CS546 Lab 3 Solved

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CS-546 Lab 3

The purpose of this lab is to familiarize yourself with asynchronous programming in JavaScript, as well as using modules from the Node.js Package Manager (npm (https://www.npmjs.com/) ).

For this lab, you must use the keywords (not Promises). You will also be using (https://github.com/axios/axios) , which is a HTTP client for Node.js; you can install it with .

In addition, you must have error checking for the arguments of all your functions. If an argument fails error checking, you should throw a string describing which argument was wrong, and what went wrong.

You will be creating three .js files: , and . Note: Remember that the order of the keys in the objects does not matter so

is the same as:

Network JSON Data

You will be downloading JSON files from the following GitHub Gists:

people.json (https://gist.githubusercontent.com/graffixnyc/a1196cbf008e85a8e808dc60d4db7261/raw/9fd0d1a4d7846b stocks.json (Links to an external site.) (https://gist.githubusercontent.com/graffixnyc/8c363d85e61863ac044097c0d199dbcc/raw/7d79752a9342a

For every function you write, you will download the necessary JSONs with . DO NOT just save the data into a local file, you MUST use Axios to get the data. Here is an example of how to do so:

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you are making the same axios request in all of your functions, it’s best to put it in a function like noted above and then calling that function in all the functions that need to get the data from whichever json file you’re working with. Always do this when you see you are doing the same thing over and over again in multiple different places. It’s much easier to maintain. Say if the URL of the file ever changes, then you only need to change it in one place, not 10 different places.


This file will export the following four functions: getPersonById(id)

This will return the person for the specified id within the people.json array. Note: The id is case sensitive.

You must check:

That the id parameter exists and is of proper type (string). If not, throw an error.
If the id exists and is in the proper type but the id is not found in the array of people, throw a ‘person not found’ error.
if the id parameter is just empty spaces, throw an error.

await getPersonById("7989fa5e-8f3f-458d-ad58-23c8d9ef5a10");
\\ Returns:
  id: "7989fa5e-8f3f-458d-ad58-23c8d9ef5a10",
  first_name: "Val",
  last_name: "Kinsell",
  email: "[email protected]",
  ip_address: "",
  ssn: "578-08-2277",
  date_of_birth: "11/30/1979",
  address: {
    home: {
      street_number: "0",
      street_name: "Schiller",

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      street_suffix: "Junction",
      city: "Houston",
      state: "TX",
      zip: "77090"

}, work: {

      street_number: "21",
      street_name: "Dryden",
      street_suffix: "Trail",
      city: "New York City",
      state: "NY",

zip: “10034”

} }


await getPersonById(-1); \\ Throws Error
await getPersonById(1001); \\ Throws Error
await getPersonById();\\ Throws Error
await getPersonById('7989fa5e-5617-43f7-a931-46036f9dbcff');\\ Throws person not found Error

sameStreet(streetName, streetSuffix)

For this function, you will return an array of people objects who live or work on the same street name with the same suffix from people.json BOTH the street name and the street suffix MUST match! You must return at least two people, so if there are not 2 or more people that live on the same street for the parameters provided you will throw an error.

You must check:

That the streetName and streetSuffix parameters exists and are of proper type (string). If not, throw an error.

If there are not at least two people that live on the same street and street suffix, you will throw an error.
if either parameter is just empty spaces, throw an error.
The parameters must be case in-sensitive i.e. should return the same results as passing

sameStreet("Sutherland", "Point")
sameStreet("sutherland", "point")
await sameStreet("Sutherland", "Point");
\\ Returns:
id: 'd78816b3-c06e-436f-a9d1-bb60ec60711d',

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id:  d78816b3 c06e 436f a9d1 bb60ec60711d ,
  first_name: 'Emlynn',
  last_name: 'Sawter',
  email: '[email protected]',
  ip_address: '',
  ssn: '811-02-3739',
  date_of_birth: '01/12/2016',
  address: {

home: {

      street_number: '889',
      street_name: 'Utah',
      street_suffix: 'Pass',
      city: 'Santa Barbara',

state: ‘CA’,

      zip: '93150'
    work: {
      street_number: '518',
      street_name: 'Sutherland',
      street_suffix: 'Point',
      city: 'Saint Louis',
      state: 'MO',
      zip: '63180'

