EE447 Experiment 4 – General Purpose Timer Modules Solved

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In Experiment 3, you used SysTick to address Real-Time problems. SysTick is a single system clock whose only function is to count up or down for a pre-defined number of cycles. If you need multiple clocks, with more sophisticated capabilities such as reading an input signal or generating an output signal you can use the Timer Modules of TM4C. While doing this lab, you will:
1. Learn the different functions and modes of Timer modules
2. Learn how to configure the registers to use Timer modules
3. Write an interrupt subroutine to generate a pulse train
4. Write a program to read an input signal in Edge Time mode
5. Measure distance using an ultrasonic sensor with a Timer
1 Background Information
1.1 TM4C Timer Modules
The board is equipped with six 16/32 bit General Purpose Timer Modules named TIMERn (They are called as GPTM in the datasheet, which refer to the same thing). Each timer module consists of two 16 bit timers (A and B). They can be used seperately as two 16-bit counters or together as a 32-bit counter. In this lab, we will use them seperately as 16-bit counters.
TM4C Timer Modules can be used for various purposes. In One shot/Periodic modes the timer simply counts up or down, once or in a periodic way. You can use these modes to generate a pulse or pulse wave. In Edge Count mode, the timer can be used to count the number of falling/rising edges of an input signal and in Edge Time mode it can be used to measure the time between falling/rising edges of an input signal. In other words, Edge Time and Edge Count modes can be used to measure the duty cycle, period and frequency of a signal (You have to assign a timer to a GPIO port for these two modes). RTC, PWM, Wait-for-Trigger are other timer modes which will not be covered here. In this experiment, you will generate a square pulse train using Periodic Mode and read this as an input signal using Edge Time Mode.
1.1.1 One Shot / Periodic Mode
In this mode, the timer will start counting up from 0 to a specified value, or down from a specified value to 0. Counting starts once the timer is enabled from the timer’s Control Register (TIMERn CTL). If configured to count up, the timer starts at 0 and counts up to the value stored in the Interval Load Register (TIMERn ILR). When that value is reached, a “Time-Out” event is triggered which sets the timeout flag in the Raw Interrupt Status Register (TIMERn RIS). In One Shot mode, the timer is disabled at this moment. In Periodic Mode, timer starts counting again from 0. But the interrupt flag needs to be cleared after timeout event by using the Interrupt Clear Register (TIMERn ICR), so that the next timeout event can trigger the interrupt flag.
The value of the timer count can be read any time from Timer Register (TIMERn TAR for Timer A and TIMERn TBR for Timer B).
1.1.2 Input Edge Time / Edge Count Mode
These are called as Capture Modes.
Edge Time Mode: Similar to the previous mode, the timer again starts counting once the timer is enabled, and counts up to/down from the specified value. However, it stores the current value of the timer to TIMERn TAR only when an edge of a pulse is detected in the timer’s port. When a rising and/or a falling edge is detected, the capture flag in the TIMERn RIS is set. The timer keeps on counting, but the capture interrupt flag has to be reset from TIMERn ICR so that the timer value can be written into TIMERn TAR in the next edge.
Edge Count Mode: The timer counts only when an edge is detected. Every time an edge is detected, the counter is increased and the value is stored in TIMERn TAR. (Again the interrupt flag is set, has to be reset etc.).
Timeout interrupt flags are not set in these modes.
1.2 GPIO Setup for Timers

Figure 1: GPIO Port Control Register
The configuration of PB6 to access timer can be done with the following piece of code. Keep in mind that in addition to the given code, you also have to configure additional registers to power up the GPIO clock for port, set the direction to choose the pin as input and digitally enable the pin, as you have learned in Experiment 4.
#include ”TM4C123GH6PM.h” void init func ( void ){
SYSCTL=>RCGCGPIO |= 0x02 ; // turn on bus clock for GPIOB
. . . .
GPIOB=>AFSEL |= 0x40 ; // set bit6 for alternate function on PB6
GPIOB=>PCTL |= 0x07000000 ; // Set bits 27:24 of PCTL to 7 to enable TIMER0A on PB6 GPIOB=>AMSEL = 0; // Clear AMSEL to disable Analog
return ;

Figure 2: List of associated pins for 16/32 bit timers
1.3 Timer Setup
Similar to GPIO, in order to use the timer peripheral you must first “power it up” by starting its clock using the GPTM Run Mode Clock Gating Control (RCGCTIMER). Setting bits [5:0] enables the corresponding timer module. After you have powered up a timer, you have to wait for a few cycles for the clock to settle. The following list shows the RCGCTIMER register address, the base register address of each timer and the offsets of timer registers. You can use this list to define the register as volatile int pointers like in the previous lab.
; Timer Clock Register Address
; Base Addresses of 16/32 Bit Timers
TIMER0 EQU 0x40030000
TIMER1 EQU 0x40031000
TIMER2 EQU 0x40032000
TIMER3 EQU 0x40033000
TIMER4 EQU 0x40034000
TIMER5 EQU 0x40035000
;16/32 Bit Timer Register Offsets
CFG EQU 0x000 ; Timer Config
TAMR EQU 0x004 ; TimerA Mode
CTL EQU 0x00C ; Timer Control
IMR EQU 0x018 ; Timer Interrupt Mask
RIS EQU 0x01C ; Timer Raw Interrupt Status ICR EQU 0x024 ; Timer Interrupt Clear TAILR EQU 0x028 ; TimerA Interval Load
TAPR EQU 0x038 ; TimerA Prescale
TAR EQU 0x048 ; TimerA
Or you can use the TM4C123GH6PM.h file’s Timer0 structures which you can see on the next page.

