DynamoDb Lab 3-Adding Items To Amazon DynamoDB Solved

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Exercise: Adding multiple items to Amazon DynamoDB using the AWS Software Development Kit (AWS SDK)

In this exercise, you will learn how to develop with Amazon DynamoDB by using the AWS Software Development Kit (AWS SDK). Following the scenario provided, you will add multiple items into multiple DynamoDB tables using the AWS SDK. This exercise gives you hands-on experience with both Amazon DynamoDB and AWS Cloud9.


After completing this exercise, you will be able to use the AWS SDKs to do the following:

Uploading multiple items to multiple DynamoDB tables.

Story continued

So you now have a proof of concept website that on page load will display dragon cards (albeit 2) using data stored in DynamoDB.

Your website communicates with your API Gateway backend, and currently returns everything in the database.

This is fine for a proof of concept, and when you call Mary and show her the website she is very happy with what you are doing. She tells you that she already has come up with an idea for a card template and asks if you can integrate that too?

You say no problem, and ask her to email it to you along with the JSON files for all the dragon data that she has been promising you all week.

She apologizes about the delay and tells you, you will have it in the next 5 minutes via email.

38 minutes later, you get the email. Your head sinks into your hands, as you see that she has a much more complex data requirement than the one you envisioned.

It is basically a relational data structure with dragons of different types, having different skills and modifiers. Essentially she has given you all the data that would be required for an actual game engine.

You are not building the game engine. She has other people lined up for that, thank goodness. However she still wants you to use DynamoDB to store this data for her, and leverage that to display card data on the website.

You already know how to upload one item at a time with code, but that isn’t feasible with the amount of data she has given you.

You need to come up with a script that can upload multiple items to multiple tables (using batch processing).

The 4 JSON files she sent you have the following structure:

DragonStatsTableOne [ 25 items]

    "damage_int": 9,
    "description_str": "Amazing dragon",
    "dragon_name_str": "Cassidiuma",
    "family_str": "red",
    "location_city_str": "las vegas",
    "location_country_str": "usa",
    "location_neighborhood_str": "spring valley",
    "location_state_str": "nevada",
    "protection_int": 3


DragonStatsTableTwo [25 items]

(as above) – she just broke them into manageable files, rather than use one big file. DragonCurrentPowerTable [1 item] – sample item only (table is dynamic)

  "current_endurance_int": 3,
  "current_will_not_fight_credits_int": 2,
  "dragon_name_str": "Cassidiuma",
  "game_id_str": "56syjdh8756",


DragonBonusAttackTable [5 items]

  "breath_attack_str": "acid",
  "description_str": "spews acid",
  "extra_damage_int": 3,
  "range_int": 5


DragonFamilyTable [4 items]

  "breath_attack_str": "acid",
  "damage_modifer_int": -2,
  "description_str": "Better defense",
  "family_str": "green",
  "protection_moodifier_int": 2


You decide to create a table for each JSON file, and structure it a bit like this:

Dragon Stats Table

Using dragon name as the Primary Key (PK) as you will want to search for a dragon by name.

Dragon current power table [ 1 per game]

Mary tells you that these entries will be created dynamically per game, and she has given you an example.

Although you won’t be referring this data in your card viewing website, she gave it to you anyway for context.

You decide that the string game_id (String) should be the primary key (PK). They will want to search on game_id and get a list of all the dragons in play.

Dragon Bonus Attack Table

As you think that they might want to search for details on a type of breath_attack you choose that as your primary key for this table.

Also you think it would be nice to see if an attack is “in range”, so you add a sort key on range to find out if say “a water attack is in range to do damage”.

dragon_name (PK)











Amazing dragon




las vegas


spring valley

game_id (PK)



current_endurance (dynamic)








range (SK)


spews acid




bolts fly from mouth




high pressure jet over a large area




Prevent all attacks next round




Short blast of fire



Dragon Family Table

Later on in the game engine, the developers will likely need to be able to bring up information about modifiers relating to the dragon type (family). You decide to use family as the Primary Key (PK).

You feel that this table should probably be merged with the bonus attack table, but you keep it the way it is for now. [You might optimize this later on].

Time to load data

You remember reading about different ways to get data into DynamoDB, and you figure that using the SDK and the batchWriteItem method would be the best option here.

Prepare the exercise

Before you can start this exercise, you need to import some files and install some modules in the AWS Cloud9 environment that has been prepared for you.