} }

}, {

  id: '91bef464-b2ee-4c18-8d9d-0781d30a3bcb',
  first_name: 'Billie',
  last_name: 'Lude',
  email: '[email protected]',
  ip_address: '',
  ssn: '242-68-1386',
  date_of_birth: '09/08/1990',
  address: {

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    home: {
      street_number: '2',
      street_name: 'Sutherland',
      street_suffix: 'Point',
      city: 'Baton Rouge',
      state: 'LA',
      zip: '70820'

}, work: {

      street_number: '5',
      street_name: 'Nobel',
      street_suffix: 'Plaza',
      city: 'Whittier',
      state: 'CA',
      zip: '90605'

} },

  id: '2290f8ad-37b8-4f39-9eb4-a89ed1792887',
  first_name: 'Armando',
  last_name: 'Pomery',
  email: '[email protected]',
  ip_address: '',
  ssn: '381-67-4007',
  date_of_birth: '08/28/1975',
  address: {
    home: {
      street_number: '1',
      street_name: 'Walton',
      street_suffix: 'Parkway',
      city: 'Young America',
      state: 'MN',
      zip: '55573'

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}, work: {

      street_number: '68468',
      street_name: 'Sutherland',
      street_suffix: 'Point',
      city: 'Springfield',
      state: 'IL',
      zip: '62718'

} }


await sameStreet(1,"Street"); \\ Throws Error
await sameStreet("Street", 1); \\ Throws Error
await sameStreet("Street"); \\ Throws Error
await sameStreet(); \\ Throws Error
await sameStreet("Crownhardt","Park"); \\ Throws Error since there are not at least two people that
 live or work on Crownhardt Park


For this function, you must convert all the SSN’s to numbers (removing the dashes) then sort each person’s SSN field from lowest to highest digit. For example, a SSN of: “125-71-1069” would become the number 11125679 . Note: If the sorted SSN’s first number(s) is/are 0, Javascript will drop the leading 0’s. This is expected. the SSN of: “689-26-5619” would become: 125666899 you will then return an object that contains the person’s name (first and last name) with the highest number, the person’s name (first and last name) with the lowest number and the Math.floor of the average from all people:

You will return an object in the following format:


highest: { firstName: 'Patrick', lastName: 'Hill' },
lowest: { firstName: 'Christina', lastName: 'Li' },
average: 88383773  // just an example, this will be computed average from all converted SSNS  make s
ure this value is a number, NOT a string


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sameBirthday(month, day)

This function will take in the month and day of a birthday: sameBirthday(09, 25) and it will return an array of strings with all the people who were born in that month, on that day. You will show each person’s first and last name as one string for each person as shown in the output below.

You must check:

That the month and day parameters exists and are of proper type (numbers). If not, throw an error. (If a string is passed in, you can try to parse that into a valid number first, if it’s a valid number, then you can check the following checks, if it cannot be parsed into a number, throw an error.
That the month parameter is 01-12 (or 1-12 without leading zeros), if not, throw an error

That the day parameter is valid for that month. i.e. if month = 9 then day cannot be >= 31 since there are only 30 days in September. If month = 02 then day cannot be >= 29 since there are only 28 days in February. (You do not have to take leap year into account).
If there are no people with that birthday, throw an error

await sameBirthday(09, 25); \\ Returns: ['Khalil Ovitts',  'Erny Van Merwe', 'Emanuel Saben', 'Iorgo
s Tembridge']
await sameBirthday(9, 25); \\ Returns: ['Khalil Ovitts',  'Erny Van Merwe', 'Emanuel Saben', 'Iorgos
await sameBirthday("09", "25"); \\ Returns: ['Khalil Ovitts',  'Erny Van Merwe', 'Emanuel Saben', 'I
orgos Tembridge'] because the parameters can be parsed into valid numbers.
await sameBirthday(09, 31); \\ Throws Error: There are not 31 days in Sept
await sameBirthday(13, 25); \\ Throws Error: Month > 12
await sameBirthday(02, 29); \\ Throws Error: There are not 29 days in Feb
await sameBirthday("09", "31"); \\ Throws Error: There are not 31 days in Sept
await sameBirthday("      ", "25"); \\ Throws Error
await sameBirthday(); \\ Throws Error:

array objects




This file will export four functions:


For this function, you will return an of of all the stocks. You will list all the stocks from , but instead of displaying the userid’s of the shareholders, you will look up that userid in

and return that user’s first name and last name in the return object instead:

Note: If a stock has no shareholders, you will return an empty array as shown in the example function call output below.

