CSCI212 Project 3-Create a GUI Solved

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Create a complete GUI with a File Menu that has the menu choices Open and Quit. Clicking on open should allow the user to select an input file as shown in lecture. Once the file is open, display the Date212’s as in project 2.

Use a TreeMap to Sort the Dates.

Sort the Date212’s using a TreeMap. Use the Date212 as a key, and use null as the value for the key. Note that if there are duplicate dates in the file the date will appear only once in the tree map.

Handle Errors

Create an exception called IllegalDate212Exception by extending IllegalArgumentException. Have the constructor of Date212 throw this exception if the date given as a String is illegal. Valid dates should be a string of 8 digits, with a month between 1 and 12, and a date that is valid for the month (e.g., between 1 and 31 for January.) Don’t worry about leap years. Catch the exception, and print the invalid date to the console along with the exception’s message.
