EB103A Assignment 4 Solved

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  • There are two assignments: (1) To exercise logging into Oracle and running a simple, prepared query: (2) To 54 create a relational implementation of an ER diagram.
  • 2 Assignments
  • Start with this part. It is simple but if you run into difficulties they need to be resolved quickly. 57 Make sure that you know how to run SQL queries/commands on the Oracle systems at CIMS.
  • To do that, follow the instructions in How_To_Use_Oracle_At_CIMS.pdf.
  • You do not need to understand the queries/commands, just to make sure that you can do what’s requested.
  • if you run into difficulties doing that part of the assignment, please send email to William Wu, mailto:
  • [email protected], explaining what the difficulties were. You will be helped.
  • You will need to create a relational implementation modifying relational04.architect, of the ER diagram 63 Assignment04.drawio satisfying the annotations in Assignment04.txt, using SQL Power Architect with

64 Crow’s feet notation and including the needed (but only the needed) annotations. Replace zk1 with your Net 65 ID and note what’s specified in Item 2a. You should follow exactly the ER diagram given and the example 66 of the University database we covered in class. Do not create better relational implementations if such are 67 possible by deviating from the ER diagram.

  • (a) Specify the following using SQL Power Architect and everything else that needs to be specified (if
  • anything) put in annotations by modifying Solution04.txt
  • tables
  • attributes, including for each that
  • – it must not be NULL (if applicable)
  • – it is a part of the primary key (if applicable)
  • – it is a part of a foreign key (if applicable)
  • It is not important for us what the domains of the attributes are, so use VARCHAR as the domain
  • for all attributes
  • many-to-one mappings between tables (or one-to-one as applicable)
  • Please,
  • Do not make any assumptions about the application beyond the specifications listed. 80 • Do not optimize your design, just follow the specification given.

81 • Do not use any other capabilities that SQL Power Architect provides; for example do not use 82 Index Properties or Remarks for Column Properties.

83                  • Anything that cannot be specified in your SQL Power Architect diagram, put as annotations in 84 Solution04.txt file, as described below.

85                  • Do not put anything in the annotations that can be reflected in the SQL Power Architect imple86  mentation; make sure that the implementation reflects that.

87                                          (b) Modify the file Solution04.txt as specified in Item 1 of Section 3.

  • Assignment04-Submission-j33sdn.zip