CSE221_LabAssignment03_Spring2023 Solved

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Submission Guidelines :
1. You can code all of them either in Python or Java. But you should choose a specific language for all tasks.
2. The first three tasks are to be completed in the lab and task 4 is homework.
3. For each task write separate python files like task1.py, task2.py and so on.
4. For each problem, take input from files called “inputX.txt”, and output at “outputX.txt”, where X is the task number. So, for problem 2, the input file is basically this, “input2.txt”. Same for output.
5. For each task include the input files (if any) in the submission folder.
6. Finally zip all the files and rename this zip file as per this format :
LabSectionNo_ID_CSE221LabAssignmentNo_Summer2022.zip. [Example :
7. Don’t copy from your friends
8. You MUST follow all the guidelines, naming/file/zipping convention stated above. Failure to follow instructions will result in straight 50% mark deduction.
Problem Descriptions
The following tasks need to be solved using Sorting Algorithms. Sorting algorithm is an algorithm that is used to arrange data in certain order, i,e- either ascending or descending order. You have learned several sorting algorithms such as bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort, quick sort,merge sort etc. The problems below are related or similar to some of the sorting algorithms you learned in class. Read the task descriptions carefully and implement the algorithm using either Java or Python. The output format MUST match exactly as shown in each task.
Merge Sort in an out of place algorithm. A solution to this problem in the Quick Sort algorithm.
i) On the same set of inputs used in Task 2, implement Quick Sort. You have to write the code for the partition function as well. The pseudocodes are given below.
# low –> Starting index, high –> Ending index */ quickSort(arr[], low, high) if (low < high)
# pi is partitioning index, arr[pi] is now at right place pi = partition(arr, low, high) quickSort(arr, low, pi – 1) # Before pi quickSort(arr, pi + 1, high) # After pi
# This function takes last element as pivot, places the pivot element at its correct position in sorted array, and places all smaller (smaller than pivot) to left of pivot and all greater elements to right of pivot partition (arr[], low, high)
# pivot (Element to be placed at right position) pivot = arr[high]; i = (low – 1) # Index of smaller element and indicates the
# right position of pivot found so far for j in range (low, high- 1):
# If current element is smaller than the pivot if (arr[j] < pivot){ i=i+1; # increment index of smaller element swap arr[i] and arr[j]
swap arr[i + 1] and arr[high]) return (i + 1)
ii) Implement an algorithm “findK” that uses the “partition” algorithm to find the kth
(smallest) element from an array without sorting. E.g. for the array in our example, the 5th element will be “9”
The array: 1 3 4 5 9 10 10
K=7 K= 2
Output: 9
Write the functions add( ), delete( ), build( ), heapify( ) [swim up], sink( ) and heapSort( ) for a Min Heap Data Structure. Create a .txt file containing a bunch of numbers. Read the input from there and use the build( ) function to create a heap. Then ask the user to enter a command. ‘A’ for adding a new number, ‘B’ for deleting, and ‘S’ for sorting.
Moderately ill 3. Regular check up
Your system must be able to list the patients according to the seriousness, 1 being the most serious and 3 being the least. Moreover, the system must be able to handle incoming patients while doctors are checking other patients.
Solving this problem requires knowledge of Queue which you have learnt in CSE220.
Input: The input file will contain names of the patients as strings with a priority (1,
2 or 3) associated with each name and an operation called “see doctor.” When the “see doctor” function will be called one patient from the queue, of course the patient who came first with seriousness 1, will be served first.
see doctor see doctor
see doctor
see doctor see doctor
Output: Every time the “see doctor” function is called, erase the correct patient from the queue and print the name.
a) You must build this system in 2 ways. Use the bubble sort algorithm everytime a new patient comes in, where you sort the patients according to the seriousness and delete when seeDoctor method is called.
b) The second way is to use heap sort. Everytime a patient comes in you heapify (swim up) and sink when the seeDoctor method is called.
c) Do you see any difference in output when you call the seeDoctor( ) function ? If yes, what do you think is the reason? If you don’t see any difference do not panic. As long as the correct patient is sent to the doctor your system is correct.
d) You then compare the time complexity of the 2 techniques by plotting a line graph input in the x axis and time taken in the y axis. See lab 1 to solve.

  • Lab3-insypr.zip