CSE224 Assignment 5 Solved

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For this project, you’ll write a bash script to implement a GUI for a travel reservation system. You can do this using Zenity under either Cygwin or a local Linux system. Your script should do the following:

•create a dialog box to ask for the traveler’s name;

•display a list of cities from which the traveler may depart (include 7 or more cities);

•display the same list of cities to which the traveler may be heading;

•display a calendar dialog for when the traveler is leaving

•display a calendar dialog for when the traveler is returning

•ask the user how many bags they will be checking;

•display a summary of this information on the terminal

•search a file named “res.txt” for the user’s name. If they already have a reservation, remove that reservation from the res.txt file

•add the user’s reservation to the res.txt file. You should store this as a single line in the following format:

name,number of bags,departure date,departure city,arrival date,arrival city

Group Details

You’ll be working in groups of 1-4 people for this project. Be prepared to present your project to the class on or shortly after the due date. You should demonstrate the operation of your program, and talk the class through the highlights of your code. Also, you should explain how the project was divided among the group members (so make sure you plan ahead as far as who will do what).


Zenity will sometimes report errors like “(zenity:6758): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:68:35…” You can suppress these by adding 2> /dev/null to the end of your zenity command, i.e.

zenity –calendar 2> /dev/null

  • cse224-assignment-5-main-2ftodz.zip