CS4097D Assignment 6 Solved

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1). Consider a scenario where a customer who owns a Credit Card (containing Indian currency only) purchases some products from three different shops A, B, and C. The shops A, B, and C accept only Rupees, Dollar and Pound currency, respectively. Suppose that the Bank is the only authority to manage and convert the currency. Create an interface with abstract functions convertRupees, convertDollars, and convertPounds in java. Create a Bank class which implements the interface and describes all the functions for converting the currency and returning the outstanding balance of the customer after decreasing the price of the purchased products.

Assume 1 dollar is equal to 70 rupees and 1 pound is equal to 100 rupees.

Note : If balance is less than the total purchase amount, then print “Insufficient balance”

Input Format :

First line specifies the total balance of the Credit Card in Rupees

Second line is given as a space separated list of prices of all different products.

  • Price of product from shop A which accepts Rupee currency.
  • Price of product from shop B which accepts Dollar currency.
  • Price of product from shop C which accepts Pound currency.

Output Format :

One line indicating the outstanding balance of the Credit Card after purchase(in Rupees)

Sample Input :


800 50 40

Sample Output :


2). Consider the following scenario: Flipkart wants to integrate HDFC and ICICI banks into their shopping cart so that their customers can initiate payment through HDFC or ICICI bank. Since Flipkart does not possess its own bank, Flipkart needs to implement the required functions from these banks to perform customers’ transactions. Create two interfaces (HDFC and ICICI) with a transaction function in java. Create a class Flipkart that implements both the interfaces and override their function in order to perform the transactions and reflect the total amount added to Flipkart’s account and the remaining balance in the customer’s account.

Input Format :

First line specifies the number of transactions, n.

Each of the n lines that follow is space separated list of the following transaction details:

  • Name of the bank
  • Customer Bank account balance
  • Product price


Output Format :

Two space separated list:

  • Total amount of Flipkart account (initial balance is 0)
  • Remaining balance of customer’s account

Sample Input :

HDFC 3000 400 ICICI 5000 300 HDFC 10000 4000

Sample Output : 400 2600 700 4700 4700 6000

3). Create an interface `ShapeArea’ with an abstract method area() that takes a single argument. Create two different classes Circle and Square which implement the ShapeArea interface and compute the area of the respective shape. (Assume pi=3.14)

Input format:

2 lines of input:

  • Name of the shape
  • A value representing the radius/length of the corresponding shape.

Output format:

  • Area of the shape

Sample Inputl: Circle


Sample Outputl: 314

Sample Input2: Square


Sample Output2: 900

4). Write a Java program to implement voting in SAC elections and display the results with the
support of interfaces. Create a class ElectionPost, which has attributes nameOfthePost (String),
listOfCandidates (ArrayList of String) and votesEntered (ArrayList of String). There is a display


method in the class which displays the name of the post and the election candidate’s name (in Ascending order of their name). There is an interface SortVotes which has two methods ascendDisplay and descendDisplay which should be implemented in the class to display the details by sorting the candidates according to their count of votes in ascending order and descending order respectively.

Hint: For sorting the options, you can make use of the sort method in java.util package, Collections.sort() with suitable arguments.

Input Format:

  • Line 1: Enter the name of the post
  • Line 2: Number of candidates, n
  • Next n lines, enter the name of each candidate
  • Next line: Total number of votes, m
  • Next m lines, enter the name of the candidate who received the vote

Output Format:

The output displays the following details:

  • Name of the post and the list of candidates in separate lines
  • Name and total number of votes received by each candidate in ascending order of number of votes
  • Name and total number of votes received by each candidate in descending order of number of votes

Sample Input:

General Secretary 3











Sample Output:



MANU J – 2



MANU J – 2

5). Create a class Student with attributes name, rollno, and address in java. Create an interface OrderStudents with two methods named OrderByRollno and OrderByName. Implement these methods in the class Student to display the student details by sorting the students according to the ascending order of their roll numbers and names, respectively. For sorting you can use the sort method in java.util package.

Input Format :

First line specified ‘n’ number of students.

Next n line is given as a space separated list of students details:

  • Name of student
  • Roll No of student
  • Address of student

Output Format :

Sorted list of students based on roll no.

Sorted list of students based on student name.

