Database-System – Assignment 4 Solved

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Assignment four will be broken into two parts. In the first part, you are asked to implement from scratch a class called Statistics that will be used by your query optimizer to help it decide among the various query plans. In the second part of A4, you will then use the Statistics class to actually implement your optimizer.
The Statistics class will implement what essentially amounts to two different (but related) types of functionality. First, this class will store statistical information about your database’s attributes and relations. In this sense, it is a container class. It will be able to serialize itself to a text file on disk, and re-read this information from disk at a later time.
Second, the Statistics class also has the ability to use this statistical information during the optimization process to “simulate” joins and selection operations over the relations it describes, in order to guess what the statistics would be after the application of such relational operations to the actual data stored in the database.
Container Operations
The following are the container-oriented operations having to do with storing simple data about the relations and attributes that the Statistics object will operate over. We begin with AddRel:
void AddRel (char *relName, int numTuples);
This operation adds another base relation into the structure. The parameter set tells the statistics object what the name and size of the new relation is (size is given in terms of the number of tuples). Next is AddAtt:
void AddAtt (char* relName, char *attName, int numDistincts);
This operation adds an attribute to one of the base relations in the structure. The parameter set tells the Statistics object what the name of the attribute is, what relation the attribute is attached to, and the number of distinct values that the relation has for that particular attribute. If numDistincts is initially passed in as a –1, then the number of distincts is assumed to be equal to the number of tuples in the associated relation.
Note that AddRel and AddAtt can both be called more than one time for the same relation or attribute. If this happens, then you simply update the number of tuples or number of distinct values for the specified attribute or relation.
Next we have CopyRel:
void CopyRel (char *oldName, char *newName);
This operation produces a copy of the relation (including all of its attributes and all of its statistics) and stores it under the new name.
The Statistics object also has the ability to write itself to a text file, and then also to read itself back from a text file. In the case where the object is asked to read itself from a file that does not exist, it should not give an error; instead, the resulting text file is simply empty. The operations that perform this reading and writing are:
void Read (char *fromWhere); void Write (char *fromWhere);
We also have a constructor, a copy constructor, and a destructor. Note that the copy constructor must perform a deep copy of all of the data structures that live internally within the Statistics object that is to be copied:
Statistics (Statistics &copyMe); Statistics ();
~Statistics ();
What-If Operations
Now, we get to the interesting operations. First, we have Apply ():
void Apply(struct AndList *parseTree, char **relNames, int numToJoin);
This operation takes a bit of explanation. Internally within the Statistics object, the various relations are partitioned into a set of subsets or partitions, where each and every
relation is contained within exactly one subset (initially, each relation is in its very own singleton subset). When two or more relations are within the same subset, it means that they have been “joined” and they do not exist independently anymore. The Apply operation uses the statistics stored by the Statistics class to simulate a join of all of the relations listed in the relNames parameter. This join is performed using the predicates listed in the parameter parseTree.
Of course, the operation does not actually perform a join (actually performing a join will be the job of the various relational operations), but what it does is to figure out what might happen if all of the relations listed in relNames were joined, in terms of what it would do to the important statistics associated with the result of the join. To figure this out, the Statistics object estimates the number of tuples that would exist in the resulting relation, as well as the number of distinct values for each attribute in the resulting relation. How exactly it performs this estimation will be a topic of significant discussion in class. After this estimation is performed, all of the relations in relNames then become part of the same partition (or resulting joined relation) and no longer exist on their own.
Note that there are a few constraints on the parameters that are input to this function. For completeness, you should probably check for violations of these constraints, because when you write your optimizer using the Statistics class, it will be very useful to have good error checking.
First, parseTree can only list attributes that actually belong to the relations named in relNames. If any other attributes are listed, then you should probably catch this, print out an error message, and exit the program. Second, the relations in relNames must contain exactly the set of relations in one or more of the current partitions in the Statistics object. In other words, the join specified by the set of relations in relNames must make sense. For example, imagine that there are five relations: A, B, C, D, and E, and the three current subsets maintained by the Statistics objects are {A, B}, {C, D}, and {E} (meaning that A and B have been joined, and C and D have been joined, and E is still by itself). In this case, it makes no sense if relNames contains {A, B, C}, because this set contains a subset of one of the existing joins. However, relNames could contain {A, B, C, D}, or it could contain {A, B, E}, or it could contain {C, D, E}, or it could contain {A, B}, or any similar mixture of the current partitions. These are all valid, because they contain exactly those relations in one or more of the current partitions. Note that if it just contained {A, B}, then effectively we are simulating a selection.
Also note that if parseTree is empty (that is, null), then it is assumed that there is no selection predicate; this either has no effect on the Statistics object (in the case where relNames gives exactly those relations in an existing partition) or else it specifies a pure cross product in the case that relNames combines two or more partitions.
Finally, note that you will never be asked to write or to read from disk a Statistics object for which Apply has been called. That is, you will always write or read an object having only singleton relations.
The final operation that you’ll need to implement is Estimate:
int Estimate(struct AndList *parseTree, char **relNames, int numToJoin);
This operation is exactly like Apply, except that it does not actually change the state of the Statistics object. Instead, it computes the number of tuples that would result from a join over the relations in relNames, and returns this to the caller.
That’s it!
What To Turn In:
1. Turn in your submission via Canvas. Turn in your code, output41.txt, and your report in a zip file called
 Do not include .tbl or .bin files.
 Include code named needed to create .bin and supporting files from the .tbl files.
 Make sure your code runs with all files in directory a4-1test without any modifications.
 Store your statistics in a file named Statistics.txt Include the following:
a) All code needed to compile and
b) Create 2 GTests for any of the methods you wrote. Turn in your GTest code.
c) In a Bash shell, using the .bin files generated from tpch-dbgen with the option -s 1 (1GB files) run the test cases script with the following command:
Submit the file output41.txt generated after running the test cases script. If you wrote your code in Rust or are running on a Windows machine, change the script as needed.
2. Your report as a PDF file that includes:
a) Group member names
b) Include instructions on how to compile and run your code as well as a brief explanation of each method you wrote and how it works.
c) Explain the format you used for Statistics.txt.
d) A screen shot of output41.txt generated after running the script.
e) Screen shots of GTest results that match results generated by your code.
f) If you had a problem with the code or found a bug that you think would be useful for future classes to know about, list the bug you found and what you did to fix it.
Graded out of 100 points.
+20 Gtests
+50 points for correct output for each query
+30 report