An example of one of the stocks objects (remember, this function will return an array of ALL the stocks in this format:

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Original Stock object:

  "id": "7283e5d6-7481-41cb-83b3-5a4a2da34717",
  "stock_name": "Aeglea BioTherapeutics, Inc.",
  "shareholders": [
    {"userId": "d8867404-3006-4b09-bb13-1836f88217e2","number_of_shares": 55},
    {"userId": "2a9896a4-9f83-4478-bdc4-bc528fde97a4","number_of_shares": 449},
    {"userId": "77f18859-4f6e-451d-ad4d-137e10084bf7","number_of_shares": 120},
    {"userId": "76ed376e-d673-422d-912d-aefba645bae7","number_of_shares": 14},
    {"userId": "e9db7f4e-d1e1-4eac-a329-16fc7e9e8b82","number_of_shares": 25}

] }

Would return:

  id: '7283e5d6-7481-41cb-83b3-5a4a2da34717',
  stock_name: 'Aeglea BioTherapeutics, Inc.',
  shareholders: [
     { first_name: "Paolo", last_name: "Victoria", number_of_shares: 55 },
     { first_name: "Caresse",last_name: "Clissett", number_of_shares: 449 },
     { first_name: "Benedikta",last_name: "Meller", number_of_shares: 120 },
     { first_name: "Kristy",last_name: "Goady", number_of_shares: 14 },
     { first_name: "Balduin",last_name: "Blackmuir", number_of_shares: 25 }

] }

await listShareholders();
\\ Returns
   id: '0304c85a-7914-4eb6-b050-b7631491dd2b',
   stock_name: 'Nuveen Preferred and Income 2022 Term Fund',
   shareholders: [{first_name: "Nilson", last_name: "Dressell",number_of_shares: 285}]
   id: '929686a2-dd3a-42c7-a88d-b170e2590252',
   stock_name: 'Powell Industries, Inc.',
   shareholders: []

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}, {

   id: '99a4e6ef-68b0-4cdc-8f2f-d0337290a9be',
   stock_name: 'Just Energy Group, Inc.',
   shareholders: [
      {first_name: "Karim",last_name: "Hugnet",number_of_shares: 266},
      {first_name: "Mikaela",last_name: "Kenward",number_of_shares: 389}

}, {

   id: '7283e5d6-7481-41cb-83b3-5a4a2da34717',
   stock_name: 'Aeglea BioTherapeutics, Inc.',
   shareholders: [
      { first_name: 'Paolo', last_name: 'Victoria', number_of_shares: 55 },
      { first_name: 'Caresse', last_name: 'Clissett', number_of_shares: 449 },
      { first_name: 'Benedikta', last_name: 'Meller', number_of_shares: 120 },
      { first_name: 'Kristy', last_name: 'Goady', number_of_shares: 14 },
      { first_name: 'Balduin', last_name: 'Blackmuir', number_of_shares: 25 }

] },

await listShareholders('7283e5d6-7481-41cb-83b3-5a4a2da34717') // Throws Error
await listShareholders('Nuveen Preferred and Income 2022 Term Fund') // Throws Error


Given the stockName provided, you will find the company from stocks.json and will return the name of the shareholder from people.json that has the most shares and the number of shares they own.

Make sure to follow the example output string below exactly. You must check:

That stockName parameter exists and is of the proper type (string). If not, throw an error.
You must check to make sure the stockName parameter is not just empty spaces: If it is, throw an error.

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If the stock name cannot be found in for the supplied parameter, then throw an error.