Sample Input :

111 Babita Hyderabad 131 Ajay Banglore

121 Ritika Jaipur

Sample Output :

//Sorted by Rollno 111 Babita Hyderabad 121 Ritika Jaipur

131 Ajay Banglore

//Sorted by Name 131 Ajay Banglore 111 Babita Hyderabad


121 Ritika Jaipur

6). There is a class Book, which has the attributes bookiD, title and author. There are two categories of books, TextBooks and ReferenceBooks. The text books can be borrowed by a user while the reference books cannot be. There is an extra attribute status (default value is Available) and borrowedUser in the class TextBooks. There is an interface Borrowable which has methods checkln and checkOut. The class Book implements the Borrowable interface (Think and decide whether class Book is an abstract class or not).

The functionality of the checkln and checkOut methods in TextBooks class is as follows: checkln : should set status attribute as Borrowed and should set the value of borrowedUser. checkOut : should set status attribute as Available

The functionality of the checkln and checkOut methods in ReferenceBooks class is as follows: checkln : display “Invalid”

checkOut : display “Cannot be borrowed”

Sample Input and Output:

  1. Add Reference Book
  2. Add Text Book
  3. Check-Out
  4. Check-In
  5. List Books
  6. Exit

Enter your choice: 1

Enter ID, Title and Author (Line by line)


Data Structures and Algorithms


Enter your choice: 2

Enter ID, Title and Author (Line by line)


Programming Ruby


Enter your choice: 5

ReferenceBook: 101: Data Structures and Algorithms: Cormen TextBook: 102: Programming Ruby: Thomas: Available

Enter your choice: 3 Enter Book ID: 101 Cannot be borrowed


Enter your choice: 3 Enter Book ID: 102 Enter Username: Ram

Enter your choice: 5

ReferenceBook: 101: Data Structures and Algorithms: Cormen TextBook: 102: Programming Ruby: Thomas: Borrowed by Ram

Enter your choice: 4 Enter Book ID: 102

Enter your choice: 5

ReferenceBook: 101: Data Structures and Algorithms: Cormen TextBook: 102: Programming Ruby: Thomas: Available

Enter your choice: 6

7). Assume that Ram is the owner of a Factory who owns so many cars and trucks. He needs to keep track of his vehicles based on the total tax that should be paid every month. For this purpose, implement a management system with the help of 00P. In the design of the management system, it is decided that there should be a class Vehicle that stores the modelNumber, rateBought, fuelType (possible values are “petrol” and “diesel”) and numberOfWheels. Create the derived classes, Car that has one more attribute numberOfPassengers and Truck that has the extra attribute loadLimit. For Car, the numberOfWheels is 4 and for Truck numberOfWheels is 6 by default. There should be one interface TaxCalculatable, which has a method calculateTax. Vehicle class should implement this interface, and the tax calculations should be as follows.

For Car with fuelType petrol , total tax amount is (rateBought*0.1 * numberOfPassengers)*0.5 For Car with fuelType diesel, total tax amount is (rateBought*0.1 * numberOfPassengers)*0.4 For Truck with fuelType petrol , total tax amount is (rateBought*0.1 * loadLimit*0.002)*0.5 For Truck with fuelType diesel, total tax amount is (rateBought*0.1 * loadLimit*0.002)*0.4

Write a Java program to create a vehicle management system where a list of vehicles of these two derived classes should be stored and displayed. While displaying the information about the stored vehicles, display vehicles in the decreasing order of total tax.

Sample input and output:

  1. Add Vehicle
  2. Display Vehicles
  3. Exit


Enter your choice:1 a.Car


Enter your choice:a ModelNumberMaruti800 Rate:200000

FuelType(petrol/diesel):petrol Passengers:4

  1. Add Vehicle
  2. Display Vehicles
  3. Exit

Enter your choice:1 a.Car


Enter your choice:b ModelNumber:A100 Rate:2500000 FuelType(petrol/diesel):petrol Loadlimit:400

  1. Add Vehicle
  2. Display Vehicles
  3. Exit

Enter your choice:2

A100 petrol 100000 Maruti800 petrol 40000

  1. Add Vehicle
  2. Display Vehicles
  3. Exit

Enter your choice:3

  • ASS-6-2e3u35.zip