CS-5340/6340, Programming Assignment #1 Solved

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Your task is to build a morphological analyzer from scratch. Your morphological analysis program should accept three input files: (1) a dictionary file, (2) a rules file, and (3) a test file. Your program should be named “morphology” and should accept these files as command-line arguments in the order above. For example, if you use Python then we should be able to run your program like this:
python3 morphology.py <dictionary file><rules file><test file>
Running your code on our sample files should look like this:
python3 morphology.py sampleDict.txt sampleRules.txt sampleTest.txt
If you use Java, you should invoke Java similarly and be sure to accept the same arguments on the command-line in the same order.

The Dictionary File
Here is a sample dictionary file:
carry verb
furry adjective
marry verb
bark noun
bark verb
sit verb
sat verb ROOT sit
Your program should treat the dictionary as case insensitive for matching (e.g., the words “dog”, “Dog”, and “DOG” should all be considered the same word). But you should keep the original form for output. You can assume that any root listed in the dictionary will have its own entry in the dictionary (e.g., “sit” is the root of “sat” in the example above and has its own dictionary entry). You can also assume that a word and its POS tag will uniquely determine its ROOT (i.e., the dictionary will not contain multiple instances of the same word and POS tag but with different roots). You should not assume that the dictionary file is sorted in any way.
The Rules File
The rules file will consist of morphology rules, one per line. Each rule will have 6 parts:
1. rule identifier (ID)
2. PREFIX or SUFFIX keyword
3. beginning or ending characters (relative to the prefix/suffix keyword)
4. replacement characters, or a hyphen if no characters should be replaced
5. the part-of-speech tag required for the originating word from which the new word is derived
6. the part-of-speech tag that will be assigned to the new (derived) word
The characters –> will be used to separate the POS tag required for the originating word from the POS tag that will be assigned to the derived word. Each rule will end with a period. A sample rules file is shown below:
1 SUFFIX ly – adjective –> adverb .
2 SUFFIX ily y adjective –> adverb .
3 SUFFIX ed – verb –> adjective .
4 SUFFIX ed – verb –> verb .
5 SUFFIX ied y verb –> adjective .
6 SUFFIX ied y verb –> verb .
7 PREFIX re – verb –> verb .
8 SUFFIX s – noun –> noun .
9 SUFFIX s – verb –> verb .

The Test File
The test file will contain words that your morphological analyzer should be applied to. The file will contain one word per line. A sample test file is shown below:
carry carried remarried xyz
Morphological Analysis
Given a test word, first look up the word in the dictionary. If the word is present, then its dictionary definition should be returned and the process ends. No morphological analysis should be done in this case.
If the test word is not in the dictionary, then apply the morphology rules using the method described in class (and on the lecture slides). All legal derivations for the test word should be returned.
If your morphological analyzer cannot find any derivation for a word, then your program should generate the part-of-speech tag “noun” as a default value. [In practice, unknown words are typically assumed to be nouns because many unfamiliar words are proper names.]

