CSCI204/MCS9204 Assignment 2 Solved

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Task 1: Overloading operators (5.0 marks)

A Euclidean vector is an array that consist n-tuples in a Euclidean space of dimension n.

It is very useful in mathematics, physics and engineering.

In this task, you will define a class EVector in a file EVector.h and implement the C++ program code in a file EVector.cpp.
In the class EVector, declare a dynamic array of double type to store tuples for the

Euclidean vector, and declare an integer member to store the dimension of the vector. We will define and implement the following functions in the class EVector.
• In the class EVector, you will define and implement default constructor, copy
constructor and other necessary constructors;
• In the class EVector, you will define and implement overloading operators as

o Extraction operator () to get input tuples’ values from keyboard;

o Insertion operator (<<) to print out the Euclidean vector tuples’ values;

o Assignment operator (=) to make a deep copy from another Euclidean
vector object.

o Addition operation (+) to compute two Euclidean vectors’ addition. The addition of Euclidean vectors A (a1, …, an) + B (b1, …, bn) is defined as: C(c1, …, cn) = A(a1, …, an) + B(b1, …, bn), Where ci = ai+bi, i=1, …, n.

o Subtraction operation (-) to compute two Euclidean vectors’ subtraction.
The subtraction of Euclidean vectors A (a1, …, an) – B (b1, …, bn) is
defined as: C(c1, …, cn) = A(a1, …, an) – B(b1, …, bn),
where ci = ai-bi, i=1, …, n.

o Inner product operator (*) to compute two Euclidean vectors’ inner product. The inner product of Euclidean vectors A (a1, …, an) * B (b1, …, bn) is defined as:
r = c1 + … + cn = A(a1, …, an) * B(b1, …, bn), where ci = ai * bi, i=1, …, n.

o Multiplication operator (*) to compute a Euclidean vector times a double
value. The multiplication of a Euclidean vector A (a1, …, an) * b is defined
C( c1, …, cn) = A(a1, …, an) *b, where ci = ai * b, i=1, …, n.

o Multiplication operator (*) to compute a double value times a Euclidean
vector. The multiplication of a Euclidean vector b * A (a1, …, an) is
defined as:
C( c1, …, cn) = b * A(a1, …, an) ,
where ci = b * ai, i=1, …, n.
o Division operator (/) to compute a Euclidean vector divided by a double
value. The division of a Euclidean vector A (a1, …, an) / b is defined as:
C( c1, …, cn) = A(a1, …, an) / b,
where ci = ai/ b, i=1, …, n.

Implement a function main() in a file task1Main.cpp to test the functions / operators that defined above (See the Testing of the task for more details).

Use g++ to compile the source files on banshee by
$ g++ –o task1 task1Main.cpp EVector.cpp

You can test the task by using the data defined in a text file input1.txt by
$ ./task1 and input data that required. You program will print out results like following (Red data means input from keyboard):
Input dimension and tuples for a Euclidean vector v1: 5
12.5 4.2 15.7 21.4 6.3

Euclidean vector v1 = (12.5, 4.2, 15.7, 21.4, 6.3)
Input dimension and tuples for a Euclidean vector v2: 5
4.5 23.8 9.2 17.1 15.4
Euclidean vector v2 = (4.5, 23.8, 9.2, 17.1, 15.4)
v3 = v1 + v2 = (17, 28, 24.9, 38.5, 21.7)
v3 = v1 – v2 = (8, -19.6, 6.5, 4.3, -9.1)
v3 = v1 * v2 = 763.61
Input a double value for d: 4
d * v1 = 4 * (12.5, 4.2, 15.7, 21.4, 6.3) = (50, 16.8, 62.8, 85.6, 25.2)
v1 * d = (12.5, 4.2, 15.7, 21.4, 6.3) * 4 = (50, 16.8, 62.8, 85.6, 25.2)
v1 / d = (12.5, 4.2, 15.7, 21.4, 6.3) / 4 = (3.125, 1.05, 3.925, 5.35, 1.575)

You may run the program like:
$ ./task1 < input1.txt

To check memory leak, you may run the program by
$ bcheck ./task1 < input1.txt

You can download input data files input1.txt, input2.txt and input3.txt for your testing.
Note: For addition, subtraction and inner product of two different dimensions of
Euclidean vectors, error messages should be prompted (such as “two Euclidean
vectors should be in the same Euclidean space”), empty EVector objects (dimension zero, no tuple memory has been allocated) should be obtained; other operators should be fine.
Note: Your program should work on different testing data files. There should be NO memory leak.

Task2: Class inheritance (5.0 marks)

In this task, we will define and implement inheritance classes.

Define the diagrams of the classes for bills below.

