CS5200 – Introduction To Relational Databases MongoDB Assignment Solved

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Consider the class diagram below. This assignment will map the following classes to an equivalent Mongo database:  Student Answer Question MultipleChoice TrueFalse Question QuizWidget . Ignore all other classes. Feel free to add additional fields, but do not rename the existing variable names.



Create and connect to a MongoDB database

In file  /data/db.js use Mongoose.js to connect to a database called  white-board .

Implement Mongoose schemas

It is a good practice to implement Mongoose schemas in their own files allowing them to be reused by and defined in terms of other schemas. Create the following schemas in directory  /data/models/ based on the class diagram provided. Instead of letting MongoDB create the  _id unique identifiers for you, instead declare your own  _id attribute in your schemas as Number. This will allow using our own IDs which will simplify testing. Use equivalent JavaScript and Mongoose data types where appropriate. Feel free to make any changes/additions where necessary.


Class Mongoose schema file MongoDB collection
Student student.schema.server.js students
MultipleChoice multiple-choice.schema.server.js N/A
TrueFalse true-false.schema.server.js N/A

Implement inheritance schema

Implement base class  Question and derived classes  TrueFalse and  MultipleChoice as an inheritance relationship implemented using a denormalized strategy, i.e., use a single schema to represent all three classes in file  /data/models/question.schema.server.js . Use a discrimination field called  questionType with required enumerated values ‘ MULTIPLE_CHOICE ’ and ‘ TRUE_FALSE ’ to distinguish between the question types. Instead of the schema for the Question class having the fields of  MultipleChoice and  TrueFalse classes, model these as embedded schemas accessible through schema properties  multipleChoice and trueFalse . Store question instances in a collection called questions. Note the schema is declaring an  _id attribute to allow providing our own ID for testing. Feel free to use/modify/ignore the example below as an implementation of the schema.


const  mongoose  = require( ‘mongoose’ )

const  TrueFalseSchema  = require( ‘./true­false.schema.server.js’ )

const  MultipleChoiceSchema  = require( ‘./multiple­choice.schema.server.js’ ) modules. exports  =  mongoose . Schema ({

_id : Number,

question : String,

points : Number,

questionType : String,

multipleChoice :  MultipleChoiceSchema ,

trueFalse :  TrueFalseSchema

}, { collection ‘questions’ })

Implement one to many relationship

In schema file  /data/models/quiz-widget.schema.server.js , implement the one to many relationship between  QuizWidget and  Question classes. Use an array of  ObjectIds to hold the IDs of the questions that make up the widget. Feel free to use/modify/ignore the example below as an implementation of the schema.


const  mongoose  = require( ‘mongoose’ )

const  questionSchema  = require( ‘./question.schema.server’ ) const  questionWidgetSchema  =  mongoose . Schema ({

questions : [{

type :  mongoose . Schema . Types . ObjectId ,

ref ‘QuestionModel’


}, { collection ‘question­widgets’ })

Implement many to many

Implement class  Answer as a many to many association between classes  Student and  Question in Mongoose schema file  /data/models/answer.schema.server.js . Feel free to use/modify/ignore the example below as an implementation of the schema.


const  mongoose  = require( ‘mongoose’ ) const  student  = require( ‘./student.schema.server’ ) const  question  = require( ‘./question.schema.server’ ) const  answer  =  mongoose . Schema ({

_id : Number,

trueFalseAnswer : Boolean,

multipleChoiceAnswer : Number,

student : { type :  mongoose . Schema . Types . ObjectId ref ‘StudentModel’ },

question : { type :  mongoose . Schema . Types . ObjectId ref ‘QuestionModel’ } }, { collection ‘answers’ })

Implement Mongoose data models

It is a good practice to implement Mongoose models for each collection in a separate file. This allow models to be used by and defined in terms of other models. In directory /data/models/  implement mongoose models for the following classes.


Class   File
Student   student.model.server.js
Answer   answer.model.server.js
Question   question.model.server.js
QuizWidget   quiz-widget.model.server.js


Feel free to use/modify/ignore the example below as an implementation of the student model.



/data/models/student . model.server.js
const  mongoose  = require( ‘mongoose’ )

const  studentSchema  = require( ‘./student.schema.server’ ) module. exports  =  mongoose . model (‘StudentModel’     ,  studentSchema )

Create DAOs for each of the data models

DAOs (Data Access Objects) encapsulate and modularize interaction with a database by providing a high level interface to the database. DAOs allow other parts of the application to interact with the database without bothering with the idiosyncrasies and minutiae of a particular database implementation or vendor.