NOTE: If the stock name is found in stocks.json but there are no shareholders you will return: “stockName currently has no shareholders.” (replacing stockName with the name of the stock as shown in the example below)



await topShareholder('Aeglea BioTherapeutics, Inc.');
\\ Returns: "With 449 shares in Aeglea BioTherapeutics, Inc., Caresse Clissett is the top shareholde
await topShareholder('Nuveen Floating Rate Income Fund');
\\ Returns: "With 372 shares in Nuveen Floating Rate Income Fund, Thorstein Sarjeant is the top shar
await topShareholder('Powell Industries, Inc.');
\\ Returns: "Powell Industries, Inc. currently has no shareholders."
NOTE: The quotes are just to denote that your function returns a string do not return it with extra
 quotes around it.
However, the exact format of the string needs to be precise including case, spacing and punctuation.
await topShareholder(43); \\ Throws Error
await topShareholder('     '); \\ Throws error
await topShareholder('Foobar Inc'); \\ Throws error No stock with that name
await topShareholder(); \\ Throws Error





await listStocks("Grenville", "Pawelke" );
// Returns:
  {stock_name: "PAREXEL International Corporation", number_of_shares: 443},
  {stock_name: "Vanguard Russell 2000 ETF", number_of_shares: 59},
  {stock_name: "National CineMedia, Inc.", number_of_shares: 320},
  {stock_name: "CombiMatrix Corporation", number_of_shares: 434}
await listStocks('Patrick', "Hill"); // Throws Error because Patrick Hill is not in people.json

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istStocks(firstName, lastName)

Given a and , find the person in the array, then, if they are found, get heir ID and find out how many company stocks they own and the number of shares for each from

. You will return an array of objects with the stock name and the number of shares they own in each company.

You must check:

That and parameters exists and are of the proper type. (strings). If not, throw an error.
That and parameters are not just empty strings

That the person specified exists in the array. If not, throw an error.
That the person specified owns shares in at least one company. If not, throw an error

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await listStocks( Patrick ,  Hill ); // Throws Error because Patrick Hill is not in people.json

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await listStocks(); // Throws Error
await listStocks("foo"); // Throws Error
await listStocks("      ", "        "); // Throws Error
await listStocks(1,2); // Throws Error


This will return the Stock for the specified id within the stocks.json array. Note: The id is case sensitive.

You must check:

That the id parameter exists and is of proper type (string). If not, throw an error.
If the id exists and is in the proper type but the id is not found in the array of stocks, throw a ‘stock not found’ error.
if the id parameter is just empty spaces, throw an error.

await getStockById("f652f797-7ca0-4382-befb-2ab8be914ff0");
\\ Returns:
  id: 'f652f797-7ca0-4382-befb-2ab8be914ff0',
  stock_name: 'Transcat, Inc.',
  shareholders: [
    {userId: '55ce26c4-915c-4a99-afe9-544e57227fcd',number_of_shares: 155},
    {userId: 'b9245e24-0ac7-49fc-a487-af4b7142a7e4',number_of_shares: 307},
    {userId: 'ed0ec3bf-3ec4-4025-8b26-ebd17487cb22',number_of_shares: 44},
    {userId: '56b285ff-ff97-417b-a9c7-d423b13c25a6',number_of_shares: 396},
    {userId: 'bf8b066a-3f06-4987-9e61-0388f6374a4d',number_of_shares: 335},
    {userId: '9369a0eb-9d4c-434a-901b-b29a92da91ed',number_of_shares: 399},
    {userId: '74fd73cb-1ca9-443d-9c8a-b263fe4e0ce3',number_of_shares: 139}

] }

await getStockById(-1); \\ Throws Error
await getStockById(1001); \\ Throws Error
await getStockById();\\ Throws Error
await getStockById('7989fa5e-5617-43f7-a931-46036f9dbcff');\\ Throws stock not found Error


This file is where you will import your functions from the two other files and run test cases on your functions by calling them with various inputs. We will not use this file for grading and is only for your

testing purposes to make sure:

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testing purposes to make sure:

1. Your functions in your 2 files are exporting correctly.

2. They are returning the correct output based on the input supplied (throwing errors when you’re supposed to, returning the right results etc..).

Note: You will need an async function in your app.js file that awaits the calls to your function like the example below. You put all of your function calls within main each in its own try/catch block. and then you just call main() .

const people = require("./people");
async function main(){
        const peopledata = await people.getPeople();
        console.log (peopledata);


        console.log (e);


//call main
  • lab3-ffbak3.zip