DATA607 Assignment 4 Solved

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The chart above describes arrival delays for two airlines across five destinations. Your task is to:
(1) Create a .CSV file (or optionally, a MySQL database!) that includes all of the information above. You’re encouraged to use a “wide” structure similar to how the information appears above, so that you can practice tidying and transformations as described below.
(2) Read the information from your .CSV file into R, and use tidyr and dplyr as needed to tidy and transform your data.
(3) Perform analysis to compare the arrival delays for the two airlines.
(4) Your code should be in an R Markdown file, posted to, and should include narrative descriptions of your data cleanup work, analysis, and conclusions. Please include in your homework submission:
 The URL to the .Rmd file in your GitHub repository. and
 The URL for your web page.
