CSCI1730 Lab 2-Simple Programs Solved

30.00 $



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Write C++ programs to perform the following tasks. In many of the program descriptions below, example inputs and outputs are provided.

  • exclusive.cpp: Let the user input an odd number of positive integers, space separated, on a single line (as seen below). Assume that each integer except for one, the exclusive integer, appears an even number of times in the input. Your program should output the exclusive integer.
         Enter integers: 2 1 55 3 2 1 4 4 2 2 55
              Exclusive: 3
  • primesum.cpp: Let the user input a single integer n where 1 ≤ n ≤ 100000. Your program should print the sum of the first n prime numbers. In the first example below, the first 5 prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11.
         Enter integer: 5
             Prime sum: 28
         Enter integer: 100000
             Prime sum: 62260698721
  • endtime.cpp: Write a program to read two integers with the following significance. The first integer value represents a time of day on a 24 hour clock, so that 1245 represents quarter to one mid-day, for example. The second integer represents a time duration in a similar way, so that 345 represents three hours and 45 minutes. This duration is to be added to the first time, and the result printed out in the same notation, in this case 1630 which is the time 3 hours and 45 minutes after 12:45. Another example is given below.
         Enter in a start time: 1415
           Enter in a duration: 50
                   End time is: 1505

    Textbook & Other Resources

    Students may find the following sections of the textbook useful for this assignment: • DEITEL 2.1–2.8
    • DEITEL 4.1–4.15
    • DEITEL 5.1–5.14

    Students may also find the following resources useful for this assignment: • std::cout –

    • std::cin –
    • std::getline – • std::stringstream –


1 Some Nonfunctional Requirements

Your submission needs to satisfy the following nonfunctional requirements:

  • Directory Setup: Make sure that all of your files are in a directory called LastName-FirstName-lab02, whereLastName and FirstName are replaced with your actual last name and first name, respectively.
  • Documentation: All classes, structs, and functions must be documented using Javadoc (or Doxygen) style comments.Use inline documentation, as needed, to explain ambiguous or tricky parts of your code.
  • Makefile: You need to include a Makefile. The expectation is that the grader should be able to type make clean and make to clean and compile/link your submission, respectively. The resulting executables must correspond to the source code filenames. For example, exclusive.cpp should result in an executable called exclusive. The expectation is that after your program is compiled and linked, the grader should be able to run each of your programs by typing something similar to the following:
         $ ./exclusive
  • Standards & Flags: Make sure that when you compile, you pass the following options to g++:
                                               -Wall -pedantic-errors

    Other compiler/linker options may be needed in addition to the ones mentioned above.

  • README: Make sure to include a README file that includes the following information presented in a reasonably formatted way: i) your name and UGA ID (811#); ii) instructions on how to compile and run your program. Make sure that each line in your README file does not exceed 80 characters. Do not assume line-wrapping. Please manually insert a line break if a line exceeds 80 characters.
  • Compiler Warnings: Since you should be compiling with both the -Wall and -pedantic-errors options, your code is expected to compile without g++ issuing any warnings.2 Submission

    Before your next breakout lab session, you need to submit your code. Make sure your work is in a directory called LastName-FirstName-lab02 on your odin account. From within the parent directory, execute the following command:

    $ submit LastName-FirstName-lab02 csci-1730

