DSC 395T Algorithms and Data Structures — Spring 2022 Evil Hangman Solved

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In this assignment, you will write a program that plays an evil version of Hangman, which will give you experience
in choosing efficient data structures to solve problems.
1 Hangman
Hangman is a 2-player asymmetric game, in which a word-maker creates a hidden word and a word-guesser tries to guess letters in the word with the ultimate goal of guessing the word. In the traditional pen and paper version of the game, the number of guesses is limited by the number of strokes it makes to draw a stick figure of a person. You can play Hangman by typing in poetry run python3 hangman.py, which will start a new game that you can use to learn the rules.
In this assignment, you will implement the brains behind a basic word-maker. Typically, the word-maker’s only task is to select a word and to then provide feedback on the guesses made by the word-guesser, but your task is to develop a program that cheats by choosing the word as late in the game as possible.
For example, if the word-guesser has found 5 of the 6 letters, DO-BLE, then there are two words in English that satisfy these constraints—double and doable—so regardless of what the guesser chooses next, your program will indicate that the guess is incorrect, as your program essentially waits until the last possible moment to choose the word.
In general, your program will start with all words of a given length. Then, when a guess is made, your program should respond so that the set of possible words that remains is as large as possible. For example, if more words will remain possible without the letter, then we say that the letter is not in the word. Otherwise, we say that the letter is in the word. This is a decent approach, but it is not optimal (why?).
To improve upon this approach, remember that as the cheating agent, we have the power to say exactly where the letter is in the word, not just whether the word contains the letter. Thus, instead of splitting the set of words into two sets (one containing the letter and the other not containing the letter), we should split the set of words more precisely:
• The set of words that do not contain the letter.
• The set of words that contain the letter only in the first position, the set of words that contain the letter only in
the second position, etc.
• The set of words that contain the letter only in the first and second positions, etc.
You’ll then want to select the largest of these sets. This new approach, which you will implement in this assignment, is a much better approach than our first approach, but it is still not optimal, because it doesn’t take into consideration the number of guesses that remain.
To clarify your strategy, let’s consider a quick example. Suppose the entire 4-letter English dictionary consists of
the following words:
Now, suppose the word-guesser guesses the letter ’E.’ Your program ostensibly needs to then identify the Es in the word that your program has “selected.” Of course, your program hasn’t yet selected a word, and so your program has multiple options about where you reveal the E’s. Here’s the above word list, with E’s highlighted in each word:
You’ll notice that each word falls into one of the aforementioned subsets:
• —-, which contains ALLY, COOL, and GOOD.
• -E–, containing BETA and DEAL.
• –E-, containing FLEW and IBEX.
• E–E, containing ELSE.
• —E, containing HOPE.
Your program can now choose to reveal one of the five letter placements that corresponds to a subset of the dictionary. There are multiple approaches that you could take—you could pick –E- because FLEW and IBEX are difficult words to guess. However, to make the project well-defined, we will pick the letter placement that maximizes the length of the remaining set of words. In the case of a tie, we should prefer the letter family with the fewest letters, since it reveals as little information as possible to the guesser. Also, if —- is one of those tied sets, it should be most preferred, because it will cost the word-guesser a strike. Otherwise, if there is a tie between two word families with equal amounts of letters (e.g. -E– and —E), then either set can be picked.
In the example above, your program should choose to reveal no E’s, leaving us with the following words:
This choice would give a strike to the word-guesser, marking their guess as incorrect. Let’s proceed with this
example one more time. If the word-guesser now guesses the letter ’O,’ your program will create two subsets:
• -OO-, containing COOL and GOOD.
• —-, containing ALLY.
The first of the two lists is larger, and so your program should reveal both Os. Note that your word-maker does not have access to the number of guesses remaining, so it cannot intelligently pick —- if it is the guesser’s final guess and there are words in that subset.
2 Your Assignment
You will find a Human implementation of a word-maker inside of py_evil_hangman/word_maker.py. This is called when running poetry run python3 hangman.py. Run poetry run python3 evil_hangman.py to use WordMakerAI instead of WordMakerHuman, which you will implement.
Building on the starter code in py_evil_hangman/word_maker.py, create a word-maker program that cheats at Hangman. To do this, implement the guess method. This method takes a single parameter: the letter that is guessed. Then, you should return the positions of where the letter is, for maximal cheating. For instance, if you wish to return the letter family -OO-, return the list [1, 2] (since it is 0-indexed) or the list [2, 1] (order does not matter). If you wish to return the letter family —-, return []. There is also a reset method that will indicate a game restart with a given word length. Unless you do Karma, please only edit the py_evil_hangman/word_maker.py file.
2.1 Efficiency
We want to try to make our Evil Hangman agent fast. To do this, we will want to preprocess the dictionary so that resetting the game can be done in O(1) time.
2.2 Other methods
You should also implement the getValidWord method, which will be called when the game is over. This method should return one of the remaining valid words, which will be revealed to the word-guesser as the original word.
Additionally, implement the getAmountOfValidWords method. If you run the game in debug mode (-d), then
the game will output the number of possible valid words that are available to your cheating word-maker.
2.3 Tips and Tricks
• Letter position matters just as much as letter frequency. In other words, BEER and HERE both have 2 E’s, but define two distinct subsets. Do not represent subsets by frequency of a letter—you must also account for position.
• You can use the -f flag to specify a dictionary file, in case that helps with your debugging. The format of this dictionary file should be one word per line, similar to dictionary.txt. You can also use the -g flag to indicate how many guesses the word-guesser should get, to give yourself as many guesses as necessary.
• Do not explicitly enumerate over all possibilities of letter locations. There are 2n different possible letter posi-
tions for a letter (why?), but only a few of those are actually represented by words in the dictionary.
• Hash Tables (also known as Dictionaries) are an especially useful data structure in Python and in this project.
Find more information online or at the official documentation (click here).
2.4 Karma
As an optional challenge, implement an intelligent word-guesser inside of the py_evil_hangman/word_guesser.py file. There is a lot of freedom in how to design a word-guesser, so think carefully about your assumptions.
3 What To Turn In
Use the Canvas website to submit a single ZIP file that contains your modified py_evil_hangman folder. Specific instructions can be found at this course’s EdX site under the “Submission Instructions” page. Canvas is available at http://canvas.utexas.edu/.
Important Details.
Acknowledgments. This assignment was derived from the original Evil Hangman assignment produced by Keith Schwarz. It has been modified by Matthew Giordano and Calvin Lin.

  • evil_hangman-wefbzx.zip