1. Head over to Cloud9.

2. As you have been working with Cloud9 for the previous exercises we need to make sure you are in the right path in the thermal.

      cd ~/environment

You should probably close any AWS Cloud9 tabs you have open, and collapse any inactive folders, as it can get messy with too many code tabs open.




family (PK)




Better defense





Attacks faster





Happy in water





Prefers to bite



  1. You will need to seed your AWS Cloud9 filesystem with the lab3 content, so go to the AWS Cloud9 bash terminal (at the bottom of the page) and run the following wget command:
  2. To unzip the workdir.zip file, run the following command:
          unzip lab3.zip
  3. To keep things clean, run the following commands to remove the zip file:

    rm lab3.zip

  4. Select the black arrow next to the lab3 folder to expand it (collapsing lab 2 and 1 if they are still open). Notice that there is a solution folder in lab3 along with a resources folder. Throughout this exercise, don’t peek at the solution unless you really get stuck. Always TRY to code first. We will come back to the resources folder shortly. For now let’s set the terminal path to the correct folder.

    cd lab3

As this course is self-paced, often people will start the lab then come back to it later. In the interim period, we may have made adjustments to the code.

Ensure that inside your lab3 folder that the name of the version markdown file is matching the version number at the top of this document.

If they are out of sync, you will run into problems. To get them synced, simply remove the old folder, ensure you are in the right path in the terminal, and run through the wget steps above one more time.

This lab and future labs are especially prone to getting out of sync, because all the website iterations have alredy been loaded into lab2.

So, if your website is not working as expected for the lab, please double check that lab2 (that contains the website) has not had any updates recently. If your lab2 code versions don’t match the version on the lab2 document, you will need to re-upload the website by following the steps one more time from lab2.

You are now ready to do the exercise tasks.

Step 1A): Create multiple DynamoDB tables using the SDK

wget \
https://s3.amazonaws.com/awsu-hosting/edx_dynamo/c9/dynamo-seed/lab3.zip \
-P /home/ec2-user/environment

You already know how to create tables using the AWS-SDK, so creating a few more should be a breeze. Follow these steps, to create the following tables with respective Primary Keys (see tables above).

You have done this before so replace the <FMI>’s in the following script.

1. Open up lab3/create_multiple_tables.js and edit as needed. 2. Once you are done choose File and Save .
3. Run the following:

      $ node create_multiple_tables.js

You should see output like the following:

[ { TableDescription:
    { AttributeDefinitions: [Array],
      TableName: 'dragon_stats',
      KeySchema: [Array],
      TableStatus: 'CREATING',
      CreationDateTime: 2019-05-17T18:43:31.060Z,
      ProvisionedThroughput: [Object],
      TableSizeBytes: 0,
      ItemCount: 0,
      TableArn: 'arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:
      TableId: '6bde2328-7075-4f28-b5f7-7f21df30df36',
      BillingModeSummary: [Object] } },
  { TableDescription:
    { AttributeDefinitions: [Array],
      TableName: 'dragon_current_power',
      KeySchema: [Array],
      TableStatus: 'CREATING',
      CreationDateTime: 2019-05-17T18:43:31.015Z,
      ProvisionedThroughput: [Object],
      TableSizeBytes: 0,
      ItemCount: 0,
      TableArn: 'arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:
      TableId: 'b8b7dbea-fa97-4f21-a59c-99210fd2192f',
      BillingModeSummary: [Object] } },
  { TableDescription:
    { AttributeDefinitions: [Array],
      TableName: 'dragon_bonus_attack',
      KeySchema: [Array],
      TableStatus: 'CREATING',
      CreationDateTime: 2019-05-17T18:43:31.050Z,
      ProvisionedThroughput: [Object],
      TableSizeBytes: 0,
      ItemCount: 0,
      TableArn: 'arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:
      TableId: 'aff78f2f-990c-432e-bd90-9eb0c00939aa',
      BillingModeSummary: [Object] } },
  { TableDescription:
    { AttributeDefinitions: [Array],
      TableName: 'dragon_family',
      KeySchema: [Array],
      TableStatus: 'CREATING',
      CreationDateTime: 2019-05-17T18:43:31.018Z,
      ProvisionedThroughput: [Object],
      TableSizeBytes: 0,
      ItemCount: 0,
      TableArn: 'arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:
      TableId: '46498747-903c-4a11-b551-4207649c1930',
      BillingModeSummary: [Object] } } ]
HowFastWasThat: 133.393ms

Note: the only change in terms of code vs what you did last time in lab 1, is that we are using the Async Await feature of Node to allow us to use Promises. Don’t get hung up on this stuff, it’s just a way to carry out multiple calls to the DB in one script.

