ECE39595 Homework 7 Solved

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5/5 - (1 vote)

See the code provided in the userid directory, which implements a Node class that allows binary trees to be built whose data is an Int object. Convert this code into a Template class that is parameterized by a single type T that is the type of the data field in Node. Types for T must be primitives or overload operator<, operator> and operator==. I have provided an Int class which meets these constraints. You should provide a Float class that also meets these conditions.
What to turn in:
Turn in your code in a directory called <userid>, where <userid> is your Purdue login/userid. g++ *.cpp followed by ./a.out in the userid directory should allow this code to compile and run. Zip up the userid directory and turn it in.
1 point for compiling with templates implemented
3 points for working with Int 3 points for working with Float
3 points for working with float.