Your program should output each word derivation in the following format:
WORD=<word> POS=<pos> ROOT=<root> SOURCE=<source> PATH=<rule list>
There should be at least one space between each item. Each derivation should appear on a separate line.
ROOT should be the word ultimately found in the dictionary during the application of the rules. If the dictionary word has an explicit root defined, then use its defined root (e.g., use “sit” as the root for “sat”). If no explicit root is defined, then assume that the word itself is a root form.
SOURCE indicates how the definition was obtained and has 3 possible values:
dictionary: if the word was found in the dictionary without applying morphology rules. morphology: if the morphological analyzer successfully derived the word.
default: if the word is not in the dictionary and the morphological analyzer failed to find any derivation for the word.
PATH is a comma-separated list of rule ids, indicating the rules that were used. The PATH should begin with the rule that was applied to the word found in the dictionary and then list the other rules in the order that they were subsequently applied. If the SOURCE is dictionary or default, then print “PATH=-”.
Important: If multiple derivations are found using the same set of rules but in a different order, these are considered to be different derivations with distinct paths! You should print each derivation on a separate line. Please print the derivations in alphabetic order based on their PATH values. If multiple derivations have the same PATH, then sort those derivations alphabetically based on the POS tag. Please print a blank line between the sets of derivations for different words.
For example, the words “carry”, “carried”, “remarried” and “xyz” should produce the following output (based on the sample dictionary and rule files shown earlier):
WORD=carry POS=verb ROOT=carry SOURCE=dictionary PATH=-
WORD=carried POS=adjective ROOT=carry SOURCE=morphology PATH=5
WORD=carried POS=verb ROOT=carry SOURCE=morphology PATH=6
WORD=remarried POS=verb ROOT=marry SOURCE=morphology PATH=6,7
WORD=remarried POS=adjective ROOT=marry SOURCE=morphology PATH=7,5
WORD=remarried POS=verb ROOT=marry SOURCE=morphology PATH=7,6
WORD=xyz POS=noun ROOT=xyz SOURCE=default PATH=-

Your program will be graded based on new test cases! So please test your program thoroughly to evaluate the generality and correctness of your code! Even if your program works perfectly on the examples that we give you, that does not guarantee that it will work perfectly on new test cases.
Please exactly follow the formatting instructions specified in this assignment. We will deduct points if you fail to follow the specifications because it makes our job much more difficult to grade programs that do not conform to the same standards.
Please use CANVAS to submit a gzipped tar file named “morphology.tar.gz”. (This is an archived file in “tar” format and then compressed with gzip. Instructions are given on the next page if you’re not familiar with tar files.) Your submission should contain the following items:
1. The source code files for your program. Be sure to include all files that we will need to compile and run your program!
REMINDER: your program must be written in Python or Java, and it must compile and run on the Linux-based CADE (lab1 or lab2) machines! We will not grade programs that cannot be run on the Linux-based CADE machines.
2. An executable shell script named morphology.sh that contains the exact commands needed to compile and run your morphology program on the data files provided on CANVAS. We should be able to execute this file on the command line, and it will compile and run your code. For example, if your code is in Python and does not need to be compiled, then your script file might look like this:
python3 morphology.py sampleDict.txt sampleRules.txt sampleTest.txt
If your code is in Java, then your script file might look something like this:
javac Morphology/*.java
java Morphology/MainClass sampleDict.txt sampleRules.txt sampleTest.txt
3. A README.txt file that includes the following information:
• Which CADE machine you tested your program on
• Any known idiosyncracies, problems, or limitations of your program.
4. Submit one trace file called morphology.trace that shows the output of your program when given the sample files provided on Canvas.
TAR FILES: First, put all of the files that you want to submit in a directory called “morphology”. Then from the parent directory where the “morphology” folder resides, issue the following command:
tar cvfz morphology.tar.gz morphology/
This will put everything underneath the “morphology/” directory into a single file called “morphology.tar.gz”. This file will be “archived” to preserve any structure (e.g., subdirectories) inside the “morphology/” directory and then compressed with “gzip”.
FYI, to unpack the gzipped tar file, move the morphology.tar.gz to a new location and issue the command:
tar xvfz morphology.tar.gz
This will create a new directory called “morphology” and restore the original structure and contents.
TRACE FILES: You can generate a trace file in (at least) 2 different ways: (1) print your program’s output to standard output and then pipe it to a file (e.g., python3 morphology.py sampleDict.txt sampleRules.txt sampleTest.txt > morphology.trace), or (2) print your output to standard output and use the unix script command before running your program on the test files. The sequence of commands to use is:
script morphology.trace python3 morphology.py sampleDict.txt sampleRules.txt sampleTest.txt exit
This will save everything that is printed to standard output during the session to a file called morphology.trace.

  • p1_morphology-eqdvkb.zip