Also you may have to wait up to five minutes before all your tables show as ACTIVE.

Make sure your tables say Active before moving on.
Step 1B): Add Dragon data to multiple DynamoDB tables using the

BatchWriteItem method (SDK)

1. Open the SDK docs for the language you want to code in, and find the method for creating new items as a batch inside an existing DynamoDB table. Find out the correct method name and establish what parameters you need to pass in.


AWS documentation deep link

NODE.JS (8.16.0)

https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/DynamoDB.html# batchWriteItem-property

Time to write some code that adds a a batch of items to each of the DynamoDB tables.

  1. Open up the seed_dragons file inside the code folder you are working from, by double clicking on it.
  2. Have the SDK docs open (as above) to help you.
  3. Replace the <FMI> sections of the code in that file, so that the code uploads all the dragon data

    into new tables. You table should have been called dragons and will be in us-east-1.

  4. You have the dragon data in the JSON files.
  5. Save the file.
  6. Double check your code is correct by looking at the solution file.
  7. Go to the terminal and run your file
  8. node seed_dragons.js


Confirm that your code worked.

You should see the following out after running:

$ node seed_dragons.js
[ { UnprocessedItems: {} },
  { UnprocessedItems: {} },
  { UnprocessedItems: {} },
  { UnprocessedItems: {} },
  { UnprocessedItems: {} } ]
HowFastWasThat: 183.082ms

We can also verify in the DynamoDB console refresh the page, and look at the items tab of one of the tables. In this case let’s look at the dragon_bonus_attack table.

Awesome. We have all the dragon data in the database. The challenge is that the code you wrote earlier that scans the table (remember lab2 ) was written to accommodate a different table name dragons. And has completely different schemes.

Step 1C): Delete the old table

We are no longer going to use the mock dragon database you created in lab1. So this would be a great time to clean it up.

Run this command from the Cloud 9 terminal to remove the old dragon table. Out with the old in with the new.

aws dynamodb delete-table –table-name dragons You should see something like this:

    "TableDescription": {
        "TableArn": "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:<000000000000>:table/dragons",
        "ProvisionedThroughput": {
            "NumberOfDecreasesToday": 0,
            "WriteCapacityUnits": 0,
            "ReadCapacityUnits": 0
        "TableSizeBytes": 0,
        "TableName": "dragons",
        "BillingModeSummary": {
            "LastUpdateToPayPerRequestDateTime": 1558029188.272,
            "BillingMode": "PAY_PER_REQUEST"

} }

"TableStatus": "DELETING",
"TableId": "78e4aeb0-c70e-4678-bbee-60e97f7f3524",
"ItemCount": 0

Now our website will break because the API is pointing to a Lambda function that references the table you just removed.

Fear not. All we need to do is edit our Lambda function to point to the right table.

The other day you updated your website to allow a user to search for a specific dragon and bring up just that dragon. They can still select “show all dragons”, but you thought it was a nice feature so you added it.

So while we are in there updating the Lambda function, we will have you update the code a little more, to allow for more functionality.

The website needs to show a single dragon card If the website passes a dragon name in the request. If they don’t choose a dragon, we just give them a table dump 😉

Step 2: Adjust the lambda function to work with the new database, and filter for just a specific dragon (if asked)

So your current API function takes in an empty POST request and spits out everything in the dragon data table.

You will need to modify lab3/scan_dragons.js to allow a user to search for a dragon by name or search for all dragons!


The solution can be found in the solution folder if you get stuck.

You “could” edit the code directly in the Lambda function, but you would like to test it in AWS Cloud9 first. Then you can copy and paste it into Lambda.

You want to be able to test a “scan all” and a show a specific dragon.

Open the SDK docs and find the method for scanning and filtering with DynamoDB. Find the correct method name and establish what parameters you need to pass in.


AWS documentation deep link

NODE.JS (8.16.0)

https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/DynamoDB.html #scan-property

Time to write some code that adds a a batch of items to each of the DynamoDB tables.