In file called  /data/daos/university.dao.server.js , create a DAO that implements the following API. If you prefer, feel free to breakup the DAO into several DAO files. The DAOs must use the Mongoose models implemented earlier. Feel free to modify the signature of the methods if appropriate and create additional methods if needed, i.e., you might prefer to pass the IDs of existing documents instead of document instances. Implement the following API:


  1. truncateDatabase() – removes all the data from the database. Note that you might need to remove documents in a particular order
  2. populateDatabase() – populates the database with test data as described in a later section
  3. createStudent(student) – inserts a student document
  4. deleteStudent(id) – removes student whose ID is id
  5. createQuestion(question) – inserts a question document
  6. deleteQuestion(id) – removes question whose ID is id
  7. answerQuestion(studentId, questionId, answer) – inserts an answer by student student for question question
  8. deleteAnswer(id) – removes answer whose ID is id


Implement the following finder methods


  1. findAllStudents() – retrieves all students
  2. findStudentById(id) – retrieves a single student document whose ID is id
  3. findAllQuestions() – retrieves all questions
  4. findQuestionById(id) – retrieves a single question document whose ID is id
  5. findAllAnswers() – retrieves all the answers
  6. findAnswerById(id) – retrieves a single answer document whose ID is id
  7. findAnswersByStudent(studentId) – retrieves all the answers for a student whose ID is studentId
  8. findAnswersByQuestion(questionId) – retrieves all the answers for a question whose ID is questionId


Feel free to use/modify/ignore the example below as an implementation of the student related DAO functions


const  studentModel  = require( ‘../models/student.model.server’ )

createStudent  = student =>  studentModel . save (student)

findAllStudents  = () =>  studentModel . find ()

findStudentById  = studentId =>  studentModel . findById (studentId) updateStudent  = (studentId, student) =>  studentModel . update ({_id   : studentId}, { $set : student}) deleteStudent  = studentId =>  studentModel . remove ({_id           : studentId}) module. exports  = {

createStudent ,  findAllStudents ,  findStudentById ,  updateStudent ,  deleteStudent  }

Populate the database with test data

In DAO function populateDatabase()  , populate the database with the data described in the following sections

Create students

Use the DAO functions to create the following students. Use the IDs in the  _id column as the IDs for the documents inserted.


_id First Name Last Name Username Password Grad Year Scholarship
123 Alice Wonderland alice alice 2020 15000
234 Bob Hope bob bob 2021 12000

Create questions

Use the DAO functions to create the following questions. Use the IDs in the _id  column as the IDs for the documents inserted.


_id Question Points Type Is true Choices Correct
321 Is the following schema valid? 10 TRUE_FALSE false    
432 DAO stands for

Dynamic Access


10 TRUE_FALSE false    
543 What does JPA stand for? 10 MULTIPLE_CHOICE   “Java Persistence API,Java



Persistence API,JSON

Persistent Associations”

654 What does

ORM stand for?

10 MULTIPLE_CHOICE   “Object Relational

Model,Object Relative

Markup,Object Reflexive

Model,Object Relational



Create answers

Use the DAO functions to create the following questions. Use the IDs in the  _id column as the IDs for the documents inserted. Use the IDs for students and questions listed in the table below.


_id Student Question True false answer Multiple Choice Answer
123 Alice Is the following schema valid? true  
234 Alice DAO stands for Dynamic Access Object false  
345 Alice What does JPA stand for?   1
456 Alice What does ORM stand for?   2
567 Bob Is the following schema valid? false  
678 Bob DAO stands for Dynamic Access Object true  
789 Bob What does JPA stand for?   3
890 Bob What does ORM stand for?   4

Create a test suite

In a file called  /test.js , create tests that validate your DAO, schemas, and models. The test suite should use the DAO functions  truncateBatabase() and  populateDatabase() to initialize the database to an initial state. It then should implement and use the following functions to validate the database is in the valid state The test.js implement and invoke the following functions in the right order. Note that you might need to use promises to ensure the order of operation.


  1. truncateDatabase() – uses DAO’s truncateDatabase() function to remove all the data from the database
  2. populateDatabase() – uses DAO’s populateDatabase() function to populate the database with test data
  3. testStudentsInitialCount() – uses DAO to validate there are 2 students initially
  4. testQuestionsInitialCount() – uses DAO to validate there are 4 questions initially
  5. testAnswersInitialCount() – uses DAO to validate there are 8 answers initially
  6. testDeleteAnswer() – uses DAO to remove Bob’s answer for the multiple choice question “What does ORM stand for?” and validates the total number of questions is 7 and Bob’s total number of questions is 3
  7. testDeleteQuestion() – uses DAO to remove true false question “Is the following schema valid?” and validates the total number of questions is 3
  8. testDeleteStudent() – uses DAO to remove student Bob and validates the total number of students

is 1


  • Assignment-5-1-5tapag.zip