Control Register ( CTL): This register is used to disable/enable the timer and to set which edges (falling, rising or both) will be detected from input signal. Both timer A and B can be controlled with this register.
TAEN [0]: Set this bit to enable timer A
TASTALL [1]: Set this bit to make timer A freeze counting when the processor is halted by the debugger.
TAEVENT [3:2]: The edge detection condition bits for timer A.

Figure 3: Control Register
REMARK: You should disable the timer before doing any configuration with the timer registers.
Configuration Register ( CFG): Selects the configuration of the timers A and B (16 bit or 32 bit mode). Set bits [2:0] to 0x4 for 16 bit mode.
Interrupt Mask Register ( IMR): Used to enable timer interrupts. If the related bits are set, an interrupt from the timer will make the processor enter an ISR. You don’t have to write anything yourself to this register for this lab.
Raw Interrupt Status Register ( RIS): When an interrupt occurs in the timer, the related bits of RIS register are set to 1 to. These flags are set even though the interrupt is not enabled from IMR.
TATORIS [0]: This bit being 1 means a Timer A timeout interrupt has occured (Timer A counted up to the specified value or counted down to 0).
CAERIS [2]: This bit being 1 means a capture mode event has occured for Timer A (An edge is detected).

Figure 4: Raw Interrupt Status Register
Interrupt Clear Register ( ICR): Used to clean the interrupt flags in RIS. TATOCINT [0]: Writing 1 to this bit clears the TATORIS bit in the RIS register CAECINT [2]: Writing 1 to this bit clears the CAERIS bit in the RIS register.

Figure 5: Interrupt Clear Register
Timer A Interval Load Register ( TAILR): In 16 bit mode, the value written to lower [15:0] bits of this register specifies the upper bound for count up and the starting value for count down modes.
Timer A Mode Register ( TAMR): Used to set the function of the timer.

Figure 6: Timer A Mode Register
Timer A Register ( TAR): Shows the current value of the timer in One-Shot and Periodic modes. The lower bits [15:0] has the timer value and the upper bits are zero.
In Edge-Time Mode, TAR shows the timer value from the last edge-detection event.
In Edge-Count Mode, TAR shows the number of edge-detection events.
REMARK: In capture modes, the timer becomes a 24 bit timer, i.e. the timer value will be equal to [23:0] of TAR. This will be further explained in the next section.
1.3.1 Prescaling
The timer modules in TM4C use 16 MHz clock. In other words, the timer is increased by 1 every 62.5 nanoseconds. This means that a timeout will occur after 4.096 ms, assuming that the counting range is set to maximum (0xFFFF). Sometimes this number can be too small when you deal with events or signals with lower frequencies. For this purpose, the prescale register TAPR can be used to decrease the timer frequency. The new timer frequency is 16 MHz divided by the value written to TAPR +1.
16 MHz ftimer =
Prescale + 1
If you want to have a timer with a frequency of 4 MHz, for example, you will need to write 0x03 to lower [7:0] bits of TAPR.
However, you have to consider that the prescaling works in two ways. In One-Shot and Periodic modes with Count-Down, it works as a true prescaler. The prescaler will count for 3 more cycles before the timer counts down one tick. In this case, for a timer frequency of 4 MHz, 250 ns after enabling the timer, you will read TAILR-1 (as it is down-counting) from the lower 16-bits of TAR . In other modes it functions as a time extender. For Edge-Time mode, for instance, with the same prescaling factor of 4, you wil read 0x0004 after 250 ns (Assuming an edge is detected at this point). Seems like the prescaling didn’t work? No, it works but in another way. This time, the upper range of the timer will be 0x03.FFFF (Upper 8 bit part comes from the prescale value TAPR), which means that the timeout will occur four times later. The value read by the TAR hasn’t changed but the maximum number of timer counts has increased, which is as well useful for the same purpose of extending the duration of the timer. Figure 7 below shows the method of prescaling for different modes.

Figure 7: Timer Capabilities
1.4 HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor

Figure 8: HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
The ultrasonic sensor you see in the Figure 8 is a module that uses ultrasound waves for determining distances. It sends an acoustic pulse train at 40kHz and listens for its echo. The time it takes for the acoustic wave to hit a solid surface and return back to the receiver is indicated by a HIGH polarity pulse on its ECHO pin. The length of the pulse is the round trip time (RTT) of the ultrasound wave. Thus, assuming that the speed of sound in air under usual conditions is 340m/s, the distance is:
Distance(mm) = PulseWidth(us) × 0.34/2
The sensor makes a measurement after it is triggered. This is achieved by a >10us long HIGH pulse on its TRIG pin. For convenience, a 100ms delay can be used to generate the trigger pulse. The signalling timeline is shown in the Figure 9.

