CSE225L Lab 14- Queue ADT Solved

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Lab 14
Priority Queue In today’s lab we will design and implement the Priority Queue ADT.
#ifndef HEAPTYPE_H_INCLUDED #define HEAPTYPE_H_INCLUDED template<class ItemType> struct HeapType
void ReheapDown(int root, int bottom); void ReheapUp(int root, int bottom);
ItemType* elements; int numElements;
#endif // HEAPTYPE_H_INCLUDED heaptype.cpp
#include “heaptype.h” template<class ItemType>
void Swap(ItemType& one, ItemType& two)
ItemType temp; temp = one; one = two; two = temp;
template<class ItemType>
void HeapType<ItemType>::ReheapDown(int root, int bottom)
int maxChild; int rightChild; int leftChild;

leftChild = root*2+1; rightChild = root*2+2; if (leftChild <= bottom)
if (leftChild == bottom) maxChild = leftChild; else {
if(elements[leftChild]<=elements[rightChild]) maxChild = rightChild; else
maxChild = leftChild;
if (elements[root] < elements[maxChild])
Swap(elements[root], elements[maxChild]);
ReheapDown(maxChild, bottom);
template<class ItemType>
void HeapType<ItemType>::ReheapUp(int root, int bottom)
int parent; if (bottom > root)
parent = (bottom-1) / 2;
if (elements[parent] < elements[bottom])
Swap(elements[parent], elements[bottom]);
ReheapUp(root, parent);
} pqtype.h
#include “heaptype.h” #include “heaptype.cpp” class FullPQ
class EmptyPQ
template<class ItemType> class PQType { public:
PQType(int); ~PQType(); void MakeEmpty(); bool IsEmpty(); bool IsFull(); void Enqueue(ItemType); void Dequeue(ItemType&); private:
int length;
HeapType<ItemType> items; int maxItems;
#endif // PQTYPE_H_INCLUDED pqtype.cpp
#include “pqtype.h” template<class ItemType>
PQType<ItemType>::PQType(int max)
maxItems = max;
items.elements=new ItemType[max]; length = 0;
template<class ItemType> PQType<ItemType>::~PQType()
delete [] items.elements;
template<class ItemType>
void PQType<ItemType>::MakeEmpty()
length = 0;
template<class ItemType>
bool PQType<ItemType>::IsEmpty()
return length == 0;
template<class ItemType> bool PQType<ItemType>::IsFull()
return length == maxItems; }

template<class ItemType>
void PQType<ItemType>::Enqueue(ItemType newItem)
if (length == maxItems) throw FullPQ(); else {
items.elements[length-1] = newItem; items.ReheapUp(0, length-1);
} template<class ItemType>
void PQType<ItemType>::Dequeue(ItemType& item)
if (length == 0) throw EmptyPQ(); else {
item = items.elements[0]; items.elements[0] = items.elements[length-1]; length–;
items.ReheapDown(0, length-1);

Now generate the Driver file (main.cpp) where you perform the following tasks:
Operation to Be Tested and Description of Action Input Values Expected Output
• Create a PQType object with size 15
• Print if the queue is empty or not Queue is empty
• Insert ten items, in the order they appear 4 9 2 7 3 11 17 0 5 1
• Print if the queue is empty or not Queue is not empty
• Dequeue one element and print the dequeued value 17
• Dequeue one element and print the dequeued value 11
• You have N magical bags of candies in front of you. The ith bag has Ai candies in it. It takes you one minute to finish a bag of candies, no matter how many candies in it. Every time you finish a bag with X candies in it, the bag is magically replenished with X/2 (rounded down to the nearest integer) more candies. Write a program that determines the maximum number of candies you can eat in K minutes.
The input is a sequence of integers. The first integer N is the number of bags. The next integer K is the number of minutes you have. The next N integers is the number of candies in the bags. The output of your program is a single integer which represents the maximum number of candies you can eat. 5 3 2 1 7 4 2 14

  • Lab-14-dxqw1k.zip