EE559 Homework 3 -nonaugmented feature space Solved

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  1. In discussion we derived an expression for the signed distance d between an arbitrary point x (or  p) and a hyperplane H given by  g(x)= w0 + wT x = 0 , all in nonaugmented feature space.  This question explores this topic further.
    • Prove that the weight vector w is normal to H.

Hint:  For any two points  x1and x2 on H, what is  g(x1)− g(x2)?  How can you interpret the vector  (x1x2) ?

  • Show that the vector w points to the positive side of H.  (Positive side of H means the  d > 0)

Hint:  What sign does the distance d from H to  x =(x1+ aw) have, in which  x1 is a point on H?

  • Derive, or state and justify, an expression for the signed distance r between an arbitrary point x(+) and a hyperplane  g(x(+))= w(+)T x(+) = 0 in augmented feature space.  Set up the sign of your distance so that  w points to the positive-distance side of H.
  • In weight space, using augmented quantities, derive an expression for the signed distance between an arbitrary point w(+) and a hyperplane  g(x(+))= w(+)T x(+) = 0 , in

which the vector  x(+) defines the positive side of the hyperplane.


  1. For a 2-class learning problem with one feature, you are given four training data points (in augmented space):

x1(1) =(1,−3); x2(1) =(1,−5); x3(2) =(1,1); x4(2) =(1,−1)

  • Plot the data points in 2D feature space. Draw a linear decision boundary H that correctly classifies them, showing which side is positive.
  • Plot the reflected data points in 2D feature space. Draw the same decision boundary; does it still classify them correctly?
  • Plot the reflected data points, as lines in 2D weight space, showing the positive side of each. Show the solution region.
  • Also, plot the weight vector w of H from part (a) as a point in weight space.  Is  w in the solution region?


  1. (a) Let p(x) be a scalar function of a D-dimensional vector  x ,  and  f ( p) be a scalar function of p.  Prove that:
  2. 1 of 2

  ⎣         ⎦

i.e., prove that the chain rule applies in this way.  [Hint:  you can show it for the ith component of the gradient vector, for any i.  It can be done in a couple lines.]

  • Use relation (18) of DHS A.2.4 to find ∇x(xT x).


  • Prove your result of ∇x(xT x) in part (b) by, instead, writing out the components.

⎡( T )3⎤

  • Use (a) and (b) to find ∇xx x ⎥ in terms of x .

      ⎣            ⎦


  1. (a) Use relations above to find   w w 2 .  Express your answer in terms of  w 2 where

possible.  Hint:   let  p = wTw;  what is  f ?

(b)                Find:   w Mwb 2.  Express your result in simplest form.  Hint:  first choose p

(remember it must be a scalar).


  1. [Extra credit] For  C > 2 , show that total linear separability implies linear separability, and show that linear separability doesn’t necessarily imply total linear separability.  For the latter, a counterexample will suffice.


