 of the lowe2004.pdf paper on how to determine keypoint matches. The interpretation of vector P is that if P(i)=j (P[i]=j), then the j-th keypoint in I_t is a match to the i-th keypoint in reference image I. If P(i)=0 (P[i]=-1), then there was no valid match in I_t for the i-th keypoint in I_t.

(iv)Readinthecameraman.pgmfileasreferenceimageI. Definetransformedimage I_t=imrotate(I,10,’crop’) (I_t=skimage.transform.rotate(I,10)) which rotatesimageIby10degreesinacounterclockwisemanner. WriteoutimageI_ttofilename


I_t.pgm. UsetheSIFTprogramtogenerateakeyfileI.keyforimagecameraman.pgmand I_t.keyforI_t.pgm. Createfeaturematrices [xyso,F]=create_feature_matrices(‘I.key’) (xyso,F=create_feature_matrices(‘I.key’)) and [xyso_t,F_t]=create_feature_matrices(‘I_t.key’) (xyso_t,F_t=create_feature_matrices(‘I_t.key’)). Print out the first row of xymo, F,xymo_t,andF_t. CreatethepairwisedistancematrixD=pairwise_distance(F,F_t). Print out the first row of D. Create the paired keypoint vector P=paired_keypoints(D,0.6). Print out P.

(v) Define a side-by-side image sbs=[I,I_t] (sbs=np.concatenate((I,I_t),axis=1), assumingbothIandI_tarendarrays). Note—makesurethatbothIandI_tarescaledthesame (i.e., both in [0,255] or both in [0,1]) since the imrotate (skimage.transform.rotate) command may change intensity scaling. Display image sbs. Using your paired keypoint vector P and matricesxymoandxymo_t,drawlinesfromkeypointsinItothepairedkeypointsinI_t. Recallthat the (x,y) locations of the i-th keypoint in image I are in xyso(i,1:2) (xyso[i,0:1]) and the (x,y) locations of the j-th keypoint in image I_t are in xyso_t(j,1:2) (xyso_t[j,0:1]). You will need to offset the column location for the I_t keypoint in order to draw a line between I and I_t insbs. Forexample,ifthereareNcolumnsinimageI,plot([xyso(1,2),xyso_t(1,2)+N], [xyso(1,1),xyso_t(1,1)]) (plt.plot([xyso[0,1],xyso_t[0,1]+N], [xyso[0,0],xyso_t[0,0]])) would plot a line from the first keypoint in I to the first keypoint inI_t. ItisyourjobtofigureouthowtoleveragePtoconnectthematchedkeypointsforIandI_t as defined above. Do the SIFT keypoints appear to be well-matched? Are there specific keypoints that do not appear to be well-matched?

(c) SIFT Keypoint Matching II
This part will leverage the basic code you developed in part (b) and will study the effects of different image transformations on the ability to match SIFT keypoints. In addition to the cameraman.pgm file used above, there are two additional .pgm files available on canvas (hestain.pgm and circlesBrightDark.pgm, both of which are also standard Matlab image processing toolbox images converted to pgm format). These three images are chosen to illustrate the performance of SIFT for images with man-made objects (cameraman.pgm), images with biological entities like stained cells under a microscope (hestain.pgm), and images with very little structure (circlesBrightDark.pgm). Unless otherwise specifed, you may assume a distance ratio of 0.6 for computation of your paired keypoints vector P.
(i) For I as the original image and I_t as the same image rotated by 10 degrees, match keypoints between

IandI_tforcameraman.pgmandvisualizeasin(b-v)above. Repeatforhestain.pgm. Repeat for circlesBrightDark.pgm. Discuss the implications of using SIFT for each of these images.

What potential issues do you foresee using SIFT for image registration for images similar to these three

(ii) Repeat (c-i), but before rotating by 10 degrees, add random Gaussian noise with a standard deviation of

0.1(assuminganimageintensityrangeof[0,1])usingrandn(np.random.randn). The addition of Gaussian noise means that you may end up with some pixels with intensity outside of the range [0,1], in which case you should clip any intensities less than 0 to 0 and any intensities greater than 1 to 1. Discuss implications of using SIFT for image registration for these rotated and noisy images. How do the keypoint matches compare here compared to those in part (c-i)?

(iii) Repeat (c-i), but define the transformed image as half the resolution in each dimension of I, i.e., imresize(I,[M,N]/2) (skimage.transform.resize(I,(M,N)/2.,order=3,anti_aliasing=True)), where M, N are the dimensions of the original I. Then rotate the resized image by 10 degrees. Note that you will need to concatenate M/2 rows of zeros to the bottom of I_t prior to defining the side-by-side image in order to keep dimensions consistent. Discuss implications of using SIFT for image registration


for these resized and rotated. How do the keypoint matches compare here compared to those in part (c-

(iv) Define image I as cameraman.pgm and image I_t as hestain.pgm and match keypoints between

the images. Since I_t will have fewer rows than I, you will need to concatenate an appropriate number of rows of zeros to the bottom of I_t prior to defining the side-by-side image. How do the keypoint matches compare here compared to those in part (c-i)?

