CSE205 Assignment2 Solved

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Assignment #2 will be the construction of a program that reads in an unspecified number of integers from standard input, performs some calculations on the inputted numbers, and outputs the results of those calculations to standard output. The numbers could be delimited by any kind of whitespace, i.e. tabs, spaces, and lines (Note that if you use the Scanner class, you do not have to worry about these delimiters. They will be taken care of). Your program will continue to read in numbers until the number 0 is entered. At this point, the calculations will be outputted in the following format:

The minimum integer is 0

The count of odd integers in the sequence is 0

The largest even integer in the sequence is 0

The sum of positive integers is 0

This means that using all numbers your program reads (including the last number 0), you need to compute the minimum, count how many odd integers (cannot be divided by 2, “num%2 != 0”), compute the largest even integer (can be divided by 2, “num%2 == 0”), and compute the sum of positive integers. You should not use arrays for this assignment. It is using a loop to read the input and doing the calculation.

Note that the above is an output for the first test case. For other test cases, you will have different numbers.

Do not prompt to query for the numbers. The number 0 is included in the sequence of integers and should be included in all of your calculations.

Download the following input files,  and save them in the same directory as Assignment2.java is located to test for test cases.

input1.txt input2.txt input3.txt input4.txt output1.txt output2.txt output3.txt output4.txt

Error Handling

Your program should be robust enough to handle all test cases above.


  • Assignment-2-nveafz.zip