Figure 9: HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Timing
Note: The sensor works with a VCC supply of 5V. Thus, the VCC should be connected to the VBUS output of the development board. GND should be connected to a ground pin. For the TRIG and ECHO signals, 5V tolerant pins of the board should be used. All IO pins except PB0, PB1, PD4 and PD5 are 5V tolerant.
2 Preliminary Work
1. (20%) Pulse.h (You can find it on ODTUCLASS) is a program to generate a square pulse train with 20 kHz frequency. But the code is not complete, so you have to write the missing parts.
You are given the pulse init function, which carries out all the neccessary configurations, enables PF2 (Blue LED) to output a digital value and enables TIMER0A to start counting. Read this code carefully. In which mode is TIMER0A used?
You are not supposed to change anything in pulse init function.
You will need to change HIGH and LOW values, representing HIGH and LOW durations of your signal, respectively. You are supposed to pick the duty cycle as 20%.
2. (60%) Now you will write a C program which reads an input signal from an external pin and measures its pulse width, period and duty cycle. The measurements are to be printed out on Terminal.
The input will be the very same signal you generated in Step 1. Thus, in your program, you will have to call this subroutine to start generating a a pulse train from PF2.
You are free to chose any TIMER and GPIO module except for the pins PB0, PB1, PD4 and PD5. These pins are not 5V tolerant as explained in the Section 1.4. Also, you must be careful not to cause any conflicts between modules. Refer to the datasheet for details.
You won’t enable the interrupt generated by the TIMER you use to read input signal. You will rather poll the related flags in the corresponding registers.
3. (20%) In this last part, you will write a C program which measures the pulse width of the echo signal of HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor. You can use your code in the previous question and modify it accordingly. As the sensor only generates a single pulse (one rising and one falling edge) different than the previous part, you will only need to measure the pulse width (not period or duty cycle). As explained in the section 1.4, the sensor makes the measurement upon request which is signalled by a single > 10us pulse (LOW-HIGH-LOW) on the TRIG pin, and the measurement starts after this pin goes LOW. The pulse width measurement is to be printed out on Terminal.
[1] TI, “Tiva tm4c123gh6pm microcontroller data sheet.” spms376e.pdf.
/* Pulse init .h f i l e
Function for creating a pulse train using interrupts
Uses Channel 0 , and a 1Mhz Timer clock ( TAPR = 15) Uses Timer0A to create pulse train on PF2
#include ”TM4C123GH6PM.h” void pulse init ( void ) ; void TIMER0A Handler ( void ) ;
#define LOW 0x00000100 #define HIGH 0x00000100
void pulse init ( void ){ volatile int *NVIC EN0 = ( volatile int *) 0xE000E100 ; volatile int *NVIC PRI4 = ( volatile int *) 0xE000E410 ;
SYSCTL=>RCGCGPIO |= 0x20 ; // turn on bus clock for GPIOF
ASM(”NOP”) ;
ASM(”NOP”) ;
ASM(”NOP”) ;
GPIOF=>DIR |= 0x04 ; // set PF2 as output
GPIOF=>AFSEL &= (0xFFFFFFFB) ; // Regular port function
GPIOF=>PCTL &= 0xFFFFF0FF; // No alternate function
GPIOF=>AMSEL =0; //Disable analog
GPIOF=>DEN |=0x04 ; // Enable port digital
SYSCTL=>RCGCTIM ER |=0x01 ; // Start timer0
ASM(”NOP”) ;
ASM(”NOP”) ;
ASM(”NOP”) ;
TIMER0=>CTL &=0xFFFFFFFE; //Disable timer during setup
TIMER0=>CFG =0x04 ; //Set 16 bit mode
TIMER0=>TAMR =0x02 ; // set to periodic , count down
TIMER0=>TAILR =LOW; //Set interval load as LOW
TIMER0=>TAPR =15; // Divide the clock by 16 to get 1us
TIMER0=>IMR =0x01 ; //Enable timeout intrrupt
//Timer0A is interrupt 19
// Interrupt 16=19 are handled by NVIC register PRI4
// Interrupt 19 is controlled by bits 31:29 of PRI4
*NVICPRI4 &=0x00FFFFFF; //Clear interrupt 19 priority
*NVICPRI4 |=0x40000000 ; //Set interrupt 19 priority to 2
//NVIC has to be neabled
// Interrupts 0=31 are handled by NVIC register EN0
// Interrupt 19 is controlled by bit 19 *NVIC EN0 |=0x00080000 ;
//Enable timer
TIMER0=>CTL |=0x03 ; // bit0 to enable and bit 1 to stall return ;
void TIMER0A Handler ( void ){ //Write your own function here return ;
} on debug
