CSE225L Lab 15– Graph ADT Solved

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Graph In today’s lab we will design and implement the Graph ADT.
#include “stacktype.h” #include “quetype.h” template<class VertexType> class GraphType
{ public:
GraphType(int maxV); ~GraphType(); void MakeEmpty(); bool IsEmpty(); bool IsFull();
void AddVertex(VertexType); void AddEdge(VertexType, VertexType, int);
int WeightIs(VertexType, VertexType);
void GetToVertices(VertexType, QueType<VertexType>&); void ClearMarks(); void MarkVertex(VertexType); bool IsMarked(VertexType); void DepthFirstSearch(VertexType, VertexType);
void BreadthFirstSearch(VertexType, VertexType); private:
int numVertices; int maxVertices; VertexType* vertices; int **edges; bool* marks;
#endif // GRAPHTYPE_H_INCLUDED heaptype.cpp
#include “graphtype.h”
#include “stacktype.cpp”
#include “quetype.cpp” #include <iostream> using namespace std; const int NULL_EDGE = 0;

template<class VertexType>
numVertices = 0; maxVertices = 50;
vertices = new VertexType[50]; edges = new int*[50]; for(int i=0;i<50;i++) edges[i] = new int [50]; marks = new bool[50];
template<class VertexType>
GraphType<VertexType>::GraphType(int maxV)
numVertices = 0; maxVertices = maxV;
vertices = new VertexType[maxV]; edges = new int*[maxV]; for(int i=0;i<maxV;i++) edges[i] = new int [maxV]; marks = new bool[maxV]; } template<class VertexType>
delete [] vertices; delete [] marks;
for(int i=0;i<maxVertices;i++) delete [] edges[i]; delete [] edges;
template<class VertexType>
void GraphType<VertexType>::MakeEmpty()
numVertices = 0;
template<class VertexType>
bool GraphType<VertexType>::IsEmpty()
return (numVertices == 0);
template<class VertexType>
bool GraphType<VertexType>::IsFull()
return (numVertices == maxVertices);
template<class VertexType>
void GraphType<VertexType>::AddVertex(VertexType vertex) {
vertices[numVertices] = vertex;
for (int index=0; index<numVertices; index++)
edges[numVertices][index] = NULL_EDGE; edges[index][numVertices] = NULL_EDGE;
template<class VertexType>
int IndexIs(VertexType* vertices, VertexType vertex) {
int index = 0;
while (!(vertex == vertices[index])) index++; return index;
template<class VertexType>
void GraphType<VertexType>::ClearMarks()
for(int i=0; i<maxVertices; i++) marks[i] = false;
template<class VertexType>
void GraphType<VertexType>::MarkVertex(VertexType vertex) {
int index = IndexIs(vertices, vertex); marks[index] = true;
template<class VertexType>
bool GraphType<VertexType>::IsMarked(VertexType vertex) {
int index = IndexIs(vertices, vertex); return marks[index];

template<class VertexType>
void GraphType<VertexType>::AddEdge(VertexType fromVertex, VertexType toVertex, int weight)
int row = IndexIs(vertices, fromVertex); int col= IndexIs(vertices, toVertex); edges[row][col] = weight;
template<class VertexType>
int GraphType<VertexType>::WeightIs(VertexType fromVertex, VertexType toVertex)
int row = IndexIs(vertices, fromVertex); int col= IndexIs(vertices, toVertex); return edges[row][col];
template<class VertexType>
void GraphType<VertexType>::GetToVertices(VertexType vertex, QueType<VertexType>& adjVertices)
int fromIndex, toIndex;
fromIndex = IndexIs(vertices, vertex);
for (toIndex = 0; toIndex < numVertices; toIndex++) if (edges[fromIndex][toIndex] != NULL_EDGE) adjVertices.Enqueue(vertices[toIndex]); }
template<class VertexType>
Type startVertex, VertexType endVertex)
StackType<VertexType> stack; QueType<VertexType> vertexQ; bool found = false; VertexType vertex, item;

stack.Push(startVertex); do {
vertex = stack.Top(); stack.Pop();
if (vertex == endVertex)
cout << vertex << ” “; found = true;
} else {
if (!IsMarked(vertex))
MarkVertex(vertex); cout << vertex << ” “;
GetToVertices(vertex,vertexQ); while (!vertexQ.IsEmpty())
vertexQ.Dequeue(item); if (!IsMarked(item)) stack.Push(item);
} while (!stack.IsEmpty() && !found); cout << endl; if (!found)
cout << “Path not found.” << endl;
template<class VertexType>
Type startVertex, VertexType endVertex)
QueType<VertexType> queue;
QueType<VertexType> vertexQ;

bool found = false; VertexType vertex, item;

queue.Enqueue(startVertex); do {
queue.Dequeue(vertex); if (vertex == endVertex)
cout << vertex << ” “; found = true;
} else {
if (!IsMarked(vertex))
MarkVertex(vertex); cout << vertex << ” “;
GetToVertices(vertex, vertexQ);

while (!vertexQ.IsEmpty())
vertexQ.Dequeue(item); if (!IsMarked(item)) queue.Enqueue(item);
} while (!queue.IsEmpty() && !found); cout << endl; if (!found)
cout << “Path not found.” << endl; }

Now generate the Driver file (main.cpp) where you perform the following tasks:
Operation to Be Tested and Description of Action Input Values Expected Output
• Generate the following graph. Assume that all edge costs are

• Outdegree of a particular vertex in a graph is the number of edges going out from that vertex to other vertices. For instance the outdegree of vertex B in the above graph is 1.
Add a member function OutDegree to the GraphType class which returns the outdegree of a given vertex.
int OutDegree(VertexType v);
• Add a member function to the class which determines if there is an edge between two vertices.
bool FoundEdge(VertexType u, VertexType v);
• Print the outdegree of the vertex D. 3
• Print if there is an edge between vertices A and D. There is an edge.
• Print if there is an edge between vertices B and D. There is no edge.
• Use depth first search in order to find if there is a path from B to E. B A D G F H E
• Use depth first search in order to find if there is a path from E to B. E
Path not found.
• Use breadth first search in order to find if there is a path from B to E. B A C D E
• Use breadth first search in order to find if there is a path from E to B. E
Path not found.
• Modify the BreadthFirstSearch function so that it also prints the length of the shortest path between two vertices.
• Determine the length of the shortest path from B to E. 3

  • Lab-15-ud5qjg.zip