  1. Open up the scan_dragons file double clicking on it. (note use the scan_dragons.js file inside the lab3 folder not the old lab2 folder)
  2. Collapse and close any files you are not using and have the SDK docs open (as above) to help you.
  3. Replace the <FMI> sections of the code in that file, so that the code scans all the dragon data from the dragon_scan table.
  4. Run the following:
          node scan_dragons.js test "Cassidiuma"
  5. You should see the following:
Local test for a dragon called Cassidiuma
null [ { location_neighborhood: { S: 'poplar str' },
    damage: { N: '7' },
    location_city: { S: 'colby' },
    family: { S: 'green' },
     { S: "Cassidiuma is the personal protector and knight of the dragon
queen Methryl. She is the queen's most loved and feared warrior." },
    protection: { N: '10' },
    location_country: { S: 'usa' },
    location_state: { S: 'kansas' },
    dragon_name: { S: 'Cassidiuma' } } ]

6. Run the following:

      node scan_dragons.js test

It should return ALL the dragons in the table.

Step 3: Copy and paste new code into the lambda console (updating only Lambda and test steps)

1. Pivot back to the console by choosing AWS Cloud9 in the upper left.
2. Choose Go To Your Dashboard and choose Services and search for Lambda. 3. Open the DragonSearch function.
4. Replace the contents of index.js with the new code from scan_dragons .
5. Choose Save.

6. Choose Test (using the DragonScan test event).
7. It should show you a list of dragons in the Details section under Execution results. 8. Now try searching for a dragon by name.
9. Click the drop down area next to Test and choose Configure test events.

10. Select the radio button next to Create new test event. 11. UnderEventnameenterJustOneDragon.
12. Replace the existing content with:

13. Choose Create and then choose Test.
14. In the Execution results you should see the following:

    "dragon_name_str": "Cassidiuma"



"location_neighborhood": {
  "S": "poplar st"
"damage": {

“N”: “7” },

"location_city": {
  "S": "colby"
"family": {
  "S": "green"
"description": {
  "S": "Cassidiuma is the personal protector and knight of the dragon
queen Methryl. She is the queen's most loved and feared warrior."
    "protection": {

“N”: “10” },

    "location_country": {
      "S": "usa"
    "location_state": {
      "S": "kansas"
    "dragon_name": {
      "S": "Cassidiuma"

} }


Step 4: Test the existing REST API endpoint and connect it to your website

Good news the API you set up in lab2 is pointing to the ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of that Lambda function you just edited.

This means you do not need to re-deploy your API gateway. However, a quick test before checking the website is best practice. So, follow these steps.

  1. Choose Services and search for API Gateway.
  2. Choose the DragonSearchAPI.
  3. Choose POST and select TEST.

    You can leave the “request body” blank or use “All” shown below:

  4. Choose Test.

You will see all the dragon information returned at the right. Now let’s test for a specific dragon.

5. In the Request Body paste the following:

6. Choose Test.
7. You should see the following in the Response Body

  "dragon_name_str": "All"


  "dragon_name_str": "Cassidiuma"




"location_neighborhood": {
  "S": "poplar st"
    "damage": {
      "N": "7"
    "location_city": {
      "S": "colby"
    "family": {
      "S": "green"
    "description": {
      "S": "Cassidiuma is the personal protector and knight of the dragon
queen Methryl. She is the queen's most loved and feared warrior."
    "protection": {

“N”: “10” },

    "location_country": {
      "S": "usa"
    "location_state": {
      "S": "kansas"
    "dragon_name": {
      "S": "Cassidiuma"

} }


Great news your web back-end API is all good to go. Your old website was expecting different data.

Luckily you had some time over the weekend to update your site and push it to S3.

So you can test the newer version 2.0 (index2.html) of your web front end.

NOTE: This was uploaded in lab 2, you just need to navigate to index2.html * Also the old website (index.html) will now no longer work, which is to expected as we just altered the backend.

If you don’t have a tab with your website open in chrome, do the following to find that URL.

1. Choose Services and search for s3.
2. Choose the S3 bucket that was created in the previous lab: 2019-05-16-dynamolab-er-102 3. Choose Properties and Static website hosting.
4. Open the Endpoint in a new browser tab and append /index2.html to it:

      http://<your s3 bucket>.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/index2.html

You should see all the dragons, AND be able to choose just one dragon!

Congrats Lab 3 completed, you have lots of Dragon data inside multiple tables in DynamoDB wired up to your website.

AWESOME! Mary will be happy!

  • dynamodb_lab3-main-ux1wu6.zip