ECE49500_59500 Homework 2 Solved

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Task 1  Hadoop installation and set-up. You must have to add screenshots in the report for the output of underlined text in orange color to get full score for Task 1. 1.Open the terminal

  1. Install Java: sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk

You can confirm the installation by typing the command: java -version

  1. Install SSH server: sudo apt-get install openssh-server Download Hadoop 2.10.1 from the following link:

  1. Go to the Downloads directory: cd Downloads
  2. Extract Hadoop files from the downloaded file: tar xzvf hadoop-2.10.1.tar.gz Move extracted Hadoop directory to /usr/local directory: sudo mv hadoop-2.10.1 /usr/local/hadoop Change ownership of /usr/local/hadoop directory:

sudo chown –R bigdata:bigdata /usr/local/hadoop

Note: bigdata is a user here. It may be different in your case. Use command whoami to find the user name.

Use the required command that will show the directory with its new owner.

  1. Find Java installation directory: readlink -f /usr/bin/java | sed


The command output will be the directory for Java.

  1. Go to home directory: cd
  2. Open .bashrc file: gedit .bashrc Add following lines:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre

export HADOOP_HOME=/usr/local/hadoop export PATH=$PATH:$HADOOP_HOME/bin:$HADOOP_HOME/sbin

Note: Value for JAVA_HOME is the output of the previous command for finding Java directory

Close .bashrc file and execute command: . .bashrc

You can verify the changes with the command: echo $JAVA_HOME

  1. Open /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/

gedit /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/ Replace export JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME} with  export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre Also add this: export

Close the file

  1. Create a directory /app/hadoop/tmp: sudo mkdir -p /app/hadoop/tmp Change ownership: sudo chown -R bigdata:bigdata /app/hadoop/tmp

Use the required command that will show the directory with its new owner

  1. Open /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml:

gedit /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml

Add these lines inside <configuration> </configuration> tags









Close the file

Use a command that will show the output of this file in terminal.


  1. Open /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml:

gedit /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml

Add these lines inside <configuration> </configuration> tags





Close the file.

Use a command that will show the output of this file in terminal.


  1. Open /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml:

gedit /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml

Add these lines inside <configuration> </configuration> tags





Note: mapred-site.xml is not available. Rename mapred-site.xml.template file to mapredsite.xml file: mv /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml.template


Close the file.

Use a command that will show the output of this file in terminal.


  1. Open /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/yarn-site.xml: gedit /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/yarn-site.xml

Add these lines inside <configuration> </configuration> tags





Close the file.

Use a command that will show the output of this file in terminal.


  1. Perform following commands to set-up SSH public key authentication ssh-keygen -t rsa -P “” cat /home/bigdata/.ssh/ >> /home/bigdata/.ssh/authorized_keys

Note: bigdata is a user here. It may be different in your case.

  1. Format HDFS: hadoop namenode -format
  2. Start service:
  3. Execute command to check services are running: jps
  4. Once your job is done, you can stop services:

Do not execute this command now, first do something in HDFS cluster as described below.


HDFS commands:

  1. Go to your home directory: cd
  2. Examine files in HDFS cluster: hdfs dfs –ls /

You will see nothing in the output as you have not created anything yet.

  1. Create a directory in HDFS cluster: hdfs dfs -mkdir /user
  2. Examine files again in HDFS cluster: hdfs dfs –ls / You will see the listing of /user directory in the output
  3. Create a directory inside /user directory using your user name: hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/bigdata
  4. Examine that directory in HDFS cluster: hdfs dfs -ls /user/
  5. Create a text file, say txt, use gedit and write something in it and save it.
  6. Upload the file in the cluster:

hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal demo.txt /user/bigdata/

  1. List the file in the cluster: hdfs dfs -ls /user/bigdata/
  2. See the content of file: hdfs dfs -cat /user/bigdata/demo.txt

Task 2 Map-Reduce Programming

Note: Find the instructions for running the programs at the end. For full score, your report should have the code and its output for verification of each problem. Also, you need to separately upload mapper and reducer code files so that the instructor may run them if needed.


  1. [15 points] Write Mapper and Reducer programs that read txt file from HDFS cluster and find top-10 most frequent words and their frequencies. In the text file, many words may appear in different forms, e.g. The, the, they should be considered same word. In addition, some words may have double quote, single quote, or period character either in prefix or suffix

(e.g. book., “book”), your programs should be able to remove them and then consider the remaining characters as a word.


  1. [20 points] (Optional for ECE 49500 students) Write Mapper and Reducer programs that read txt (File source: Udacity’s Hadoop course) file from HDFS cluster and finds the standard deviation of stores’ sales in each city. To calculate the standard deviation refer Welford’s online algorithm. You may find Python code snippet in the link, adapt it for your reducer program.

The required items in the algorithm are as follows:


𝑀2,𝑛                      2,𝑛−1 + (𝑥𝑛 − 𝑥𝑛−1 )(𝑥𝑛 − 𝑥𝑛 )


𝜎2𝑛 = 2,𝑛


Here, xn denotes the sample mean of the first n samples and σ2n their population variance. Once you calculate the popular variance for each city and then you can take the square root of it, which will give you the standard deviation.


  1. [15 points] Write Mapper and Reducer programs that read a web server log file txt and find number of unique files request sent by each client. You may refer the link to understand the fields in the log file. The file request could be found inside the double quotes after GET in the line.


  1. [10 points] Write Mapper and Reducer programs that read iris flower dataset txt and find the average values for each attribute for each flower class. The description of dataset is available here.



You can create a folder where you can keep your Map Reduce code. Use naming format for Mapper code and for reducer code for each problem. For example, and will be the files’ names for Problem A. Once you finish mapper and reducer code, you can verify their correctness by using them for a small file similar to the problem data file. You can create it by examining the file content for the given problem or copy-pasting first 10-20 lines from the data file.


Mapper verification cat problem_file_small.txt | python your_mapper_code_file

Check whether you are getting the same output that you expect. If you do not then you need to fix the mapper code and execute the command again. It is assumed that you are executing the command from the folder where you have put Map Reduce code and small data file.


Reducer code verification

cat problem_file_small.txt | python your_mapper_code_file | sort | python your_reducer_code_file


Check whether you are getting the same output that you expect. If you do not then you need to fix the reducer code and execute the command again. It is assumed that you are executing the command from the folder where you have put Map Reduce code and small data file.


If your mapper and reducer work fine, then move the actual data file in the cluster and run Mapper and Reducer code on it. Since your code have been written in Python, you need to use Hadoop streaming. You can find the jar file for it inside /usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/tools/lib/ folder. To avoid the long typing, you can copy the jar file in /usr/local/hadoop folder.

cp /usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/tools/lib/hadoop-streaming-2.10.1.jar


Now execute commands similar to the example command given below:

hadoop jar /usr/local/hadoop/hadoop-streaming-2.9.1.jar -mapper /path/to/your/MapReduceCode_folder/your_mapper_code_file

-reducer /path/to/your/MapReduceCode_folder/your_reducer_code_file \

-input /path/to/folder/for/your/data/file/in/cluster/ -output



The output file will be created in the output folder that you have provided in the command. The output file will have a prefix part. You can see the content of the file using hdfs dfs -cat command or you can download the file in the local file system using hdfs dfs -copyToLocal command.


Note: Do not use a name for the output folder if a folder with that name already exists in HDFS cluster. Either remove the existing folder or use other folder name.


Task 3 [20 points] (Optional for ECE 49500 students) Review the article titled as “The history of Hadoop” available here and summarize your key findings in 200-300 words.