Define a base class Bill in a file Bill.h that contains biller’s name, code, reference
number, account number, account name, address, amount due, totalGST, due date, period start date and period end date. Define necessary constructors, destructor, member functions and extraction operator () and insertion operator (<<) for the base class.

Implement the member functions and other friend functions in a file Bill.cpp.

Define a derived class ElectricityBill in a file ElectricityBill.h according to the diagrams above. Implement the functions in a file ElectricityBill.cpp. Define and implement overloading extraction operator () and insertion operator (<<) for the ElectricityBill class. Note the rates (rate1 $0.245/kWh, rate2 $0.264/kWh), threshold (1750 kWh) and supply charge ($0.699/day) are the same for all ElectricityBill instances.

To compute total amount due for an electricity bill, we can use the following expressions:
If total usage (currentReading – previousReading) is less than rate1 threshold,
Total amount electricity = (currentReading – previousReading) * rate1;
If the total usage is more than the threshold of rate1, we can use the following expression to compute amount of electricity
Total amount electricity = (currentReading – previousReading) * rate1 +
((currentReading – previousReading) – rate1Threshold) * rate2;
Then computes total supply charge, Total amount supply charge = periodEndDate – periodStartDate) * supplyCharge;
Then computes total amount due and total GST by
Total amount due = Total amount electricity + Total amount supply charge ;
Total GST = Total amount due * 10%;
Define a derived class GasBill in a file GasBill.h according to the diagrams above.
Implement the functions in a file GasBill.cpp. Define and implement overloading
extraction operator () and insertion operator (<<) for the GasBill class. Note the rates (heatingValue 38.82, pressureFactor 0.9942, rate $0.0297/MJ) and supply charges ($0.443/day) are the same for all GasBill instances.
To compute total amount due for a gas bill, we can use the following expressions:
Total MJ = (currentReading – previousReading) * heatingValue * pressureFactor;
Total amount gas = total MJ * rate;
Then computes total supply charge,
Total amount supply charge = (periodEndDate – periodStartDate) * supplyCharge;
Then computes total amount due and total GST by Total amount due = Total amount gas + Total amount supply charge ;
Total GST = Total amount due * 10%;
Define a derived class TelephoneBill in a file TelephoneBill.h according to the diagrams above. Implement the functions in a file TelephoneBill.cpp. Define and implement overloading extraction operator () and insertion operator (<<) for the TelephoneBill class. Note the local call rate ($0.3/call), line rental ($29.9/month) and internet connection charge ($35/month) are the same for all TelephoneBill instances.
To compute total amount due for a telephone bill, we can use the following expressions:
Total local call = number of local calls * local call rate;
Then computes total amount due and total GST by
Total amount due = Total local call + international call amount + line Rental + internet connection;
Total GST = Total amount due * 10%;
Implement C++ main() and other functions in a file task2Main.cpp to display menu and get input from keyboard for bills and store bills’ information in the memory (such as linkedlist or dynamic arrays) until 0 (zero) for the choice has been input. For each bill data, computes total amount, total GST due for the bill. The program will save bill’s data
in a text file, load bills’ data from a text file and display information of loaded bills (See the Testing of the task for more details).
Use g++ to compile the source files by
$ g++ –o task2 task2Main.cpp Bill.cpp ElectricityBill.cpp GasBill.cpp TelephoneBill.cpp
and run the program by
$ ./task2
When the program starts, it will display menu and get input data.
1. Input electricity bill data;
2. Input gas bill data;
3. Input telephone bill data;
4. Set electricity rates;
5. Set gas rate;
6. Save bill data in a text file;
7. Load bill data from a text file;
0. Quit.
Your choice: 1
Input electricity bill data.
Biller name: AGL
Biller code: 21345
Reference: 123456789012345678
Account number: 12345678
Account name: Mr. Tim Smith
Address: 1 Moore Street, Wollongong, NSW 2500
Start date: 15 12 2015
End date 14 3 2016
Due date: 5 4 2016
Previous reading (kWh): 12304
Current reading (kWh): 13186
Total amount due: $279
Total GST: $27.9
1. Input electricity bill data;
2. Input gas bill data;
3. Input telephone bill data;
4. Set electricity rates;
5. Set gas rate;
6. Save bill data in a text file;
7. Load bill data from a text file;
0. Quit.
Your choice: 2
Input gas bill data.
Biller name: AGL
Biller code: 13245
Reference: 123456789012344321
Account number: 123443211
Account name: Mr. Tim Smith
Address: 1 Moore Street, Wollongong, NSW 2500
Start date: 10 12 2015
End date 16 3 2016
Due date: 30 3 2016
Previous reading (Cubic meters): 7724.5
Current reading (Cubic meters): 7796.3
Total amount due: $125.27
Total GST: $12.53
1. Input electricity bill data;
2. Input gas bill data;
3. Input telephone bill data;
4. Set electricity rates;
5. Set gas rate;
6. Save bill data in a text file;
7. Load bill data from a text file;
0. Quit.
Your choice: 3
Input telephone bill data.
Biller name: Telstra
Biller code: 33215
Reference: 123456789011112222
Account number: 11112222
Account name: Mr. Tim Smith
Address: 1 Moore Street, Wollongong, NSW 2500
Start date: 12 2 2016
End date 11 3 2016
Due date: 31 3 2016
Number of local calls: 23
International calls: 43.2
Total amount due: $115
Total GST: $11.5
1. Input electricity bill data;
2. Input gas bill data;
3. Input telephone bill data;
4. Set electricity rates;
5. Set gas rate;
6. Save bill data in a text file;
7. Load bill data from a text file;
0. Quit.
Your choice: 4
Set electricity rates.
Rate 1 ($ per kWh): 0.256
Threshold (kWh): 1800
Rate 2 ($ per kWh): 0.274
Supply charge rate ($ per day): 0.712
New rates for electricity bills have been set.
1. Input electricity bill data;
2. Input gas bill data;
3. Input telephone bill data;
4. Set electricity rates;
5. Set gas rate;
6. Save bill data in a text file;
7. Load bill data from a text file;
0. Quit.
Your choice: 5
Set gas rates.
Rate ($ per MJ): 0.0302
Heating value: 38.45
Pressure factor: 1.03
Supply charge rate ($ per day): 0.472
New rates for gas bills have been set.
The program will not stop until an input choice is 0 (zero).
Assume 6 bills’ data have been added in. When the choice is 6, the program will save
all bills into a text file.
1. Input electricity bill data;
2. Input gas bill data;
3. Input telephone bill data;
4. Set electricity rates;
5. Set gas rate;
6. Save bill data in a text file;
7. Load bill data from a text file;
0. Quit.
Your choice: 6
Text file name: bills.txt
6 bills have been saved.
The data in the text file should look like following (each bill stored in one line, start
by the type: E-Electricity, G-Gas, T-Telephone):
E; AGL;21345;123456789012345678;12345678;Mr. Tim Smith; 1 Moore Street,
Wollongong, NSW 2500;15/12/2015;14/03/2016;05/04/2016;12304;13186;279;27.9
G;AGL;13245;123456789012344321;12344321;Mr. Tim Smith; 1 Moore Street,
Wollongong, NSW 2500;10/12/2015;16/03/2016;30/03/2016;7724.5;7796.3;125.27;12.53
T;Telstra;33215;123456789011112222;11112222;Mr. Tim Smith; 1 Moore Street,
Wollongong, NSW 2500;12/02/2016;11/03/2016;21/03/2016;23;43.2;115;11.5

