CSCI1302 Project 3-The TextLine Solved

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The TextLine

To properly run this program, make sure that you have JUnit and all its dependencies installed and placed onto your CLASSPATH
environment variable in the .bash_profile file. Without JUnit installed, you will not be able to properly compile and run tests
on the TextLine and EditableTextLine classes.

All source code related to the TextLine and EditableTextline classes are located in the package
edu.uga.cs1302.txtbuff, and all source code files related to the EditableTextLineTester
are located in the package edu.uga.cs1302.test.

Java API documentation of all fields, methods, classes, and constructors within the packages
edu.uga.cs1302.txtbuff and edu.uga.cs1302.test have been provided in the html directory of this project.
Refer to the files in the html directory if you need help implementing or understanding the classes
provided in this project.

A makefile has been provided to simplify the configuration of this program.
In the parent directory of this program, type in the following command to compile
all source code files and run the EditableTextLineTester:
$ make

Alternatively, you can manually compile and run the program through UNIX commands.

1. To compile all source code, enter the following commands:
$ javac -d classes src/edu/uga/cs1302/txtbuff/*.java
$ javac -d classes src/edu/uga/cs1302/test/

2. To run JUnit tests, enter the following command:
$ java org.junit.runner.JUnitCore edu.uga.cs1302.test.EditableTextLineTester
