SENG1120/6120 Assignment 2 Solved

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Specification Version 2.0.0
NOTE: The important information about submission and code specifics at the end of this assignment specification.
INTRODUCTION In lectures we have discussed the use of templates to provide the compiler with blueprints for functions and classes. These are used by the compiler to produce code that implements functions and/or classes that are independent of the type(s) with which you will use them in your program code. In Assignment 2, that means you will create a Stack data structure, into which you can put any data type, then demonstrate that Stack by using it as the basis for a simple version of The Towers of Hanoi.
Your task in this Assignment is to implement a traditional game – the Towers of Hanoi. The Towers of Hanoi is a mathematical puzzle consisting of three rods, and several disks of different sizes that can slide onto any rod. The puzzle starts with the disks neatly stacked in order of size on the left rod, the smallest at the top, thus making a conical shape.
The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to the right rod, obeying the following rules:
For complete information about it, and to play it, visit the following websites:
ASSIGNMENT TASK You will take your Node and LinkedList classes from Assignment 1 and produce a: 1. class template Node, which is then used as a component in the construction of 2. class template LinkedList, which is then used as a component in the construction of 3. class template LStack, which is then used as a component in the construction of 4. class TowerHanoi, which implements the functionality of the game.
Node and LinkedList should be dynamic. You will provide a complete LinkedList, with all standard LinkedList functions present and functional (ie: do not remove unused functions); a description of the minimum required functions can be found later in this document.
Public functions from TowerHanoi will be used by the main program, TowerHanoiDemo, which is provided to you. TowerHanoiDemo will interface with the user to get the initial configuration and then start the game. The game will require the initialisation of several instances of Disc, which is provided to you and must be used in this assignment. The class Disc represents the discs used in the game and contain two member variables – one used for printing, and another for the disc’s size.
We are also providing a makefile, which like all other provided files, should not be modified!
Having created and confirmed the correct operation of class templates, you will implement The Tower of Hanoi as follows:
Upon initialisation, TowerHanoi will create three instances of LStack<Disc>. In addition, several instances of Disc must be created at the start, and will depend on how many discs are used (input at runtime).
Once initialised, the state of the game is output by the TowerHanoiDemo class (assuming 5 discs are being used) and should produce the same output as below:
The game will then ask the player to input a rod to remove a disc from and a rod to place a disc onto (this happens in TowerHanoiDemo) – you will need to verify if this is a valid move:
Please input the rod to remove from (1, 2 or 3): 1 Please input the rod to place onto (1, 2 or 3): 3
Suppose the player moves a disc from rod 1 to rod 3 as the first move; when the game is printed the next time, the output will be:
These last steps will repeat and continue (this happens inside TowerHanoiDemo) until all five discs are found correctly moved to rod 3 – once you check for this state, the game should display:
The game has ended. You required 31 moves to win.
The program now ends.
CLASS RELATIONSHIPS As above, you are provided the TowerHanoiDemo and Disc classes. Other classes will be created by you, as shown in the guide below – note, not all required class members are shown; you will need to discover what functions TowerHanoi needs to interact with TowerHanoiDemo (hint, analyse TowerHanoiDemo and look for when it creates and interacts with the TowerHanoi game class).
LStack, LinkedList and Node are required to be templates. TowerHanoi will be a normal, concrete class.
All source must compile with the provide C++ 98 makefile.
DATA STRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS Stack As discussed in lecture, your LinkedList class will become a private member of LStack. In this class you will provide implementation for the Stack Public Interface, below:
void push ( T item ); T pop ( ); T& peek ( ); boolean isEmpty ( );
From here you will obviously have to implement a constructor and destructor as well.
// add void addToHead(T& item); void addToTail(T& item); void addToCurrent(T& item);
// get T& getFromHead(); // optional T& getFromTail(); // optional T& getFromCurrent();
// remove T removeFromHead(); T removeFromTail(); T removeFromCurrent();
// current manipulators void start(); void end(); void forward(); void back();
// statistics int size();
LinkedList will require a supporting Node object as well; no overloaded operators are required, however you will have to implement a constructor and destructor.
SENG6120/BONUS TASK (1.0 mark) For students in SENG6120, there is an extra requirement:
1. Instead of having the three rods stored in an array, or as separate variables, the implementation of TowerHanoi must use the C++ STL container List<LStack> and populate the list with the 3 rods.
For SENG1120 students who want to be challenged more, the above requirement becomes a bonus question, also worth 1.0 marks; however you can still only score a MAXIMUM of 10.0/10.0.
Make sure your code works with the files supplied, and DO NOT change them. For marking, we will add the main file and the Disc class to the project and compile everything using the makefile, together with your own files. If it does not compile or run, your mark will be zero (as we are unable to test and validate your implementation).
Your submission should be made using the Assignments section of the course Blackboard site. Incorrectly submitted assignments will not be marked. You should provide the .h/.hpp and .cpp files related to the LStack, LinkedList and Node classes, only. Also, if necessary, provide a readme.txt file containing instructions or comments for the marker. Each program file should have a proper header comment section including your name, course and student number; and your code should be properly documented.
Remember that your code will conform to C++98 standards, and should compile and run correctly using Cygwin, gcc and the supplied makefile. There should be no segmentation faults or memory leaks during or after the execution of the program.
Compress all your files into a single .zip file, using your student number as the filename (do not use .rar, .7z, .gz, or any other compressed format). For example, if your student number is c9876543, you would name your submission:
If you have attempted the Bonus Requirement (or you are a 6120 student), please include a blank text file in the same folder as your source files, simply called Bonus.txt – this is to make it clear to the marker that you are attempting this.
Submit by selecting the Assignment 2 link that will be found in the Assignments section on Canvas.
Late submissions are subject to the rules specified in the Course Outline.
This assignment is worth 10.0 marks of your final result for the course.
Dan and Alex 2022-04-30 v.2.0.0