1. Input electricity bill data;
2. Input gas bill data;
3. Input telephone bill data;
4. Set electricity rates;
5. Set gas rate;
6. Save bill data in a text file;
7. Load bill data from a text file;
0. Quit.
Your choice: 7
Text file name: bills.txt
6 bills have been loaded.
Then display all bills information.
Electricity bill:
Biller name: AGL
Biller code: 21345
Reference number: 123456789012345678
Account number: 12345678
Account name: Mr. Tim Smith
Address: 1 Moore Street, Wollongong, NSW 2500
Start date: 15/12/2012
End date: 14/03/2013
Due date: 05/04/2013
Previous reading: 12304
Current reading: 13186
Total amount due: $279
Total GST: $27.9
Gas bill:
Biller name: AGL
Biller code: 13245
Reference number: 123456789012344321
Account number: 12344321
Account name: Mr. Tim Smith
Address: 1 Moore Street, Wollongong, NSW 2500
Start date: 10/12/2012
End date: 16/03/2013
Due date: 30/03/2013
Previous reading: 7724.5
Current reading: 7796.3
Total amount due: $125.27
Total GST: $12.53
Telephone bill:
Biller name: Telstra
Biller code: 33215
Reference number: 123456789011112222
Account number: 11112222
Account name: Mr. Tim Smith
Address: 1 Moore Street, Wollongong, NSW 2500
Start date: 12/02/2012
End date: 11/03/2013
Due date: 21/03/2013
Number of local calls: 23
International calls: $43.2
Total amount due: $115
Total GST: $11.5

You may run the program like:
$ ./task2 < input4.txt
To check memory leak, you may run the program by
$ bcheck ./task2 < input4.txt
You can download input data files input4.txt and input5.txt for your testing.