(v) If we choose distance ratio thresh=1, we can study the effects of using all keypoint matches. Use I as the cameraman.pgm image and I_t as a 10 degree rotation of I and display the keypoint matches associated with thresh=1. How do the keypoint matches compare here compared to those in part (c- i)?

(d) Estimation of Affine Transformation Parameters
In this part, you will implement the least-squares estimation problem described in Section 7.4 of the lowe2004.pdf paper. You will be working with your paired keypoints vector P and computing and using the affine transformation matrix A as defined in the lowe2004.pdf paper.
(i) Create a function t=estimate_affine_transformation(P,xyso,xyso_t) to estimate the

affine transformation parameters. Note—the lowe2004.pdf paper uses x as the transformation parameter vector, but I am calling it t to distinguish it from the x-coordinates used throughout these instructions. Within your estimate_affine_transformation function, using your paired keypoint vector P and the corresponding (x,y) locations in xyso and xyso_t, create matrix A and vectorbasdescribedinthelowe2004.pdfpaper. NotethatforP(i)=j(P[i]=j),thismeansthat you will populate two rows in A ([x,y,0,0,1,0] and [0,0,x,y,0,1], where x, y come from xyso(i,1:2) (xyso[i,0:1])) and two rows in vector b (x_t and y_t where x_t, y_t come from xyso_t(j,1:2) (xyso_t[j,0:1])). Be careful to be consistent in your interpretation of x- andy-coordinatesinanimage. MatrixAwillbe 2K×6 andvectorbwillbe 2K×1 where

K is the number of keypoint matches. The 6×1 transformation parameter vector t=pinv(A)*b (t=np.squeeze(np.matmul(np.linalg.pinv(A),b))).

(ii) Define image I as cameraman.pgm and transformed image I_t=imrotate(I,45) (I_t=skimage.transform.rotate(I,45,resize=True)) Note that we are using slightly different options with the imrotate (skimage.transform.rotate) command in order to avoid cropping the image when rotating. Using your previously developed functions, compute feature matrices xyso, F, xyso_t, and F_t; compute the pairwise distances D, and the paired keypoints P. Using your estimate_affine_transformation function, compute transformation parameter vector t. Print out t. Now we need to get those estimated affine transformation parameters into a form that we can use them to manipulate I and I_t. First, create the homogeneous transformation matrix T=[t(1),t(2),t(5);t(3),t(4),t(6);0,0,1] (T=np.array([[t[0],t[1],t[4]], [t[2],t[3],t[5]],[0,0,1]])). Print out T. Use the homogeneous transformation matrix to create a transformation object tform=invert(affine2d(T’)) where the invert is needed since Matlab interprets the homogeneous matrix T as transforming from I_t to I rather than the other way around (tform=skimage.transform.AffineTransform(matrix=T)). Apply the estimated transformation tform to the original image I using I_tform=imwarp(I,tform) (I_tform=skimage.transform.warp(I,tform)). Iftransformationparameterstwere estimatedwell,thenI_tformshouldbesimilartoI_t(your45degreerotatedI). Note,however, that the treatment of the image edges may be different, so you will want to focus on the central portions of the image. Display I_tform. Does this image appear to correspond to a 45 degree rotation of imageI? DiscusssimilaritiesanddifferencesbetweenI_tformandI_t.

(iii) You can compute the inverse transformation of tform using using itform=invert(tform) (itform=tform.inverse). DefineI_tform_itform=imwarp(I_tform,itform) (I_tform_itform=skimage.transform.warp(I_tform,itform)). Display I_tform_itform. Since we apply the transform tform and then the inverse transform itform, I_tform_itformshouldbetheoriginalimage. HowdoesthisimageI_tform_itformcompare


to the original image I? It will probably be worth enabling the axis on your visualization so you can

better estimate the pixel extent of the image.
(iv)Applyitform toI_t,I_t_itform=imwarp(I_t,itform)

(I_t_itform=skimage.transform.warp(I_t,itform)). Sincetformisonlyanestimate ofthetransformation,applicationofitformtoI_tmaynotexactlyreversetheoperations. Howdoes this image I_t_itform compare to the original image I? It will probably be worth enabling the axis on your visualization so you can better estimate the pixel extent of the image.

(v) Define image I as cameraman.pgm, I_t as image I with a 45 degree rotation and use a distance threshold thresh=1 for computation of your paired keypoints vector P. Repeat the steps above to compute the estimated transform tform and inverse transform itform. Apply itform to I_t and display. Discuss how this result is similar and/or different from the results in part (d-iv). It will probably be worth enabling the axis on your visualization so you can better estimate the pixel extent of the image.
